"A crime that has not been discovered is not a crime...and there are cultists everywhere on this island, who will believe what they say? If you don't say what I don't say, who knows what happened here?"

"If someone tells what happened here, maybe [she] would have been sanctioned by me before the judge sanctioned me."

"Although murderers always kill people, I killed people, and I was already psychologically prepared to be killed at the moment of killing people. But it doesn't mean that I will just sit back and wait for death, obediently grab it with nothing..."

Lin Yuanfei smiled and said softly, "Speaking of which, senior sister, do you understand?"

In the strong wind, Saeko Busujima trembled, holding her shoulders with her hands, like a weak and helpless girl.

"Then...then what if the family members of these cultists come to seek revenge from you?"

Seeming to have grasped the last straw, Saeko Busujima raised her head abruptly and said excitedly, "If the family members of these cult members are innocent and have not participated in any evil plans, the bad things they did to adults Knowing nothing, absolutely innocent. You killed their family members, and they came to kill you for revenge... Mr. Lin Yuan, can you just ignore them?"

In the same cold wind, Lin Yuanfei stood in place and shrugged.

"Didn't you say it?"

"When you raise the butcher's knife, you must also know that you will die by the knife."

"When the family members of those cultists raise their butcher knives to take revenge on me, then the only position between me and them is [you die and I live], and they are no longer innocent."

"How much to come, how much to kill."

"Hatred may not be resolved, but it must be eliminated."

"Someone is coming to kill me, I just swing the knife."

"If people keep coming to kill me, then until the moment I die, I will not stop waving the blade in my hand."

"This is a road of no return that you can't stop once you start. Senior sister, you have practiced kendo for so many years, is it just for fun?"

"This kind of consciousness should be more or less there..."

Saying that, Lin Yuanfei walked into the hut, and disappeared from the sight of Saeko Busujima.

In the strong wind, the moment Lin Yuanfei disappeared, Saeko Busujima fell powerlessly in the grass as if she had lost all her strength.

Her hands hugged her shoulders tightly.

The body was shaking desperately.

But on the face with the head down and unable to see the expression clearly, the corners of the mouth unconsciously twisted into a crazy arc.

"Awareness...awareness...the awareness of killing people..."

Saeko Busujima murmured and trembled, the smile on the corner of her mouth became more and more uncontrollable and crazy.

"The awareness of murder... ah... Lin Yuan-jun... Lin Yuan-jun... ah~~~~~"

Finally, a high-pitched, coquettish scream escaped her mouth.

The body was stiff due to the extreme pleasure, the limbs twitched, and fell heavily into the grass.

Only the dull and out-of-focus eyes silently looked at the direction where Lin Yuanfei disappeared.

A smile formed on the corner of his mouth...

"Hey, Brother Cheng, are you okay?"

After entering the low hut, even the wind outside the house became much quieter.

Vaguely, Lin Yuanfei seemed to hear Saeko Busushima calling him.

But now he is too lazy to say anything more to this woman.

Anyway, the threatening words are finished, if this woman is obsessed with wanting to sue him afterwards, then he can only ask Nobunaga Shimada for help.

The heir of the Shimada family, the mayor of Raccoon City, in a semi-feudal and semi-capitalist country like Japan, it is not difficult to cover the sky with one hand, right?

Anyway, it was only a few cult members who died, and there would be no big disturbances.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Brother Cheng in the corner, "We have dealt with the pursuers outside, but this place has also been exposed. Are you okay? If we can persist, we will move."

In the corner of the hut, Brother Cheng nodded weakly.

Then he looked at the unconscious little loli beside him, "This little sister is..."

Brother Cheng finally asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

Lin Yuanfei felt a little helpless when he saw this comatose little loli.

"Let's not talk about that for now, let's move quickly and talk slowly at the next safe point."

As Lin Yuanfei said, he walked to Little Lolita's side and picked up the unconscious little girl, then helped Brother Cheng to go out.

When the two walked out of the gate, Brother Cheng looked at the corpses on the ground under the dark sky, with a slightly ugly expression on his face.

He was in the house and more or less heard what was happening outside.

But now the sky is dark, and the tragic situation of the dead cannot be seen clearly from a long distance, so his reaction is not very violent.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Saeko Busujima.

At this time, Saeko Busujima has regained her calmness and composure, standing there quietly, with an elegant posture, as if she was a beautiful princess standing on the ball waiting for an invitation.

Lin Yuanfei couldn't help blinking—this girl recovered very quickly, she really deserved to be Saeko Busujima.

Lin Yuanfei's perception of Saeko Busujima became better again.

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