Chapter 172

Lin Yuanfei's evaluation of Miyamoto Rei can be described as mercilessly bad.

Saeko Busujima couldn't help but frowned, "Hayashi Yuan-kun, it seems a bit... impolite to judge a junior like this?"

Lin Yuanfei looked at her and shrugged.

Instead, Freddy in the thermos chuckled.

"If it wasn't for the crime of murder, I suspect that this guy would have drawn his knife and killed Miyamoto Rei... Hehehe... Do you know why this guy lives in a dangerous place like Elm Street where there have been many murders?"

Saeko Busushima was slightly taken aback, as if she understood something.

And Freddy didn't mean to play charades, he laughed like showing off his spoils.

"Of course it was recommended by that school girl named Rei Miyamoto! Hahahaha... that little girl Rei Miyamoto is really a hero among bitches and a star among whores."

"At the beginning, I just locked her in a dream and tortured her for three days. She said everything and was willing to do anything. Whoever she tricked me into killing her would come here, and she could do whatever she wanted. Even better than a domesticated bitch!"

"Even her childhood sweetheart, the little boy who has always liked her, and her boyfriend at the time, she tricked me to kill me! Hahahaha... Especially her little boyfriend, it's really interesting .”

"At that time, I exposed Rei Miyamoto's true face in front of him. That little guy actually helped his girlfriend escape without complaint. Smile, saying that Li's safety is the best, a face with no regrets... Hahahaha... I really laughed to death."

"Such an interesting little boy is becoming less and less common these days, hahahahaha..."

Freddy laughed wildly, as if he was showing off some great spoils, extremely excited and happy.

However, Saeko Busujima's expression turned cold.

She stared at the thermos cup in Lin Yuanfei's hand, the wooden knife in her hand was clenched and then loosened, loosened and clenched again...

Lin Yuanfei gave a dry cough, and quickly stuffed the thermos bottle back into his backpack, fearing that Saeko Busujima couldn't help but explode the thermos bottle.

Although Freddy's grandson was indeed very cheap, Lin Yuanfei wanted to kill him after hearing what he just said.

But now is not the time to be impulsive, Freddy is still useful.

Lin Yuanfei quickly changed the subject.

"Speaking of Foge, since we have reached a settlement and become friendly forces, then tell me what's going on with this small island. Why did everyone in this market run away?"

"Even if you want to avoid the typhoon, there's no need to open all the doors of the shops, right? Isn't it good to close the doors and lock the doors and windows before going to the shelter? What are these guys doing?"

Freddy's explanation for this is simple.

"You say they are cultists, so why use the thinking of normal people to speculate on what they are doing?"

"Anyway, Uncle Freddy can tell you responsibly that there is no strange smell in this small market, and everything looks normal."

"As for why the islanders ran away without closing the gate, and where those guys went, you ask me how do I know? I'm not a cult member on this island, how do I know what their rules are?"

What Freddy said made Lin Yuanfei slightly seems to be the reason!

And at this time, Saeko Busujima finally spoke.

"It should be right. There are indeed cultists on this least the pool of blood in front of us is proof."

Saeko Busujima stared at the pool of blood that was about to solidify and the severed finger, and said, "The group of cultists who have been running around to commit crimes recently has a characteristic of committing crimes. Every time they commit crimes, they will cut off the victim's right index finger, Put it at the scene of the crime and let Cai kidnap the victim."

"When I saw this pool of blood, I knew that there should be a group of cultists who kidnapped girls everywhere on this island, but I didn't expect the situation to be so serious, and this was their base."

Saeko Busujima looked at Lin Yuanfei, and said very seriously, "We should be more careful in the future, if all the tourists are evacuated now, then there may be only two tourists left in the entire Torami Island."

"If the islanders are all heretics, when they meet us, it's okay if they don't have malicious intentions, but if they have malicious intentions..."

Saeko Busushima paused, and looked at Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei coughed and said, "Don't look at me, although I'm the descendant of the Feitian Yujian style, but now I'm bloody, don't you see that I'm covered in bandages? My combat power is very weak now, can I not fight with those people? If the cultists are positive, we should not be positive, and it is best to live on the edge."

Lin Yuanfei pointed in the direction of the grove and said, "I think we should find a place to hide in a cave, so that we can not only prevent the typhoon, but also hide the group of cultists. When the typhoon passes, there will be more tourists on the island." Wake up, let's come out again, as for the investigation of the cultists and so on, we can tell the police the clues and let them have a headache, now we still have to fight for our lives."

"After all, if the entire island is full of cultists, we're no match for two fists and four hands. We're very passive."

Saeko Busujima was silent, nodded and said, "It's a very wise decision, I agree. So Hayashi Yuan-kun, where do you think we should go to hide next?"

Lin Yuanfei coughed dryly, and said, "It's best for us to go to the market to get some things first, after all, we don't know how long it will take for the typhoon to pass, so we should bring some food with us first, so that even if we are stuck in the cave, we can Wait for a few more days. If there is no food, you will be hungry tomorrow morning, and you will not be able to do anything.”

Saeko Busujima also nodded, "Okay, let's go now."

As she spoke, she turned around and walked towards the empty market first.

Lin Yuanfei also hurriedly followed.

The two left the pier and entered the market, trying to find a store to get some emergency food.

However, after turning a corner, the soft humming of a little girl suddenly sounded ahead.

"One and three, short winter melon."

"Five and nine, big fool."

"Seven and ten, turn into a watermelon."

"We are all big watermelons...hehehe..."

The clear and melodious children's humming sounded in this deserted market, inexplicably giving people a strange sense of scalp tingling.

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