Amidst Freddy's crazy and weird laughter, a dozen Freddy surrounded Lin Yuanfei in the center.

Every monster was an ugly, badly burned body, every Freddy was wearing that dirty red and green striped sweater, and every Freddy held up their sharp right claws, blocking them from all sides. All of Lin Yuanfei's escape routes were blocked.

"You run! You jump! You keep jumping!"

"Samurai! Keep on jumping! Show Uncle Freddy how high you can jump! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!"

The crazy and strange laughter of more than a dozen Freddys rang in Lin Yuanfei's ears like noise pollution.

It was also like a dozen members of the chorus shouting the devil's movement in unison beside him. Lin Yuanfei could hear the veins on his forehead twitching violently and his eyes congested.


He looked fiercely at the group of evil spirits in front of him, and roared angrily, "How dare you kill Yuki! How dare you kill Yuki!"

As soon as he recalled Yuki's bloody death, the unspeakable pain was about to tear his consciousness.

He gritted his teeth tightly, and frantically clenched the knife in his hand, roaring furiously like a vicious dog about to go mad.

"I'm at odds with you!"

However, before his angry hatred counterattacked, the monsters on the altar let out ear-piercing sneers.

"Yuki? That little girl who is about to die and has her legs broken by me, but still struggles and crawls to open the door for you?"

"To be honest, I asked her to let you out on purpose!"

"I just want you to see with your own eyes how these people you valued die in front of you one by one, but you are powerless. I just want you to know that you are too weak to be vulnerable in front of Uncle Freddy. !"

More than a dozen Freddys laughed wildly and mockingly at the same time, all pointing their sharp claws at the girl trapped on the stake behind Lin Yuanfei.

"Now, behind you is your last friend, the last girl you value, and I will cut her into pieces in front of you! Cut off all the flesh on her body! Let her be pregnant The resentment and pain towards you wailed and died! And there is nothing you can do! You can only watch this happen, powerless! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!"

Amidst Freddy's wild laughter, Lin Yuanfei's body stopped Yan Ye, protecting the weak girl behind him.

He glanced viciously at the grinning ghosts around him, holding a wooden knife in his left hand and a long knife in his right hand, staring at the movements of these monsters.

There was an angry low growl in his mouth.

"Want to hurt her? Unless you step over my dead body!"

"Freddie! I want you to regret being born in this world!"

Lin Yuanfei roared angrily, the light of the knife in his hand flickered, and the three Freddys who were trying to sneak over were sent flying by him.

Amidst the shrill screams, the three Freddys all screamed and fell into the magma pool under the altar, disappearing among the monsters bathing in magma.

But the rest of the Freddys were unmoved.

They could even continue to mock Lin Yuanfei indifferently.

"Very powerful, little samurai! Your sword skills are really powerful! Even though it's a fake...hahahaha...with such a [fake], do you think you can beat Uncle Freddy?"

Amidst Freddy's wild laughter, more than a dozen Freddys laughed at Lin Yuanfei at the same time.

At that moment, more than a dozen sharp and terrifying claws grabbed Lin Yuanfei.

His field of vision was almost completely filled by this group of ugly and disgusting monsters.

Without hesitation, he slashed out with the fastest, most hateful and fiercest knife.

The icy light of the knife bloomed in the blood-red world, splitting away all the claws that caught it in an instant.

Amidst the blood splattered, more than a dozen Freddys screamed pitifully, and more than a dozen right hands flew into the sky at the same time.

The Freddys who lost their right hands screamed and roared angrily.

"I'm angry! Samurai! I'm angry!"

Amidst the angry roars of the Freddys, Lin Yuanfei waved the long knife in his hand coldly, and made another sword move that he had never seen before.

Flying sword flow!Earth dragon flash!

In an instant, the long knife pierced the ground, setting off huge dust and air waves.

The majestic air waves and sand that rose like an earth dragon spread in all directions, and all the rushing Freddy screamed and were knocked out, and fell heavily into the magma below the altar.

...only one didn't.

On the altar with many dark red blood stains left, there was only the last Freddy standing there.

It was the only Freddy who didn't charge, and the only Freddy who didn't get hurt.

It stood there, watching helplessly as its "companions" screamed and were sent flying by Lin Yuanfei, the corners of its mouth curled up in a mocking arc.

"Very powerful, little samurai, very powerful!"

Freddy smiled strangely in a low voice, "You actually hacked Uncle Freddy's clone to death, that's amazing! It's a pity that the [fake product] is always a fake product, you still have amnesia, and your sword skills are even more fake Yes, these sword skills are nothing more than ridiculous [fakes] created by your vain fantasy, they are not the real Flying Sword Skills at all! If it was you before, there might still be some hope, but now you are in Freddy From Uncle's point of view, he's just a weak and struggling wretch! Hahahahaha! You can't hurt Uncle Freddy at all!"

Freddy grinned cruelly, and rushed up like crazy, without making any defenses.

The stench came over his face, and the creepy pressure made Lin Yuanfei subconsciously take a step back, his eyes were cold, and he clenched his long knife tightly.

Chop out!

Flying sword flow!Sky Dragon Flash!

The illusory martial arts seen in the animation are perfectly reproduced in his hands, and the profound meaning of Feitian Yujian style shines in the bloody world.

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