Then, taking advantage of this support point, Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath

Qi, exerting strength again, the body rose straight up several meters, and hung on another sculpture of a human face.

After several operations like this, when the dense rustling sound appeared under his feet, Lin Yuanfei had already climbed to a height of more than [-] meters from the ground. It is so small that it is about the size of a figure.

And the weird and terrifying triangular head passed by the road, and he didn't look up to notice a figure hanging above his head like a Spiderman.

Chapter 319 Triangle head to tell the truth,

Chapter 319 Triangular head To be honest, Feitian Yujian style is really strong.

Although it is low martial arts in name, in fact low martial arts are only supporting roles for the public. The strength shown by Kenshin and his master in the animation, even the early Dragon Ball can beat twice. Gu Qingjuro didn't have any help to practice Jianxin, so he rose directly from the ground to a height of more than ten meters, and flew to the top of the waterfall. The sword is drawn from the bottom up.

The moment the master and apprentice clashed in mid-air, the shock wave from the confrontation directly shattered all the water flow of the waterfall and blocked the entire waterfall

This kind of power can be possessed by low martial arts?

Not to mention Kenshin and Zhizhixiong's brilliant record in the real decisive battle between Kenshin and Zhizhixiong in the later period.

To be honest, judging from the Flying Yujian style in the animation, even if Kenshin is brought to Xingyue World, there is no need to give him any patches or enhancements. The strength shown in the original book alone can be compared with most Heroic Spirit wrestled.

It was because Lin Yuanfei didn't know how to use real swordsmanship.

If he can get the memory of the original owner of the body and learn the real flying sword style, let alone learn it completely, even if he learns half of it, it will be completely worthy of the so-called two rituals.

It's just that people are poor and short-sighted, and horses are thin and long-haired, so it's time to admit it

Who made himself not treated well in this time travel, and failed to absorb the memory of the original owner of the body?

Let alone swordsmanship now, Lin Yuanfei feels that the true potential and power of this body has not been used by himself.Lin Yuanfei is now the director, when will he be promoted to a higher level!This monster is getting harder and harder to spawn!

Carrying Du Dao Yazi on his back like a child, Lin Yuanfei hung on the cliff wall more than [-] meters above the ground like a Spiderman.

He looked down at the triangular head at his feet.

To be honest, the guy with the triangle head is blind every day, as long as he doesn't appear in his field of vision openly, he will hardly be targeted.

Just to be on the safe side, Lin Yuanfei climbed so high, it's even more impossible for the triangular head to spot him. After all, whether it's a human or a monster, who would look up when they are idle?

See if there are people lying on their stomachs at a height of more than [-] meters above their heads?Under Lin Yuanfei's peeping, the strong and burly triangular head "comes on the waves"...well, on the waves of insects.

The dense hellworms swept across the pitch-black scorched earth like pitch-black waves, and the triangular head was surrounded by these hellworms.

In its hand, it dragged a long, exaggeratedly huge guillotine. After this guy came to Lin Yuanfei's feet, he didn't find Lin Yuanfei's existence, but glanced sideways at the black jeep parked by the roadside. .

In this world that has completely changed, only this black jeep from the outside world still stubbornly maintains its original appearance.

Although Lin Yuanfei didn't quite understand how a metal skull as big as a triangular head, with no eyes, looked at the road, but it did turn its head to look at the jeep, and then continued to move forward.

uh... wait

Seeing the back of the triangle head going straight to you, Lin Yuanfei suddenly thought of something.

Speaking of which, the guy with the triangular head is probably blind because of this... he wears a metal skull so his vision is limited and he can't see outside.

s things?

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly feel that this guy is a bit cute.

Lin Yuanfei fixedly stared at the tall and mighty back of the triangular head, staring at the other's huge metal skull full of strange and evil aura.

However, once such things as thoughts breed, they cannot be easily ruled out like a virus.

Now that Lin Yuanfei looked at the huge and ferocious metal head of the triangular head, he no longer had the awe he had before.

Some kind of helpless feeling emerged in his heart—be serious, bastard!This is Silent Hill? Lin Yuanfei shook his head, forcibly diverted that crazy thought away, and began to think about more serious things.

But in fact, what Lin Yuanfei is more concerned about now is only the incarnation of evil thoughts.

The guy with the triangle head usually doesn't run around casually... and even if he runs around, he won't bring a lot of hellworms to a place like this on the edge, right?

Lin Yuanfei felt that the guy with the triangular head most likely came for the incarnation of evil thoughts that ate the body's body.

After hesitating for two seconds, Lin Yuanfei began to move slowly at an altitude of [-] meters, moving briskly across the faces of the sculpted figures

With that, Lin Yuanfei cautiously approached the cliff.

And the poisonous island scum on his back hugged him tightly, even though he was tied up with a rope, his face was still a little pale.

May I ask, at a height of more than [-] meters from the ground, on a completely vertical cliff, climbing with no safety rope on this kind of cliff with bare hands... How does it feel?In other words, visualize it a bit.

Climbing without any safety ropes on the outer wall of a building on the tenth floor, at that height, a normal person would feel dizzy even looking down, let alone climbing on it.

Although Kishima Yako has a strong personality, she is still a normal woman, so she couldn't help but feel a little fear at this time.

Lin Yuanfei, on the other hand, was full of triangular heads and the incarnation of evil thoughts at this moment, completely unaware of how dangerous what he was doing at this moment.

It wasn't until Lin Yuanfei got close enough that he could see the blurred picture on the other side of the cliff from a distance, that he stopped. This distance is almost the limit.

Going any further would be dangerous.

Lin Yuanfei stared at the scene on the edge of the cliff from a distance, as he guessed, there was only a monster incarnate with evil thoughts

As for the other mercenary corpses, from a distance, they were scattered all over the place and seemed to lack a lot of flesh. If the triangle head hadn't been killed halfway, Lin Yuanfei would have been able to see the scene of the monster eating people.

But at this time, the monster incarnated from evil thoughts lay in the middle of the corpse and roared angrily at the approaching triangular hair.

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