But Lin Yuan exerted all his strength and directly pulled the pistol from the policeman's hand.

Then the muzzle of the gun was turned upside down and silently pressed against the opponent's forehead.

"It's up to you not to move around now," Lin Yuanfei looked at the other person's terrified expression, smiled, and said, "Senior Budao, continue to remove the obstacles. We need to go in and have a good chat with the policeman !

Chapter 246 Subordinates and Bosses Follow Lin Yuanfei's Orders

Chapter 246 Subordinates and superiors obey Lin Yuanfei's order, and Bushima Yuko quickly removes the stripped obstacles, clearing an entrance that can barely pass through.Lin Yuanfei raised his gun and pointed at the policeman in front of him with a smile.

His eyes glanced at the room behind the policeman from time to time.

There, he vaguely heard some human voices.

It seemed that he was definitely not the only living person in this police station. While removing the obstacle, it was obvious that the policeman wanted to escape.

But being pointed at by the cold muzzle, he didn't dare to act rashly at all, but stood there with a pale face and sweating profusely, with a terrified expression on his face, as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

Lin Yuanfei just looked at him with a smile, and when Du Daozi moved enough of the entrance, he walked in directly.

"Come on, let's see what the policemen of the Raccoon City Police Department are doing." Lin Yuanfei smiled and kicked the door in front of him, "Why don't you want to meet enthusiastic citizens like me?

Behind him, the policeman shouted in horror, "No!

He rushed towards Lin Yuanfei, trying to stop him.

But when he rushed over, Lin Yuanfei grabbed his hand, fell over his shoulder and fell directly to the ground, letting out a painful muffled sound.

And Lin Yuanfei kicked heavily on the gate.


There was a loud bang, and the door opened.

Lin Yuanfei dragged the policeman who rolled his eyes into the room with a smile on his face, "Gentlemen of the police, everyone this afternoon...

Lin Yuanfei's smile froze on his face.

What appeared before his eyes was a large office.

Behind one desk after another, zombies were tied to office chairs one after another.

Those zombies were all wearing police uniforms, screaming and struggling with ferocious expressions, as if they wanted to break free from the shackles on their bodies.

Every zombie has a mouth full of blood, and one of the zombies is still chewing a piece of bloody meat in its mouth. As for where the meat came from, Lin Yuanfei saw a few corpse fragments piled up in the corner at a glance and opened the door In an instant, the stench of blood rushed to his face.

The whole room was filled with the stench of blood.

After seeing all this, Lin Yuanfei's expression froze.

He looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, and then at the policeman in his hand with his eyes rolled back and a terrified expression, he subconsciously grabbed the other man's neck.

"Are you fucking feeding these zombies?!" Lin Yuanfei asked incredulously, "You tied up these zombies to raise them? Are you crazy? In Lin Yuanfei's hands, the policeman began to struggle desperately.

While struggling, he glared at Lin Yuanfei angrily, and roared hysterically.

shut up!They are not zombies!They are all my subordinates!They are all my juniors!my friend!They're just sick now, but I'm sure I'll find a way to heal them!They will definitely be back to normal!absolute!

Amidst the hysterical roar of the police, Lin Yuanfei fell silent.

He lowered his head, looked at the angry and unyielding eyes of the policeman in his hand, and remained silent for a few seconds.

Take a deep breath.

No wonder you won't let us in, it turns out there's such a big secret in this house.You actually raised six zombies by yourself, you are tired of your job

Lin Yuanfei's gaze stayed on the pile of corpse fragments in the corner for a few seconds, and his eyes were a little cold, "And those corpse fragments, where did you get them? It seems that they are also from the police, right? You killed your colleague

To feed zombies? "

In response, the police began to roar angrily.

"You just killed people! You villain, what do you know? I'm just recycling!"

"Anyway, those guys are already dead. What if I use their corpse waste? Is there a problem? As long as you give me time, I will soon find a doctor who can contact my subordinates and bring them back to normal!

You bastard doesn't understand anything, let me go!

The policeman roared and struggled desperately.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the expression of Kishima Yako, who was on the side, pale.

It seems that everything that happened in front of her has a big impact on her three views

But after all, she is a mature and stable sister Yu, she will not scream like an ordinary little girl.

Toshiko Busujima calmed down quickly.

Looking at the policeman in Lin Yuanfei's hands, Budao Yazi said with some sadness and pity, "This guy has gone crazy....

After saying this, before Lin Yuanfei had time to answer, the policeman in his hand roared even more excitedly.

"Shut up! I'm not crazy! You are the ones who are crazy! Obviously we are all human beings and companions, but you want to kill each other... You are crazy! I am not wrong, I am right!" The police roared hysterically , It seems that the scar in my heart has been stabbed.

Regarding this, Lin Yuanfei fell silent.

He looked at the bound zombies in the room, at their bloody mouths, ferocious faces, and constant struggling movements.

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