What Kishima Yako pointed at was next to the corpse on the edge of the cliff.

In fact, Lin Yuanfei had already seen it without the reminder from Toshiko Busujima.

Among the corpses of mercenaries on the edge of the cliff, I do not know when

One more doodle.

In a world where the whole world is pale and monochromatic, this piece of graffiti art paper looks extremely bright.

Lin Yuanfei slowly descended the cliff with Du Dao Shouzi on his back, then untied the rope on his body and put Du Dao Yazi down, and the two walked over.

On the edge of the cliff, the corpses of the five mercenaries had been devoured beyond recognition, missing hands and feet.

Not only the incarnation of evil thoughts devoured these corpses, but also later when the hell worms appeared, what is left now is a pile of what can be called "minced meat".

It can no longer be called a complete corpse.

Not to mention that Du Dao Yazi couldn't help turning blue when he took a look at it, even Lin Yuanfei felt his throat itchy and had the urge to vomit when he saw this disgusting scene.

In the cold wind, he put the mask back on.

Then he bent down, resisting the bloody smell and stench of the corpse and picked up the graffiti.

The graffiti on the drawing paper looks like patterns randomly scribbled by elementary school students. The thick and chaotic colors combined with the ugly and distorted patterns give people a sense of horror.

On the back of the drawing paper, there is a line of words.

The Lord said <, you are quiet {Flying industry is full of time and stone time,

I am angry and angry {c fly and purify twenty.

The moment he saw this line of Japanese, Lin Yuanfei was stunned.

Then, handed it to Du Shimako.

Uh...I don't know much Japanese.

ps: There is only one update today, and five updates tomorrow

Chapter 321 Licking Bag Although Lin Yuanfei Loaded the Language System After Traveling

Chapter 321 Licking Bag Although Lin Yuanfei loaded the language system after traveling, he can speak Japanese now

But this language system does not seem to include word recognition.

For Japanese characters, he can only rely on guessing.

And most guess wrong.

Therefore, he had no choice but to hand the graffiti to Toshiko Busujima, and asked Koko Busujima to explain the above content to him.

After taking a look at the graffiti, Du Daozi directly read the two lines of text on the back.

"There is written on it one by one the Lord said: When the time is ripe, I will purify the world with my anger." Then Bushima Yuko looked at Lin Yuanfei, a little confused, "Lin Yuan-jun, what does this mean?

Lin Yuanfei showed his understanding of Silent Hill, which has already made Roko Busushima subconsciously regard him as an encyclopedia of evil spirits.

Not only Silent Hill, but Lin Yuanfei also knows the strange shape of Torijima very well. In addition, this guy is an "old ghost" who has resurrected from a dead body. Although Lin Yuanfei claims that he is a visitor from another world, in fact... you alone

Visitors from another world know so much about these weird things?

This sentence is like a guy saying that although he has lived in a tribe deep in the African prairie for decades since he was a child, and he has just arrived in the United States for a few days, he is very familiar with the major forces on Wall Street in the United States and the dirty stories between these forces. Very understanding.

would you believe it

Lin Yuanfei has the right to reveal his origin, but Busujima Saiko and the others also have the right not to believe it.

This is why Takashi Saya doesn't trust Lin Yuanfei so much.

It's just because of her character that she would not "expose" Lin Yuanfei, she habitually smiled and let the man step down, but it didn't mean that she really trusted Lin Yuanfei's statement that he was a visitor from another world.

In other words, a woman like Budao Yazi is the kind of good woman who smiles and finds a way to help her husband lie even if her husband is blowing the horns outside. The appearance of believing it is actually just comforting Lin Yuanfei.

Now when encountering a special situation, she subconsciously asked Lin Yuanfei.

But Lin Yuanfei didn't realize the twists and turns.

As soon as Kishima Yako asked him, he became seriously old

Looking at the line of text on the back of the graffiti, Lin Yuanfei touched his chin... It seems to be the 21st sacrament.

21 Sacrament is a mysterious ritual that appeared in the fourth part of the Silent Hill game. Its purpose is to let the Virgin come.

Could it be that they came to the fourth part of the world?


●. ●

Lin Yuanfei looked at the graffiti again, yes, the graffiti is the ugly graffiti that appeared in the Silent Hill movie, with a school pattern on it

This is another movie graffiti, and the 21 sacraments that only appeared in the fourth part of the game. The setting of Silent Hill in this world is really confusing. Lin Yuanfei thought for a while and said, "There is no need to worry about this thing for the time being. Maybe it's just pretending to be profound. Let's go to the school to have a look, and maybe we can find something in the school.

In fact, if it is the world view of the Silent Hill movie, then Lin Yuanfei only needs to go to the church to find the group of cultists, and then he can find out the real location of Aretha.

But looking at the world at present, the setting is very confusing. To be on the safe side, we still have to follow the plot.

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