Too lazy to pay attention to Fu Jiang's countermeasures, Lin Yuanfei tugged on the shoulder straps and said.

"Okay, it's almost done, we should go."

Lin Yuanfei said, "Next, we have to find a way to go to Chunmu High School. My friends may still be there, I have to find them."

After hearing "they", Fu Jiang's eyes narrowed.

"Is Mr. Lin Yuan going to find those bitches again? My wife's sisters? Or your shameless apprentice whore?"

"Bah! Keep your mouth clean for me. If you talk nonsense again, I will beat you!" Lin Yuanfei raised his elbow viciously and threatened.

It looks like the kind of jerk who has a bad temper and likes to beat his wife.

He said to Fu Jiang, who was wearing a sheep's head and skull mask, "Since we want to live in peace, then don't do too much. My patience is limited!"

In response, Fu Jiang's eyes narrowed.

"It seems that those Bi...women still have a high status in your heart, even higher than me."

Fu Jiang's words were full of strong jealousy.

Lin Yuanfei shrugged, "Even a stray dog ​​I don't know has a higher status in my heart than you."

Fu Jiang laughed lightly, "This is really an exciting speech... My dear, is the status of people in your mind so low? This really makes people fall in love with you even more!"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, not wanting to discuss this issue with Bichi, whose brain circuit is different from ordinary people.

He turned around and walked out, and forcefully opened the door of my wife's house.

"Okay, let's go."

Lin Yuanfei said this, and walked out.

...and back off again.

In a cold sweat.

Outside the door, on the street less than three meters away, the burly and sturdy tracker was holding its exaggerated and hideous six-barreled Vulcan cannon at this place.

The moment Lin Yuanfei walked out, his heart almost stopped beating.

A look of horror.

Depend on!When did this guy come here?

Lin Yuanfei locked the door behind him in a cold sweat, then dragged Fu Jiang to the living room.

When the two rushed into the living room, the dense bullets tore through the wooden door, flooding the place where Lin Yuanfei was standing before.


The ear-piercing and terrifying explosion made everyone's scalp tingle.

Lin Yuanfei hid behind the sofa in the living room with a troubled expression on his face.

Are trackers that fast?

He had just finished packing his things and was about to run away when he caught up with him... Umbrella, you must have installed a chip on the back of my head!

Chapter 233 New Heights

"The target sample has been locked." A voice rang out from the dimly lit command center, "The target has escaped into the house, sir, do you want the tracker to rush in and fight him at close range?" Daniel touched the subordinate's inquiry. He touched his chin and shook his head.

No, what we want to see is a big battle. This room is too small for trackers to enter and can't perform it. Try to force the target sample out.


Following the commander's operation, the burly pursuer outside my wife's house let out a roar.

It put down the cannon in its hand, and aimed the bazooka on its left shoulder at the two-story building in front of it.

Ow! ! !

Amidst the angry growls of the pursuers, a rocket with a trailing flame flew into the two-story hut.


Boiling flames and heat wave rushed towards the face, but the pursuers did not retreat in the slightest.

Amidst the terrifying explosion, the entire wooden two-story building exploded, and countless fragments splashed all around.

The figure of Lin Yuanfei rolled out from the heat wave of flames, dragging Fu Jiang in his hand.

Depend on!

Some gray-headed men cursed loudly, and Lin Yuanfei rolled and landed beside the courtyard wall.

The small building of my wife's house behind him has completely collapsed and exploded, turning into a pile of ruins.

"You tm too much!

Lin Yuanfei stared at the tracker outside, knowing that it was Daniel and those bastards who controlled the monster.

Under the bright sunshine, the tracker did not stop after blowing up the hut. After reloading the rocket, he pointed the portable individual bazooka at Lin Yuanfei again.The expression on Lin Yuanfei's face froze.

"I fuck your mother!"

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