What appeared in front of Lin Yuanfei and the others was a shrunken version of Freddy!

The wooden knife lost its sharpness again?What's the mess?

Lin Yuanfei held the wooden knife and looked shocked, "What's the situation? Why can't the wooden knife kill it?"

Just shrunk it down?What is this unfolding?

Yuno on the side said, "Didn't you say that you have to smear blood on the wooden knife to kill the wraith? Your wooden knife is not even blood-smeared, so it probably won't be able to kill the wraith."

Lin Yuanfei frowned, "No! Not only is it not sharp, even if it is not sharp, but what is the operation to shrink this guy? When did this wooden knife have this function?"

As he said that, under the horrified and angry gaze of the miniature version of Freddy, Lin Yuanfei fiercely slashed down with a wooden knife.

This time it landed directly on Freddy's shoulder.

Freddy snorted and took a step back, clutching his shoulders.

"Little samurai! That's too much!" Freddy yelled, "It's too much for you to play with your prey like this!"

Lin Yuanfei looked indifferent - do you have the guts to say such a thing?You talkative talker with a penchant for playing with your prey.

However, this knife did not shrink Freddy. After the wooden knife hit Freddy, he was still one meter tall, and even Freddy's reaction was not as painful as the first knife.

At least the guy screamed at the first slash, but he didn't this time.

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while—could it be said that he had to hit the head to be effective?

Without saying a word, Lin Yuanfei raised the wooden knife and slashed out again.

It hit Freddy directly on the head.

This time, the miniature version of Freddy dodged and screamed like a child.

"No! Help! The adults are bullying the children! Uncle police, come and help!"

This guy yelled while hiding, and laughed at Lin Yuanfei, clearly playing with Lin Yuanfei.

However, all its exits were blocked, the three girls Gui Yanye, Yuki, and Yuno all stood outside with weapons and surrounded it, only Lin Yuanfei hacked it inside the circle.

——At first glance, it really looks like an adult bullying a child.

After all, the current Freddy is only one meter tall.

It's just that no matter how flexible its movements were, when it couldn't run out, it was kicked back into the corner by Lin Yuanfei after a few times of hiding, and then fell down with a wooden knife.

"Uh ah ah!"

Amidst Freddy's screams, the moment the wooden knife hit its head, the guy's body shrank again.

It seems that it really needs to be hit on the head to have an effect...

Without hesitation, the wooden knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand fell down one after another.

In the corner, Freddy's screams sounded.

"Stop! Little samurai stop it!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm dying! I'm dying! You fucking stop!"

Freddy's screams lasted for a while, and when Lin Yuanfei retreated with the wooden knife, only a finger-sized miniature Freddy appeared in front of everyone.

This finger-sized guy lay dying on the ground, about the size of a cockroach, obviously he couldn't be clearly cut by Lin Yuanfei's series of combos, and was humming weakly.

"Damn it, F... Uncle Freddy... will have revenge..."

Lin Yuanfei immediately stepped on it, and then retreated amidst Freddy's screams.

A smile.

"Hey... I seem to have stepped on you accidentally... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, who called you so small hahahahaha..."

Hearing this, Freddy, who was struggling weakly on the floor, almost vomited blood.

Chapter 127 Galo's Vacuum Cup

In the basement, Lin Yuanfei and the others surrounded Freddy in a corner.

At this time, Freddy was slashed one after another by Lin Yuanfei's violent combo, and now he is half dead and on the verge of death.

Even the body has become the size of a finger, even the figure is bigger than it.

The four of them squatted beside this miniature version of Freddy and discussed.

"How to deal with this guy? Did he just kill him?" This was Gui Yanye's opinion.

"It's not safe to kill, just burn it to ashes with fire, pour some holy water, and then seal the residue with a cross. Anyway, this guy is so small, there won't be much left after burning." This is my wife Yuno's opinion.

After Yuno finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei moved away from her subconsciously.

This woman is so vicious...

This tm is a trick!Didn't you see Freddy tremble for a moment?

Even the King of Ghosts on Elm Street trembled at the poisonous plot, my wife Yuno is really cruel and merciless!

Yuki curiously poked Freddy on the ground with a wooden stick, just like a child poking a bug that was about to die, with a curious expression on his face.

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