The deformed monster's hands were nailed to the table with thick iron nails, and it couldn't move. Dark red sticky blood dripped from the wound, dyeing its body a disgusting color.

The monster's body was not spared either, its body was densely covered with

It was full of nails, big and small, and each nail pierced through his body, making him look hideous and terrifying like a hedgehog.The countless nails pierced his whole body, but it couldn't even wail, because its mouth was sewn up with black needles and thread, and it couldn't make any sound.Only the venomous eyeballs, which cast a vicious curse on everyone in the world, it seems that this ugly and mutilated deformity is the mind that controls the monster's body.

Its body is completely connected with the table and the headless burly warrior, and it controls the burly, headless warrior's body.Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei gritted his teeth and sneered ferociously, "It's a pity that my evil thoughts can't speak, otherwise I want to ask it if it hurts to have so many nails stuck in it!

Amid Lin Yuanfei's ridicule, the deformed monster let out a dull roar from its throat.

Then, with a powerful swing, the headless samurai slammed Freddy's gloves tangled on the knife into the corner.

Then, the cold blade pointed at Lin Yuanfei in front of him. Under the dazzling light of Lin Yuanfei's flashlight, Lin Yuanfei could clearly see the appearance of that samurai sword.

Bellflower Fairy Dongyue

It was another Kikyo Xiandongyue, exactly the same as the knife in his hand

Chapter 310 The Incarnation of Evil Thought

Lin Yuanfei was startled when he saw the bellflower fairy Dongyue in the hands of the incarnation of evil thoughts.

Then, shook his head.

"It's okay to turn evil thoughts into monsters, even knives can be transformed, and they are exactly the same... Could this Silent Hill be Chaldea? In such a strange place like Chaldea, it is obviously the only one in the world in theory. There can be several weapons.

For example, a heroic spirit in childhood can get one, a heroic spirit in middle age can also get one, and a heroic spirit in old age can also get one, and even open a swimsuit event and get more, and a new class can get more a handful.

For example, logically speaking, there is only one sword of vowed victory in the whole world, but there are almost ten in Chaldea, right?

One in Merlin's hand, and one in the hands of Artoria of different ranks, and each of them has the true power of the sword of vowed victory. So what is the principle of this?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the incarnation of evil thoughts in front of him, and smiled, "Hey brother, is your master Gudazi?

The ugly and hideous deformed monster looked at him with venomous eyes,

A low muffled growl sounded in his throat.

At the same time, the headless burly warrior swung a long knife and flew towards Lin Yuan.

The smooth and flowing sword movement is extremely beautiful and powerful, combining the stunning art and the cruelty of killing, the beauty is suffocating.Just this movement of the sword is many times stronger than Lin Yuanfei's dry chopping.The killing intent came towards him, and the sword light cut through the air.

Lin Yuanfei's body jumped up again, and he slashed horizontally with his long knife.

Clang one by one

With a loud noise, two identical famous knives collided together.

Amidst the ear-piercing air explosion, Lin Yuanfei's body was knocked half a meter away. His sight was fixed on the monster's sword gesture.

Full concentration!

Indeed, he doesn't know swordsmanship, and he didn't even swing a real sword before crossing.

But it doesn't matter, because his body has honed and honed his superb sword skills day and night, and he has already engraved the sword skills of Feitian Yujianliu into the muscle memory of every inch of muscle.

When Lin Yuanfei witnessed the real Feitian Yujian Liu swordsmanship, he felt that the muscles of his whole body were trembling and hot, as if he was immersed in it.

After waiting for a long time, I was finally awakened by something familiar.

Lin Yuanfei, who was staring at the monster's sword, concentrated all his energy on the monster's body, hands, and footsteps.

Every movement, every inch of the monster's movement, every muscle tremor seemed to be captured by his sight and felt by this body. Then, the moment the monster charged forward with a low growl, Lin Yuanfei's With his left foot forward, his eyes are cold.

Slash out with the same speed, same movement, and same killing intent!

Flying sword flow!Ssangyong flashed in the air, the moment the two knives collided at the same time, the same reaction force sent Lin Yuanfei and the monster flying out at the same time.

The monster's eyes were filled with hatred and shock.

However, Lin Yuanfei swung the blood-dripping long knife and laughed loudly. At the moment when the sword collided just now, his tiger's mouth was directly shattered, and scarlet blood flowed out. However, Lin Yuanfei's laughter was extremely carefree .

"Do you know Sharingan?" Lin Yuanfei smiled grimly, shaking off the blood dripping on the blade, and said, "Now I can copy all your moves.

Indeed, Lin Yuanfei didn't know any sword skills, and he didn't know anything about Feitian Yujian Style.

But by imitating the monster's sword movement and speed, relying on the muscle memory of this body, he can completely imitate the exact same sword move!

Even as long as he swings a few more times, after Lin Yuanfei memorizes the skills of swinging the sword, he will learn the real flying sword technique!Even if he learns any move, it will become his real swordsmanship!It is no longer a mere imitation!

After realizing this, Lin Yuanfei showed an excited smile.

"What a coincidence that you came here!

Lin Yuanfei stared at the deformed monster in front of him, and laughed wildly, "Come on! Monster, draw your sword! You want to kill me, right? Then let's have an upright duel!"

Lin Yuanfei's wild laughter seemed to have enraged the deformed monster. Amidst the dull roar from its throat, the deformed monster swung a long knife and charged again.

The speed of the sword, which is extremely beautiful and murderous, is so fast that ordinary people can't catch it.

But Lin Yuanfei's body's dynamic vision can see not only very clearly, but even every subtle movement of the monster's sword.

Coupled with the muscle memory of the sword hero's body who swung the sword countless times, Lin Yuanfei's body imitated the opponent's sword move at a speed that was not inferior at the moment the monster drew its sword.

The same speed, the same movement, the same swift and elegant peerless sword.

The moment the two swords intersected, there was a piercing explosion in the air. In the collision of huge force, Lin Yuanfei and the monster were pushed back at the same time.

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