The moment Lin Yuanfei heard these words, his eyes froze.

"You know?" Lin Yuanfei subconsciously clenched the knife at his waist, with a gloomy expression, "Who told you?"

Saeko Busujima looked at him, still smiling, as if she didn't see the dangerous reaction of Lin Yuanfei holding the knife at all.

She chuckled lightly and shook her head, "No one told me... But Mr. Lin Yuan, your reaction is really strange. The successor of the majestic Flying Swordsman is not a shady business. Why did you react, Mr. Lin Yuan?" So aggressive?"

Looking at Lin Yuanfei's left hand holding the knife, Saeko Busujima licked her lips hungrily, "...or is it that Mr. Lin Yuan wants to use others to test the knife and kill people to silence him?"

In the salty sea breeze, Saeko Busujima slowly raised the wooden knife she carried with her, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Heir of Feitian Yujian School, do you want to kill tonight?"

Seeing her like this, Lin Yuanfei subconsciously took a step back, frowning tightly.

not right...

This is absolutely not right...

This Busujima Saeko was very different from the Busujima Saeko he knew.

Although Saeko Busujima in the original anime has a strong tendency to violence, she has been working hard to suppress this nature, and she is very gentle with people and things. Yamato Nadeko type.

However, the hungry and excited purple-haired lady in front of her...

Has anyone helped her undo the shackles that suppress her nature?This purple-haired royal sister has completely perverted?

Lin Yuanfei's eyes were a little cold.

Chapter 163 Saeko-senpai is Wet

The salty sea breeze blew Lin Yuanfei's clothes.

The gloomy light made him seem to be one with the darkness.

The bustling sounds from the market behind him seemed as far away as in another world.

On this desolate sea embankment, the two people facing each other seem to be forgotten by the whole world.

It's like... a life-and-death lore that is about to unfold.

Lin Yuanfei frowned tightly.

In Saeko Busujima's hand, there was a white oak wooden knife.

It was made by the Bujima family. Saeko Busushima carries it every day. It is extremely tough, and its lethality against zombies is no less than that of ordinary blades.

After all, not everyone in this world can get a knife certificate like the original owner of the body...

That's right, the main reason why Lin Yuanfei was able to walk around the streets with a real knife is that he has a knife certificate issued by the Japanese government.

Although it was done by the original owner of the body, he can continue to use it now that he has traveled over.

Saeko Busujima doesn't look as ostentatious as him, only carrying a wooden knife.

But at this moment, when Saeko Busujima raised the wooden knife, Lin Yuanfei still felt his scalp tingling.

After all, this wooden knife hacked to death countless zombies in the original anime. Although zombies are irrational, they are still human bodies.

Zombies couldn't bear the power of this wooden knife, and if he was hit by this wooden knife a few times, he would probably be cold too.

He subconsciously clenched the real knife in his hand, his eyes were a little cold.

"Sister Busujima, you have misunderstood, I have no intention of killing you."

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath and said, "So...can you please calm down? You seem to be a little...excited now."

Lin Yuanfei's evaluation was actually very merciful.

At this time, Saeko Busujima couldn't be said to be excited anymore, she almost seemed to be excited to the point of orgasm.

Her eyes were fixed on the knife in Lin Yuanfei's hand, and her breathing was a little short.

"Is this the famous sword in the legend... Kikyo Immortal Dongyue? Hayashi Yuan-kun... No, Mr. Bigu Qingjuro, can I have a taste of your swordsmanship?"

Saeko Busujima whispered excitedly, her agitated figure looked like a person who had been given a large dose of aphrodisiac, tied to a chair and played with a vibrator for a whole day but could not get an orgasm , Like a sow who is desperate for Ou Jinjin now.

Those eyes were so hungry that Lin Yuanfei, who had stared directly at the ghost king on Elm Street, knocked back the curse Kayako, kidnapped the mayor of the raccoon, and detained the monster Fu Jiang, couldn't help but take a step back, for fear that the other party would directly attack him. He jumped over and swallowed himself.

Mom!This Busujima Saeko, there is something wrong with the cliff!

This world doesn't know who enlightened her and let her release her nature. How could her personality be distorted like this?

Isn't he the descendant of the Feitian Yujian style?Why do you look like you are about to orgasm when you hear this name?

Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, "Calm down...Senior Poison Island, please calm down a little bit? Although I am indeed the heir of Fei Tian Yujian, but now I have..."


However, Lin Yuanfei couldn't say the last half of the words.

Just hearing Lin Yuanfei admit his identity, Saeko Busujima couldn't restrain her moans of excitement.


The excited moans sounded like an orgasm, and instantly rendered the atmosphere of the life-and-death confrontation into an ambiguous and erotic scene.

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