However, until No. [-] reached the end of the corridor, there was no surprise attack.

When Number Five looked towards the corridor behind the corner, what appeared in its field of vision was an empty corridor.

On the promenade, some bloody footprints could be vaguely seen, but these footprints all disappeared when they passed an open ventilation window.

Seeing this scene across the screen on the big screen, Daniel suddenly realized something, and shouted, "Let number five go back!"

However it was too late.

The moment Daniel opened his mouth, in the laboratory where the unconscious man was lying, he was concentrating on guarding against the direction of the No. [-] tracker outside the door, and a strange figure covered in blood jumped in from the broken window.

The window had been shattered by Lin Yuanfei before, and now when Lin Yuanfei jumped in again, there was no obstacle at all, and no sound was made.

It wasn't until he landed near the test platform that the tracker who turned his back turned his head as if aware of it.


The sword light flashed!

ps: The fifth update is completed, the fifth update that was not completed yesterday and the latest chapter name don’t care, I just (lan)

Playing (xlang) stems (zhang) in (de) and (jie) already (mi ng), if you can’t understand it and it doesn’t affect your reading, it’s not a big problem

Chapter 287 Contradiction Spiral

In the quiet and silent laboratory, only the sound of computer equipment can be heard

The tracker who guarded the unconscious man like an iron tower guard was staring at the direction of the door, holding a huge heavy weapon in his hand.

With six rotating barrels, the flames spewed out can smash all creatures that appear at the door to pieces.

Next to the test bench, the progress bar representing the progress of cutting off the catheter link has reached the [-]% position.

Just wait a little longer, and this tracker will be able to take away important experimental samples.

However, at this quiet moment, a figure jumped in from the broken window in vain. The window that was smashed by Lin Yuanfei before was now only left with a bare window frame, and the cool night wind poured in. No one was there He noticed Lin Yuanfei who jumped in from the window in the dark night.

And Lin Yuanfei didn't give the tracker time to react.

His body flew across the air, and landed heavily next to the test bench.

Amid the muffled rumble of the floor, the heavily armed pursuers

Then he roared angrily and turned to look at him.

However it was too late.

Just as the tracker's burly body turned halfway, the samurai sword in Lin Yuanfei's hand had already been slashed out.

The sword light flashed!

Nine-headed dragon flash!

puff one by one

In the splashed blood, a head that had been hacked beyond recognition shot up into the sky.

Losing the control of his brain, the tracker's tower-like body fell heavily backwards.

Like a crumbling hill.

And Lin Yuanfei didn't stop there, he rushed over and tore off several grenades from the tracker's headless body.

Grabbing these grenades, he pulled the rings one by one, and then threw all the grenades into the corridor outside.

In the surveillance video displayed on the big screen, the earth-shattering explosion drowned out everything in the corridor.

After the image from the camera shook violently, several cameras attached to it were damaged by the explosion at the same time, and the monitoring image became pitch black.

As for the last camera, it is in the corner of the laboratory


However, Lin Yuanfei, who was next to the experimental bench, raised his head and glanced at it, then grabbed a stool beside him and threw it vigorously.

The camera on the corner ceiling was directly blown up.

In the temporary control center, all the monitoring screens turned into pitch black.

Seeing this scene, Daniel's fingers trembled, which was a sign that his emotions were about to lose control.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

Then he said, "Where is number five? How is the situation on number five? The tracker number four was killed by Lin Yuanfei's approach and was instantly killed. Now the only thing they can control is the tracker five in the corridor." no.

However, the researcher in charge of controlling No. [-] had a bitter expression on his face, "Si No. [-] failed to escape all the grenades, and was affected by the shock wave of the explosion. He lost an arm and suffered injuries to varying degrees." Indeed, these trackers are very powerful , and is manipulable, it is a super weapon capable of possessing human intelligence, and an ordinary soldier capable of crushing human beings on the battlefield.

But its flaws are also obvious.

The reaction speed of these stalkers is limited by whoever controls them


Humans can only react as fast as they can.

Even because of the operation and instruction delay, the speed of these trackers is far inferior to that of ordinary humans.

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