Home cut!

While the blazing white lightning illuminated the sky and the earth, a human head soared into the sky and flew out in the spray of blood.

Grumbling, rolled into the dirty sewage.

Between heaven and earth, there was a dead silence.

Only the splashing rainwater was left to wash the ground non-stop...

Chapter 200 Seeking Skin with Ghosts

The pitch-black sky covered everything behind the clouds.

The violent storm disturbs all things on the sea.

Huge waves kept beating against the coast of Toromi Island, and some houses near the shore had even been washed away by the influx of sea water.

This is a terrifying typhoon that has been rarely seen in decades, and the huge waves on the sea have even reached tens of meters.

It was a horror that the inland residents who had never seen a storm could never imagine.

Whenever the waves surged, the tens of meters high waves would overturn towards the entire mountain. No ship could sail in such a storm.

However, on the pitch-black Torimi Island, even though the power generation machines were damaged and all the power lines on the island were blown off, in front of the pitch-black shrines, those faithful believers still sat on the ground despite the heavy rain, shouting loudly. Shouting the scriptures of the gods, praying to their mother god.

On this completely evil and crazy island, the only quiet believers are probably only a few people in the forest in front of me...

The icy torrential rain washes over the ground.

The believers who were originally selected as the first batch of believers to meet the Mother God because of their firm beliefs were all standing there blankly, watching everything that happened in front of them.

The high priest, who was sacred and inviolable in the eyes of all believers, was decapitated at this time.

The headless body that had lost its head seemed to have not reacted yet. It spattered blood, trembled a few times, and then fell down heavily.

Fell into the muddy water.

The head of the high priest rolled into the muddy water earlier.

On that old face, the horror of death was solidified.

The world seems to have fallen into silence, only the icy torrential rain washes over the earth.

However, in the next second, it was broken by a miserable scream.

"Uh ah ah!"

Amidst the shrill screams of a cultist, the figure of my wife Yuno walked past him.

The sharp hatchet directly cut a terrifying wound spurting blood crazily from his chest.

While this group of cultists were in a daze and fear, the others didn't stop there, still playing their respective roles ruthlessly.

Lin Yuanfei laughed wildly, and the wooden knife with nine strikes in an instant slashed heavily on the body of Sadako Resentment Ling.

The moment the head of the old and crooked high priest was separated, the wraith, who was about to receive the sword move, froze for a moment.

It's like... the network connection was lost.

Lin Yuanfei didn't have any intention of keeping his hand, the wooden knife in his hand was still slashing out frantically.

The flying swordsmanship of the Feitian Yujian with nine strikes in an instant, directly sent the sluggish wraith flying.

Visible to the naked eye, Sadako's body has shrunk by a size.

It seems that like Freddy, Wraith's body will shrink after being hacked by a wooden knife.

However, Lin Yuanfei still wanted to continue chasing and killing, but Xiao Zhenzi behind him snorted coldly.

"It's a bit too much, big brother, don't you think people don't exist?"

As the voice fell, the invisible force of thought interweaved an invisible area in front of Lin Yuanfei.

Once you step into this area, you will be torn to pieces immediately.

Lin Yuanfei's footsteps stopped abruptly.

He panted and laughed dryly, "The old man who controlled you has been hacked to death by us, can we have a truce now?"

In the darkness, Xiao Zhenzi was silent for a few seconds, and looked at the group of cultists not far away.

At this time, those cultists were surrounded and killed by my wife Yuno and Gui Yanye one after the other, and they were all chopped down to the ground, howling terribly.

Scarlet blood flowed all over the place.

The stumped limbs and broken arms in that place, as well as the gradually icy corpses, looked like a small battlefield.

The strong smell of blood in the air could not be covered even by the heavy rain.

Looking at the scene like a Shura slaughterhouse, Xiao Sadako had a lovely smile on her face.

"That's right, that nasty old man is already dead, why do I still have to fight with you, big brother?"

Xiao Zhenzi looked at Lin Yuanfei's stiff body, and smiled evilly, "If Zhenzi drags on, wouldn't big brother die suddenly on the spot?"

Lin Yuanfei, who was at the end of his battle, resisted the feeling of dizziness, smiled dryly, looked at the little girl in front of him, and felt that his eyes were starting to turn black.

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