In the thermos, Freddy snorted.

"Hack that dead old man to death, maybe you still have a chance. This ghost is clearly controlled by that old man!"

Lin Yuanfei's gaze suddenly turned to the High Priest beside him.

In fact, Freddy's suggestion was exactly what he had in mind.

This Sadako is so terrifying, and now his wooden knife cannot be stained with blood and enchanted in the heavy rain, and the away game is not Sadako's opponent at all.

At this time, I can only try to attack this high priest who is obviously manipulating the wraith!

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, mobilized all his strength and rushed towards the old man in the wind and rain.

However, the moment he took a step, a feeling of palpitations suddenly hit his heart.

Without hesitation, Lin Yuanfei stepped back three meters away, horrified to see the invisible force tearing the big tree he was leaning against to pieces.

The trunk, which was at least one meter thick, was instantly torn into real pieces by an invisible force. Countless pieces floated in mid-air for a moment, and then all flew towards Lin Yuanfei.

It's like the firing of a machine gun.

Before he could stand firmly on his feet, Lin Yuanfei rolled to the side in embarrassment, and rolled to avoid the storm of broken wood.

"Can you still have a second-stage skill? This boss can't be brushed anymore!"

Lin Yuanfei hid behind a tree covered in mud and water, gasping for breath.

This Yamamura Sadako's reading ability is even stronger than the original book, it's impossible to play!

Inside the thermos, Freddy said with a strange smile.

"Little samurai, why don't you run away. I don't think you are a match for this monster."

Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth, "No way! I want to save the student council president!"

Even if you run away, you have to find a way to save Akiko Sato!

As soon as Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, and before Freddy could speak, a clear and melodious laughter sounded in the darkness.

"Big brother is really loyal."

Silently, the figure of a little girl appeared on a branch a few meters away from Lin Yuanfei.

In the rainstorm, the little girl was sitting there, her two little feet were gently swinging in the air, cheerful and lively.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei, who was in a panic at her feet, and said with a smile, "It's such a time to still think about saving people, it's really touching Sadako."

Lin Yuanfei looked at her in horror, "Fuck...fuck?!"

He looked at the little girl in front of him, and felt the terrifying wraith more than ten meters behind him, with a terrified expression on his face.

"You tm have two?"

In the icy rainstorm, the little girl's smile shrank slightly and became indifferent.

"There is only one Sadako, and there has been only one from the beginning. The extra is just rubbish and miscellaneous waste, big brother, your words make Sadako very sad."

After the little girl's voice fell, Lin Yuanfei jumped away from the spot.

The invisible force tore the big tree he was leaning against into pieces.

The same method, the same scene, two different figures, a large and a small wraith, surrounded him with a distance of more than ten meters from one left to the other.

Looking at this scene with numb scalp, Lin Yuanfei clenched the wooden knife in his hand.

Can't play anymore!

This broken dungeon can't be brushed anymore!

Chapter 196 Why Did I Tell You

According to Lin Yuanfei's understanding and cognition, there are indeed two Sadakos, one big and one small, in the movie "Midnight Ring".

Da Zhenzi is kind and gentle, while Xiao Zhenzi is evil and cruel.

Later, Xiao Zhenzi killed Da Zhenzi and took Da Zhenzi's body, but then he was injected with the smallpox virus by his father and threw him into a dry well.

That is to say, the kind-hearted Sadako was killed a long time ago, and it was the cruel and evil little Sadako who became the wraith.

But what the hell is this situation in front of you?

Two Sadakos, one big and one small, appear at the same time?

Or, the little Sadako who was reborn from the resentful spirit is just a clone, and there is another Sadako here?What is here is the body?

Since the cultist high priest can immediately summon Sadako's vengeful spirit, then the dry well should be nearby, right?

It seems that Sadako in this world really experienced some plots different from the original one...

Lin Yuanfei swallowed his saliva, looked at the two Sadakos, one big and one small on the left and one right, and silently took two steps back.

A creepy sense of despair filled his heart.

What about the alien copy?Why did it suddenly become a copy of Sadako?

And there are still two virgins!

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