The blood splattered and the shrill screams instantly startled everyone present.

However, the girl who jumped out suddenly from the darkness didn't stop, kicked the corpse under her feet vigorously, and threw herself into the corpse of another cultist.

The blade of the fire ax smashed into the opponent's throat heavily.

"Ho... ho ho ho..."

While the cultist was panting in pain, my wife Yuno kicked his body out, touched the back with her right hand, and pulled out a sharp hatchet as if by magic.

With a flash of knife light, the hatchet slashed across the throat of the third cultist, and blood spurted wildly.

Within seconds, three corpses fell in front of the cave.

The rest of the cultists looked at the girl in front of them in shock and anger, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Who?!" The cultists roared in horror.

Even the high priest couldn't help turning his head and looked at the drenched hatchet girl in the rainstorm.

In the strong wind, my wife Yuno panted lightly, stroking the blood-dripping hatchet in her hand, her expression was a little sickly distorted.

"Who are they?"

Yuno stroked her cheek, showing a charming smirk, "Why did I tell you?"

Author's message:

ps: I have something to do tonight, the update is a little late, tomorrow five more

Chapter 197 Sorry

The icy torrential rain washed over the girl's body.

The hatchet hanging by his side slowly dripped bloody red water.

At the girl's feet lay three corpses that were still twitching.


Deafening thunder resounded through the earth.

Dazzling lightning flashed across the pitch-black sky, illuminating the girl in front of the cave pale for a moment.

That morbidly sweet but distorted smile made one's scalp tingle.

Several cult members subconsciously took a step back, their expressions horrified.

"You... who are you?" A cult member roared loudly.

Including the high priest, there are only ten heretics in total.

Now three were hacked to death, leaving only seven.

One of them was a thin and rickety old man, and the two were female believers supporting Akiko Sato. There were only four men left.

However, even the four strong cultists in front of them looked at the girl in front of them with horrified expressions, uneasy and terrified.

Their companions fell too quickly.

Moreover, the girl in front of her had a strange scalp-tingling feeling, which made people subconsciously want to stay away.

In the entire dark mountain forest, probably only Lin Yuanfei was not afraid of Yuno's appearance... no wonder!

Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

"Yuno? Why are you here?"

Seeing the girl blocking the way in the rainstorm, Lin Yuanfei asked anxiously, "What happened? Didn't you and your sister stay there? Why did you come here? Where is Yuki? What happened to Yuki?"

It is absolutely impossible for a sick and delicate wife like Yuno to leave her lover. She even wished she could be imprisoned in the basement and raise her lover like a dog, only seeing herself every day.

Yuno appears here, and Yuki is definitely nearby too!

With Lin Yuanfei's eyes, he searched subconsciously in the darkness.

However, at the moment of distraction, Sadako in front of her suddenly disappeared.

The feeling of heartbeat reappeared again.

Lin Yuanfei reflexively slashed back, but it was too late.

Sadako's pale hands had already grasped Lin Yuanfei's shoulders, and the biting cold instantly spread to all limbs.

Lin Yuanfei felt as if he had fallen into a glacier, from head to toe cold.

If the wooden knife hadn't dispelled the chill in time, Lin Yuanfei would have lost all ability to resist at this time.

But the wooden knife he split hit Sadako's head heavily, but nothing happened.

In the air, there was a silent explosion, which seemed to be the collision of two forces.

However, the wooden knife that was not smeared with blood lost its [sharp] attribute, and could not kill the wraith at all.

On the contrary, due to excessive force, Lin Yuanfei's hand holding the knife was numb from the shock.

In the torrential rain, the wraith's pale hands tore apart...

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