Immediately afterwards, as the distance approached, the rescue ship slowly docked at the empty port.

This small port is not even considered a port, it is only used to moor ships, and its scale is very small.

But docking ordinary civilian ships is enough.

There was a dull crash as the rescue boat's bow touched the edge of the wooden pier.

While the team members dropped anchor and stopped the rescue ship, Kazuo Yamamoto looked at his phone.

Not a single signal.

Since last night, this small island has lost any signal connection, probably because the signal base station was damaged by the storm?

Kazuo Yamamoto thought so, and didn't pay too much attention.

He glanced into the depths of the mist and found that the pier was empty.Although the town in the depths could not be seen clearly, it was quiet and silent in the mist, without any trace of human activities at all.

Presumably, those residents are still in the refuge now, right?

Kazuo Yamamoto thought so, and led the team members off the ship one after another.

A group of people, carrying rescue tools and facilities, walked towards the pier.

Beside, came the whispers of the team members.

"It's so quiet, this small island... where have all the people gone? Not a single sound can be heard."

"Probably in the shelter? The storm was so strong last night, no one would dare to come out and walk around."

"Tch... the fog is so thick, it's really annoying. I hate the fog the most in my life."

"Why? Senior Gaocheng, don't you think such a quiet fog is very interesting? You can't usually see such a thick fog. It's very rare."

"I don't think so at all... Rare things, there are so many rare things in the world. If you had experienced the disaster twenty years ago, you wouldn't like this kind of fog."

"Twenty years ago? A disaster? What is Senior Gaocheng referring to?"

"Of course it was the disaster in Silent Hill twenty years ago... Hey, so many people died at that time, and there are still hundreds of people who can't even find their bones. I have experienced that kind of desperate fog. I don't want to experience the second time. I hate the fog."

"Twenty years ago? Silent Hill? Senior Gaocheng, are you talking about the tourist attraction that was closed twenty years ago? The one around Raccoon City?"

"Of course it is that, besides that, what else..."

"Hey! Takashiro! It's time to shut up," Kazuo Yamamoto glared at his old partner, and said, "Don't say too much what you shouldn't say, and be careful of getting into trouble."

Gao Cheng, who has been working in the rescue team for decades, let out a snort and groaned in displeasure.

"It's been so many years, you can't say... the group of masters above are quite powerful in covering the lid."

After finishing speaking, Gao Cheng glanced at the young people who were fascinated by listening, and said, "Don't look at me, the captain won't let me speak, do I dare to speak? If you want to know, just kneel on the ground and beg him, maybe he will I tell you with great mercy."

A few young people subconsciously looked at the serious captain, all of them showed mischievous smiles, and no one just talked too much.

The rescue team continued to march through the fog, passing through the deserted town.

At the exit of the town, they looked at the map and decided to go directly to the underground shelter and contact the residents of the island first.

However, not long after they walked out, there was a sudden burst of angry shouting in the fog ahead.

And the sound of hurried footsteps.

Before the members of the rescue team realized what had happened, a group of students in Chunmu High School uniforms ran out of the fog in a panic.

One man and six women, the boy was covered in bandages and wounds all over his body.

The moment the two sides met, the boy immediately shouted.

"Help! Those cultists are crazy!"

Several girls were all disheveled and pale, and they ran to the rescue team together with the boys.

In front of the rescue team members with stunned expressions, Lin Yuanfei looked like he was about to have a myocardial infarction, and cried out for help, "There are cultists on this island, and they are making live sacrifices! Help!"

Kazuo Yamamoto and the others looked at a loss, not knowing what unfolded.

Deep in the mist, there was a burst of angry curses from people.

"Catch 'em! Don't let 'em get away!"

Immediately afterwards, a group of cultists in strange uniforms and ugly masks rushed out of the mist.

In the hands of these cultists, they all hold weapons such as sickles and hatchets, which look extremely fierce.

However, the moment they saw the rescue team, the cultists were stunned.

The man in the bandage who had shown great power in the mist and hacked several of them to death, was now hiding behind the group of rescue teams, looking like a pale and vulnerable group.

And pointed at them and testified loudly, "Those guys are cultists! They want to arrest people for living sacrifices! You should call the police! The cases of kidnapping girls for sacrifice in Raccoon City before were done by them!"

The scene was embarrassing for a while.

A group of cultists subconsciously put down their weapons, looked at the large rescue team in front of them, and fell silent.

And the members of the rescue team all stared at the group of cultists in astonishment, almost doubting their own eyes—what kind of mess is going on here?Cultists?Mom!That group of cult organizations that have been kidnapping girls in the urban area, are they here?The police couldn't find any clues no matter how they searched before, why did they suddenly jump out now?

The atmosphere at the scene was a little weird.

Only Lin Yuanfei, who was covered in bandages, shouted loudly.

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