Bear market?

After going through so many dangers and climbing through so many crises, she managed to keep the clouds open and see the moon, and finally saw the two rituals that she thought about day and night, but she stabbed herself without saying a word when they met?

Why? !

Why should I be a fool! ! !

Lin Yuanfei's expression was distorted by anger.

He struggled to get up on the floor because of the pain and grief, the hand holding the knife was shaking.

His eyes were fixed on the two rituals in front of him, with an expression of disbelief.

And, grief and indignation.Why? !

Amidst Lin Yuanfei's roar, the two rituals looked indifferent.

Her pupils have turned into the demonic eyes of death with a strange color, and she can see the [death line] of all things in the world. Known as 【Death】.

The magic eye of death is the [death] that can see everything, see

[The end of all things].

This is not the mere concept of death, but the complete "end" of its existence.At the beginning of the birth of the thing, the end defined by the root and the magic eye of death can see the dead line and dead point of all things in the world. When the holder of the magic eye of death crosses the dead line of things with a sharp blade , things will separate along the dead line and enter the "end".

This is an unstoppable and irreversible "end", definitely not death in the simple sense.

In the Xingyue world, only two people have such magical eyes. The magic eyes of death are so magical, and the two rituals in front of them, which are called the ability that can only appear in myths and legends, have such a magical pair The bewitching color rendered in the pupils of Mo Na is as beautiful as the most outstanding gemstone in the world.

But looking directly at such beautiful eyes, Lin Yuanfei didn't have any pleasure in admiring the beauty.

In his heart, he could only feel an indescribable chill.

The shadow of death enveloped him.

The unprecedented panic and fear almost clenched his soul so that he trembled and couldn't speak a word.

"Shi... Miss Shi...

Lin Yuanfei stood there with a stiff expression, as if his soul was frozen by fear, "Why did you kill me? His heart was filled with shock beyond words, and countless confusions that he couldn't let go of.

He and the two ceremonies... aren't they siblings?

Why...why did the two rituals kill him?

Facing his question, the two ceremonies sneered.

Very godlike, Feifei looked over Lin Yuan and looked at Hei Tong who had been standing still.

There was some worry in the eyes of the two ceremonies.

Hei Tong you

"It's okay," Hei Tong shook his head, and said, "Mr. Lin Yuan didn't kill me, he seemed to think that I knew nothing about everything, so he didn't attack me, and even seemed to want to trick me as your younger brother

Hei Tongqian also sighed, and said, "I didn't expect you to appear so coincidentally

The eyes of the two ceremonies turned to Lin Yuanfei.

Smile coldly.

Want to trick Hei Tong into approaching me?Too bad you guys don't

Do you know how strong Hei Tong's investigative ability is?

"Not long after what happened at the beginning, Hei Tong has already found out about your affairs.

"It's been more than half a year. If it wasn't for what happened to Heitong, I would have gone to find you a long time ago."

'But it's not too late for you to deliver yourself now. "

"Now... pay for all the souls of the Liangyi family who died tragically at your hands! Lin Yuanfei!

The cold voice of the two ceremonies was like a magic voice urging to death. Hearing Lin Yuanfei's scalp numb, his hair stood on end, and his expression turned into incomparable panic.

What...what's the situation.


The souls of the Liangyi family pay for their lives

Please, what are you talking about?

what is going on?I don't know anything!

I really don't know anything. Lin Yuanfei watched with horror as the figures of the two rituals approached quickly and backed away in panic, with a look of horror.

"No! I don't know! I really don't know! I don't know

I don't know anything!

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!

Lin Yuanfei's hysterical screams resounded in the building of the umbrella company, which seemed extremely miserable.

However, the rushing two ceremonies did not waver in the slightest.

There was a murderous intent in her eyes.Her movements are extremely fast.

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