"Sister, why are you looking at me like that? Do I look like a bad guy?"

In the strong wind, Lin Yuanfei stood among the messy corpses and asked with a smile.

Chapter 178 Returning to the Sheath

"Sister, why are you looking at me like that? Do I look like a bad guy?"

Under the cold moonlight, Lin Yuanfei stood in the middle of the messy corpses and said with a smile.

With his light wave, all the blood stained on the blade was thrown to the ground, not a single drop remained on the blade.

Lin Yuanfei just put the knife back into its sheath, looked at Saeko Busujima, and walked over with a smile.

At that moment, under the cold moonlight and in the violent wind, the smiling Hayashi Yuanfei strolled over, and Saeko Busujima took a step back subconsciously, with sweat overflowing from her palms.

Her expression was a little gloomy.

"Lin Yuan-jun, you really..."

Saeko Busushima stared blankly at what was happening in front of her eyes, and murmured, "You're killing people!"

For people in peaceful times, witnessing such bloody and exciting scenes with their own eyes, as a female high school student, Saeko Busujima was already very calm without vomiting on the spot.

Just imagine, at midnight, on a deserted seaside, you see a man hacking five living people to death one after another with a samurai sword, smiling all the way, and looking at you without any panic after he finished hacking, and with a smile on his face. you come...

Saeko Busujima took a deep breath, "Do you know what you are doing?!"

Saeko Busujima's tone was a little heavy.

"Murder is punishable by death!"

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei was a little helpless, "If I don't kill them, can it be impossible to let them kill me? And that little brother obviously has a way out, but it's a pity that he obviously lied... ah... this makes me very helpless, even Why didn’t he listen when he said he couldn’t lie and couldn’t lie?”

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei looked at the last cultist.

The unlucky guy who was knocked to the ground by Saeko Busujima.

Or... the lucky ones?

At this time, the only survivor among the cultists was hiding behind Saeko Busujima with a terrified expression on his face. It seemed that this beautiful woman who beat him up just now could give him a sense of security.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei looking at him, he subconsciously screamed, just about to run away...


The sound of the long knife being unsheathed was extremely ear-piercing in the darkness.

The cultist's body froze.

He watched helplessly as Lin Yuanfei came to his side with a smile, and squatted down.

The two looked at each other.

"Then, little brother, seeing how young you are, you shouldn't be dishonest, right?"

Lin Yuanfei said with a smile, "If you lie, you know what the price will be~~"

The cultist swallowed stiffly, and murmured, "I said... I said everything..."

"Yeah, tell me then," Lin Yuanfei said with a smile, "I'm listening."

The cultist subconsciously glanced at the corpse of his companion, and said in a trembling and hoarse voice, "Yamada... is the guy you hacked to death last, and everything he said is basically right, only the last one is wrong. I believe you can Guess, there are other tourists stranded on this island, at least as far as we know, there is a female high school student stranded with a samurai sword."

"That girl is very beautiful, the high priest called her by name, but when we captured her, she was hacked and several people fled to the other side of the island. Yamada didn't dare to tell her things, probably because he was afraid of you Go find that girl, if the two of you get together, it will definitely be very difficult to deal with... that's all I know, really, there is no lie at all, I swear in the name of the bird, I never said A lie, please let me go, okay? I still have a younger brother who needs to be taken care of, I can't die, I really can't die... Without me, he will starve to death..."

The cultist begged and wept.

A big man cried so sadly, it was simply touching.

Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds, then nodded.

"Okay, you can go."

Then, he stood up and said, "I hope you don't talk nonsense when you go back. And if I see you next time, I won't hold back."

Amid Lin Yuanfei's sighs, the cultist thanked him repeatedly.

"thanks, thanks……"

He scrambled to his feet and struggled to run outside.

Under the dark night, Saeko Busujima looked at the figure of the cultist running away in terror, with a complicated expression.

She was silent and looked at Lin Yuanfei.

"You still have..."


With a flash of the knife, the cultists twenty meters away fell down in response.

Turning into a samurai sword that flew across with a cold light, it pierced the cultist's throat heavily.

The huge force caused the corpse to stagger a few steps and fell heavily on the grass.

Scarlet blood surged among the blades of grass, soaking the soil in that area.

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