Saeko Busushima frowned at the entrance of the abandoned drainage canal in the dark, listening to the sound coming from outside.

"Hayashi Yuan-kun, is this your friend?" Saeko Busushima asked.

Freddy's strange laughter came from the thermos.

"Wrong! It's not a friend, it's a wife! Hahahahaha... This little samurai, his mind is full of how to fool someone into his own wife. It's really disgusting. Isn't there a law in Japan that stipulates that mentally retarded people are not allowed?"

Hearing this sentence, Lin Yuanfei had black lines on his face.

"Brother Cheng has just been taken away, please don't spoil the atmosphere with such sassy words, please? And Yuki is not mentally retarded! Keep your mouth clean, she is just relatively simple!"

After slapping Freddie viciously, Lin Yuanfei picked up the thermos and stuffed it back into his backpack, while explaining to Saeko Busujima, "Yuki, a friend of mine, is also a student of Chunmu High School."

Butujima Saeko walked over directly, supported Lin Yuanfei as a matter of course, and said, "Then let's go out and meet her."

Like a virtuous wife, Saeko Busujima said softly, "It's dark here, they must not dare to come in. So let's go out and meet them. Since they are Lin Yuan-kun's friends, they must be trustworthy."

" are right to say so, but..."

Lin Yuanfei was supported by this purple-haired sister, feeling the faint fragrance of the other party who was close at hand, and the soft and plump arms that kept touching and squeezing his arms during the support, his face was a little stiff.

The body is also a little stiff.

"Then what... Senior sister, you seem to be getting too close," Lin Yuanfei said with a dry smile, "I'm a little hot."

Saeko Busushima chuckled, "Hayashi Yuan-kun is really cute..."

After finishing speaking, she moved a little away...if a centimeter counts.

And she moved away a little on the surface, but the arm supporting Lin Yuanfei hugged her tighter.

If it was possible to wash with the help of a patient before, anyone who sees it now will think that this is a girlfriend hugging her boyfriend's arm to express intimacy.

Lin Yuanfei's intact left hand was completely hugged by Saeko Busujima in front of her chest, tightly trapped in the plump and elastic two clumps... emmmm... As expected of Saeko Busujima, even the touch of the bra is so soft, Absolutely high-end goods.

Lin Yuanfei sighed and tried to pull his hand out.

But Saeko Busujima hugged him very tightly, not giving him a chance at all... What's wrong with this woman?Why is Mao suddenly so ambiguous?Didn't you angrily denounce me for killing innocent people before?Why did he suddenly change his face [-] degrees?

Could it be that my bunch of words broke the rational line in your heart, and you are completely perverted now?

But even if you are a perverted slut, why did you come to me?

I don't remember when I made you invisible!

Lin Yuanfei was a little guilty and uneasy, anyway, he subconsciously wanted to get rid of Saeko Bujima.

However, outside the entrance, Yuno's voice sounded at this moment.

"Hey! Perverted senior, are you in there? Could you please reply? If you don't say anything, we will leave."

After hearing Yuno's voice, Lin Yuanfei stopped struggling immediately.

and many more……

Lin Yuanfei suddenly realized something.

That's why my wife Yuno, a sickly girl, hates him in all kinds of ways. The reason is that in this world, Yuno is a sickly sister-in-law, and she loves her elder sister Yuki crazily.

There seems to be no Yuki Amano in this world, so Yuno’s love is all given to her sister... emmm... wait, Yuki, Yuki, don’t these two names have the same pronunciation in Japanese?

So this is why my wife Yuno in this world likes my sister?

Gan!Author, your foreshadowing is buried deep enough!

Lin Yuanfei looked embarrassed.

He let Saeko Busujima (lou) walk him outside, stopped struggling, and even responded loudly to my wife and sisters outside.

"I'm here! Yuno, Yuki, I'll be right out."

The reason why Lin Yuanfei didn't struggle was because he realized an important thing.

Since the reason why Yuno hates him is that he is afraid that he will take away his sister Yuki, then he only needs to show that he has no ambitions for Yuki at all, right?

As long as he shows enough harmlessness to humans and animals, even my wife Yuno won't go crazy and kill him, a harmless outsider, right?Especially when Lin Yuanfei was still useful.

And what can be done to convince Yuno that he will not attack Yuki?

This is not easy, isn't the ready-made shield right in front of you?

Although I don't know which tendon in this Saeko Busujima's head is cramped, but as long as I follow the other party's intention and show that the two of them are ambiguous enough, my sisters from my wife's family will mistakenly think that he and Saeko Busujima have some improper relationship , so Yuno doesn't have to worry about Lin Yuanfei robbing her sister, right?

As long as my wife Yuno let go of her vigilance and hatred, she is indeed a trustworthy teammate—at least Lin Yuanfei no longer has to worry about Yuno getting stabbed in the back.

Fuck it's stable!

Such a genius idea, why didn't I think of it before?

Lin Yuanfei felt regretful for his lack of awareness, if he had used this trick earlier, probably Yuno would have put down his guard against him long ago, right?

emmm...but it's not too late to make up for it now, the change starts now!

With his head held high and his chest held high, Lin Yuanfei let Saeko Busujima walk out with his arm in his arms.

The gust of wind on Bird See Island has become more and more violent.

The howling wind crazily tore everything under the dark sky.

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