"That's something that can't be helped. Who let this old man grab the lifeblood? Big brother, I can only trouble you to die."

After the laughter fell, a cold light flashed in the little girl's eyes.

In the next second, Lin Yuanfei shot up from the spot, avoiding the invisible force of thought.

Lin Yuanfei's face turned pale as he saw a large pit appearing where he was originally with his scalp numb.

"Damn! Are you playing for real?!"

On the other side, seeing Xiao Zhenzi agreeing to cooperate, the high priest sneered and slammed the crutch in his hand, and the wraith suspended in mid-air immediately rushed towards Lin Yuanfei.

The two wraiths, one big and one small, drew closer to Lin Yuanfei at the same time.

Two invisible forces converged in mid-air, strangling Lin Yuanfei who hadn't landed at the same time.

At the juncture of life and death, Lin Yuanfei, who was rolling in mid-air, was startled and his scalp was numb.

Without saying a word, he grabbed the branch beside him and pulled it hard. With this force, he flew out, avoiding the strangulation of the two thoughts in a short time.

In the forest, Xiao Sadako's wicked laughter came.

"Hey... Big brother is really agile. He is as agile as a monkey after suffering such a serious injury. It's amazing."

Lin Yuanfei hid behind the big tree, gasped for breath, and endured the pain of all the wounds on his body being soaked in sewage.

In the thermos, Freddy snorted.

"If you tell you to run, you don't want to run. Now it's all right. I can't even run anymore. I think you are a fool [beep], little samurai! Mentally retarded!"

Lin Yuanfei clutched his chest, gasping for breath.

Guarding against the two wraiths behind him, his smile was a bit forced.

"Tm, if it wasn't for the heavy rain and the home court was unfavorable, how could these two evil spirits be so arrogant?" Lin Yuanfei murmured.

As soon as the words fell, the continuous rainstorm in the sky disappeared.

Or, in this grove with a radius of [-] meters, it disappeared.

In the area fifty meters away, the torrential rain remained.

But within the grove within fifty meters, the rainstorm stopped and the strong wind stopped, as if they were isolated in another world.

Everyone was stunned.

"Fuck? What's the situation?"

Inside the thermos, Freddy exclaimed, "Who stopped the rain?"

Without further ado, Lin Yuanfei wiped the blade of the wooden knife with his bleeding hand, and said with a smirk, "Whoever blocks it, God help me!"

Holding the wooden knife, Lin Yuanfei rushed out directly.

In front of him, two Sadakos surrounded him, one on the left and one on the right.

But this time, Lin Yuanfei rushed out directly at the seemingly ignorant Da Zhenzi.

The blood-stained wooden knife waved in his hand.

The body covered with bandages no longer dared to hold back the slightest hand, and the muscles all over his body were trembling crazily.

Feitian Yujianliu!

Lin Yuanfei's figure was approaching the limit.

The blood-stained wooden knife slashed heavily at the resentful spirit Sadako in front of her.

The wounds all over his body burst at the same time.

The unspeakable pain overwhelmed Lin Yuanfei's consciousness.

But his eyes were still red, and he roared angrily and made the strongest move.

Nine-headed dragon flash!

In the darkness, the blood-stained wooden knife struck nine times in an instant, and all of them slashed at Sadako the Resentful Spirit ahead.

However, Sadako, who was supposed to have no wisdom at all, disappeared from the spot in an instant, and almost all of Lin Yuanfei's wooden knives fell through.


In the forest, Xiao Sadako's laughter was a bit weird, "Big brother's swordsmanship is really powerful, but unfortunately, the same move will not have a second effect on Sadako."

A few meters away, a pale wraith slowly emerged in Lin Yuanfei's vision, losing an arm.

The dark breath of death emerged from the wound of the wraith.

But Wraith Ling stared at Lin Yuanfei with hatred in his eyes.

Lin Yuanfei, who missed a single hit, froze on the spot, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Does this resentful spirit also have wisdom consciousness..." Lin Yuanfei murmured, probably understanding something.

But the smirking little Sadako explained mercifully.

"There is only one Sadako... Didn't I tell you about this matter from the very beginning? Only a fool would think that there are many Sadakos. Even if they have different bodies and different states, Sadako There is really only one, big brother is really stupid if he doesn’t understand such a simple thing.”

Lin Yuanfei's body froze on the spot, forcing out the nine-headed dragon flash to make all his wounds burst open.

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