Except for the secretive and inherited ancient school of Feitian Yujian, the masters of the school that most people can come into contact with, even if they can kill athletes of the same level, are limited.

In the original work of Rurouni Kenshin, the Kamiya live heart flow is about to be lost in an era like the wise period, let alone modern Japan.

Before witnessing Lin Yuanfei's superhuman jumping ability, no researcher knew what kind of monster the sample they selected was.

In the eyes of these researchers, the human body has limits.

The most powerful human athlete can only run the world record of [-] meters and [-] seconds.

It is precisely because the human body has limits that it is necessary to use scientific means to strengthen and transform it to make it stronger.

If Lin Yuanfei was a biochemical weapon transformed by a virus, then they might be able to accept this kind of performance.

But relying on a human body to display such terrifying power...

The three views of all the researchers present have been refreshed.

Some people even start to question whether the science they have believed to be true for decades is really completely correct.

Only Daniel, the head of the fourth laboratory and the head of the Raccoon City Umbrella Company branch, looked at the empty park on the screen with an excited smile.

he said in a low voice.

"I'm really looking forward to it... Transcendents... Transcendents are indeed another unknown treasure!"

He felt that he had discovered another magnificent world hidden in the dark depths!

"Hurry up and call out the active state of the t-virus in the target sample during this period of time, I want to see the result!"

Daniel's order was issued, and within three seconds, the activity curve of the t-virus in Lin Yuan's body during the period of flying over the eaves and climbing the wall appeared on the big screen.

... a pool of stagnant water.

It can even be said that it is gradually declining.

It is not a steady climb as Daniel imagined, but a gradual decline.

He looked at the curve representing the activity level of the t virus in astonishment, a little unbelievable.

"Could it be that in that high-speed running state, can he continue to suppress the T virus in his body?"

In response, the researchers responsible for monitoring the active state of the t-virus gave an answer.

"Under the high-speed running state of the target sample, the unknown force in his body, which we can call the life force emanating from the cells, not only did not weaken, but strengthened."

"Obviously, this unknown life force is the main reason why the target sample's physique and strength are different from ordinary people."

"The more devoted he is to fighting and the greater the load on his body, the stronger this life force will be, and the more severely suppressed the t virus will be."

"I think that if this state is kept for a long time, the t-virus may even be directly eliminated or discharged from the target body... It's like the legendary poison that was forced out of the body by true energy."

Hearing the researcher's reply, Daniel touched his chin.

"You mean... the target sample has something similar to true qi? Something that can only be found in stories made up by oriental people? That's why he is so strong? Because he is really a person with true qi. , an oriental knight who flies over the roof and walks on the wall?"

The researcher pushed his glasses and said solemnly, "The possibility cannot be ruled out. It is impossible for a person who also practices swordsmanship to be so powerful just because he has exercised his body well. We all know that the human body exists No matter how much you exercise, it is impossible to reach his level."

"If you want to achieve his level of flying over walls, there must be other factors. For example, the unknown power in his body can't be observed at ordinary times, but it will appear once he enters the fighting state... I think this is the Eastern Power. The so-called martial arts practitioners are really angry."

"At least something similar..."

Regarding this inference from his subordinates, Daniel couldn't help showing a brighter smile.

"Are you really angry... This pseudoscience that has been questioned for many years, if it can be proved to be true, then it is really an exciting discovery!"

Daniel looked at the empty park on the screen, and the tracker stopped in place after losing his command.

The picture on the screen was relayed from the perspective of the tracker.

At this moment, Daniel said with a smile on his face, "Order the pursuer to continue chasing, this time get closer before attacking, and don't give the target any chance to escape. I want to see if our target can really fight in a close-range real battle." The sword flashes like the knights in martial arts movies!"

At the same time as the order was conveyed, the tracker who had been standing still in the small park raised his head, looked in one direction, and walked straight over.

And in one of the blocks in that direction, Lin Yuanfei kicked open the door of my wife's house with Fu Jiang in a semi-conscious state on his shoulders.

"Hey! Takagi-sensei, are you okay?"

Lin Yuanfei shouted Teacher Gao Mu's name loudly, but what responded to him in the room was a terrifying roar.


An ugly and ferocious licker rushed out of the room, with red sticky blood on its mouth and claws.

Seeing this picture, it is no longer necessary to confirm the safety of Takagi in the house.

The expression on Lin Yuanfei's face turned cold.

"You bastard……"

With no expression on his face, Fu Jiang was thrown onto the solid wood floor. Lin Yuanfei slashed out with an axe, and slashed viciously on the head of the rushing licker.

In the splash of blood, he roared and kicked the licker away.

"... Pay me with your life!"

Chapter 231 Tomie's Intuition

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