As soon as this sentence was finished, the hostage mayor in Lin Yuanfei's hand immediately shouted.

"Don't worry about me! Shoot quickly! As long as I can catch this guy and make my dear happy, I will be satisfied! Despite the serious injury, I will help my dear to fulfill her wish today!"

The loud shout of righteous words is quite similar to the one who "fired at me" back then... Bah!Comparing this kind of guy with a martyr is an insult to other martyrs.


Lin Yuanfei looked at the psycho in his hand, and the six police officers in front of him, very indifferent.

This kind of guy really shouldn't have any sympathy for them.

Being charmed by Fu Jiangyi is all like crazy.

Lin Yuanfei had a headache, because the six police officers on the opposite side looked like they were really about to shoot, regardless of the hostages in his hands.

Mom!This is your mayor, you bastards!Did he really care about everything for Fu Jiang?

Lin Yuanfei quickly hid behind Nobunaga Shimada and shouted.

"You are crazy!"

The sound fell, and there was a crackling gunshot.

Then, in the hall, there was a dead silence...

Author's message:

ps: I think my life is really ups and downs... The stupid cat at home has not been cured, and the (future) mother-in-law who has always opposed me came to chop me with a [-]-meter knife...cough cough...just kidding , but today I have to go to a Hongmen banquet, and there is only three more.

I hope I can come back and update you all (indifferent)

Chapter 134 This Is My Mom

The crackling gunshots lasted for several seconds before the six policemen lowered their guns slightly.

The originally quiet and peaceful hall instantly became filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Lin Yuanfei hid behind Shimada Nobunaga, tightening his body tightly so as not to be exposed, so as not to be hit by stray bullets.

It's a pity that Shimada Nobunaga, who is only 1 meters tall, can't cover him at all.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't hide it.

Because the guns fired by the group of policemen only fired one round, and each person only fired one or two shots, which was harmless at all.

The most important thing is that this group of policemen is clearly a group of human body drawing masters. They didn't hit the target with a single shot, but the bottles and cans in the house were blown up several times.

Hayashihara shrank behind Shimada Nobunaga, shouting with a headache.

"Crazy crazy! You are all crazy!"

However, the group of policemen all pointed their guns at Lin Yuanfei and shouted, "Hurry up and arrest him! You have no chance of winning!"

Fu Jiang also added fuel to the fire with a smile, "That's right, Mr. Lin Yuan, the hostages in your hands are not effective at all. In fact, if you caught me just now and used me as a hostage, then the result may be different~ ~"

As he said that, Fu Jiang deliberately took a few steps forward, clearly trying to seduce Lin Yuanfei to catch her.

However, regarding Fu Jiang's seductive words, Lin Yuanfei sneered coldly—this Bichi wanted to lure him out.

But no matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than a bullet. Lin Yuanfei believes that once he rushes out, this bitch will really let someone beat him to death without hesitation... Anyway, as long as he can get him, it will be fine.

Do you want Fu Jiang to understand what caring and consideration are?nonexistent!

Lin Yuan huddled behind Shimada Nobunaga, and said, "Forgive others and forgive others, Fu Jiang, don't go too far! Be careful, I'm going crazy, all of you are going to die!"

Fu Jiang responded with a smile, "Then my dear, come and try it~~~ If I can die in your hands, my dear, I will die without regret."

However, Lin Yuanfei knew that Bichi was relying on his own immortality to make waves...a headache.

The situation seems to be at an impasse now.

The two sides confronted each other, and Lin Yuanfei held Shimada Nobunaga back slowly.

The group of policemen slowly approached with serious faces and guns.

Obviously, the hostages in Lin Yuanfei's hands are almost useless!

Even this guy named Nobunaga Shimada keeps yelling "Shoot me!"

Gan!Are you tm qualified to say this sentence?Please take a pee and take a picture of yourself!You imperialist psychopath.

In the living room, the situation reached a stalemate.

The two sides looked at each other, Lin Yuanfei's forehead began to sweat, and he became a little nervous.

And at this moment of tension...


An earth-shattering fart sound came from Lin Yuanfei's waist, and the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became weird.

Several policemen looked astonished, and even Fu Jiang's smile was a little awkward and stiff.

Lin Yuanfei had black lines on his face...

"Pfft~~puff puff puff~~~~"

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