Chapter 152 Finally Entered the Hospital

The warm sunshine fell on the streets and alleys of Raccoon City.

The moment Lin Yuanfei pushed away from the haunted house of Jiaye's family, a girl's screams sounded outside the courtyard.

"Lin Yuan-jun!"

The moment Lin Yuanfei's miserable appearance covered in blood appeared in the sunlight, Yuki, who had been waiting outside the courtyard, screamed in panic and rushed in.

He completely forgot how dangerous the haunted house in front of him was.

Yuno beside her just subconsciously stunned, and lost the best chance to stop her sister.

Seeing her sister rushing into the courtyard, Yuno's outstretched hand missed.

And the terrified Yuki had already arrived in front of Lin Yuanfei like an anxious little rabbit.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei's miserable appearance covered in blood, the girl was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"Lin Yuan-jun...Lin Yuan-jun..."

Yuki subconsciously wanted to reach out to help Lin Yuanfei get things, but seeing Lin Yuanfei's twisted right arm, wounds all over his body, and dripping blood, she was at a loss what to do.

I don't know where to touch, I don't know what to do so as not to touch the wound of the man in front of me.

After all, no matter how you look at Lin Yuanfei at this time, he looks like he is dying, with bruises all over his body.

The continuous high-intensity battles and the forceful use of the nine-headed dragon flash directly overloaded Lin Yuanfei's body.

The wounds were all broken open, his physical strength was exhausted, and he lost too much blood. At this time, Lin Yuanfei's body was crumbling, his face was pale, and he looked unlucky that he was dying soon.

He looked at Yuki who was about to cry in anxiety, smiled weakly, and said slowly, "Don't worry, Yuki, I'm fine..."

Coughing dryly in pain, Lin Yuanfei coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

He handed the two knives in his hand to Yuki, and said, "Help me hold this thing, now I only have one hand, it's not convenient."

After speaking, Lin Yuanfei looked behind Yuki.

Yuno, who came in with his sister, was looking him up and down, looking for something.

Lin Yuanfei knew the question she wanted to ask and grinned.

"It's okay, I've already taken care of Kayako. You don't have to worry about being killed by this grieving woman and ghost, and Yuki is safe."

Hearing these words, Yuno remained indifferent.

She just looked Lin Yuanfei up and down, and said, "You still haven't died after suffering such a serious injury...You guy, you are really tenacious. Are you the reincarnation of a cockroach?"

Lin Yuanfei gave a dry cough, and coughed up several mouthfuls of bloody phlegm.

Facing Yuno's sarcasm, he shrugged his shoulders, "If you are in the mood to complain about me, you might as well call an ambulance to take me to the hospital. I am physically exhausted, and now I am a little dizzy, and the blood loss seems to be a bit heavy. I should go to the hospital Healed."

Yuki quickly took out his cell phone to make a call.

Yuno looked at the haunted house in front of him, and asked, "Is there anything else I need to finish? You are so miserable, you walk shakyly, it shouldn't be possible to get everything done, right?"

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei gave a low laugh and said, "The corpse in the corner of the attic, please burn it... Remember, don't let others find it."

Yuno glanced at him, "I hope you stay away from my sister when you go to the hospital for treatment!"

After finishing speaking, Yuno walked into the haunted house with a gloomy face.

As for what Lin Yuanfei encountered in the haunted house, how to deal with the evil spirits, and why it became like this, it seemed that she had no interest at all.

At this time, Yuji was in a state of confusion, completely frightened by Lin Yuanfei's death from serious injuries and looking like he was about to die, and he was in no mood to care about these things.

With Yuki's support, Lin Yuanfei walked out of the street and got into the ambulance that came.

The moment they saw Lin Yuanfei, the doctors and nurses were all startled.

Especially Lin Yuanfei's distorted arm and the pale bone that pierced out from under the flesh and blood looked horrible and heavy. Even the nurses who had witnessed all kinds of horrific situations all year round felt their scalps tingling.

Of course, the most scalp-numbing thing is that this guy who is covered in injuries and looks like he is about to die, who has suffered such a serious injury, doesn't matter lying down, groaning and screaming, but even sits in the ambulance with a big horse. He laughed loudly in the car, and made friends with the little nurses and doctors around him.

Looks like it doesn't hurt at all...

These doctors and nurses are well-informed, and they have seen a lot of so-called tough guys, but they have never seen anyone who suffered such a serious injury from Lin Yuanfei, and can still joke with friends around him nonchalantly, not at all. Worried about my own life.

In this way, the ambulance quickly entered the municipal hospital.

Then there was a flurry of hospitalization procedures and treatment.

However, most of these things were handled by Yu Ji. The only thing Lin Yuanfei had to do was to lie obediently on the operating table and let the doctors and nurses help him with wounds, bone correction, and blood transfusions.

Because Lin Yuanfei had too many injuries, although most of them were not particularly serious injuries, it still took a long time to treat him.

When Lin Yuanfei was pushed out of the emergency room, except his head was not covered with bandages, almost most of his body was covered with bandages, he looked like a mummy.

At this time, in the sky outside, the setting sun was about to set.

Lin Yuanfei was lying in the most advanced single ward of the hospital, sighing that it is evil to have money and power, and then hung up the call to Nobunaga Shimada.

What?You say extortion is illegal?

No, no, no, Lin Yuanfei didn't call it extortion, it called using his contacts skillfully.

Anyway, that Shimada's family has a big business, such a big manor, I don't know how much people's fat and people's cream have been searched, and he was seriously injured by killing demons and demons, so it's not too much to ask him to pay for medical treatment?

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