And it's still the watch world, which has been completely isolated in a different dimension. Whose mobile phone signal can still be received in a different dimension? But the phone keeps ringing, which is extremely harsh in the quiet building.

Lin Yuanfei hesitated for two seconds, and finally took out the original owner's flip phone from his backpack.

He glanced at the call notification.Uh... what the hell is blank space?

Although the phone rings all the time, and there is an incoming call reminder screen on the screen, but the place belonging to the caller's phone is blank. Could it be a ghost calling?Can't even see the phone number?

Lin Yuanfei hesitated for two seconds, then hung up the phone with a snap, mainly because he thought about Sadako Yamamura.

Ring at midnight!Ringing at midnight, brother!

Not long after Sadako Yamamura appeared, someone called now, and the call was made in a different dimension where there is no signal. Do you think there is no moth here?

No idiot would believe it!

In all likelihood, Sadako Yamamura was doing something.

So Lin Yuanfei decided to pretend that he didn't hear anything, he just didn't answer your phone call, he just didn't answer your phone call, he was mad at you!

However, Lin Yuanfei was about to put the phone away after hanging up the phone, when the phone rang again.

Still the same as before, I can't see the calling number.

Just as Lin Yuanfei wanted to repeat the same trick, he pressed the phone, and the call was connected automatically

Why did it automatically get connected? Lin Yuanfei was in a daze when he saw the call connected?Still have this kind of operation?

What are you so talented? Miss Sadako looked at the screen of the flip phone with a dark face, and heard the rustling sound from the opposite side after the call was connected, Lin Yuanfei said.

"Miss Sadako, you insisted on calling even after I hung up on you.

You forced me to answer the call, you are harassing me by phone, do you understand?I can go to the police station to sue you at any time, but Miss Sadako on the other end of the phone didn't answer him.

On the contrary, the moment the phone was connected, a cold and terrifying chill climbed up Lin Yuanfei's back like a curse, making him stiff all over... Did it really come?

Lin Yuanfei swallowed, and subconsciously pressed the exorcism wooden knife on his waist with his left hand.

Do you want to start a movie with Yamamura Sadako here?

But I haven't learned all the Flying Swordsmanship yet!It's dangerous to start filming now.

Evil thoughts incarnate, where are you?If you don't come out and teach me the remaining sword skills, I will die!

Gritting his teeth suddenly, Lin Yuanfei was about to hang up the phone.

However, at this moment, the picture on the phone screen flickered and changed.

It became a picture of a dry well.

It looked like a TV screen shrunk ten times.

Seeing Sadako Yamamura slowly crawling out of the dry well on the screen of the mobile phone, Hayashi Yuan Fei was dumbfounded.

so hard?

Crawl out of your phone without a TV?

Ms. Sadako, are you working too hard?

He watched helplessly as the pale Sadako slowly crawled out of the dry well and crawled towards the camera.

Lin Yuanfei even saw a small black head popping out from the screen of the phone, but no matter how you look at this head, which is only the size of Lin Yuanfei's thumb, it can't give people a sense of fear!

Under the horrified and stunned gaze of Bujima Yuko, Lin Yuanfei watched the little Sadako's head emerge from the screen of the phone with a blank face, and then closed the flip phone with a snap.

Suddenly, the whole world was quiet.

Kishima Yako looked at him, dumbfounded.

That expression seemed to be saying a word—what the hell?Still have this kind of operation?

ps: Some people say that I only broke out at the fifth shift at the end of the month. I want everyone’s monthly tickets and blades.Am I, Changzhou Dongma, that kind of person?

In order to prove myself, I am on the fifth watch today.It's not to tell others how great I am, but just to tell everyone that it's the beginning of January, so throw the monthly pass over here, the more monthly passes you can feel the explosion

more motivation

Asking for leave, and the recent update of the essay has taken a serious dive. In May, a total of 5w was updated

Words, shame on you.

Although it was due to one reason or another, including a trip to Changsha that was delayed for several days, it was not updated if it was not updated.

People cannot make excuses for themselves, because once they make excuses, they will easily deceive themselves and become lazy.

In order to get back to the previous state, start exercising tomorrow.For two days in a row, the five shifts are the first to warm up your hands, because once you get out of the state of high-intensity codewords, it is still difficult to go back.

The plot of Silent Hill should not be very long, because the interest of this plot is actually insufficient. I came here just to patch up the protagonist, bury some holes dug earlier, and explain some important plots. A series of small plots in the early stage give an end, and then start a new plot.

It can be regarded as a small copy connecting the past and the future.

After the story of Silent Hill is over, the daily life will start for a long time.

At least that's the outline.

The rhythm in the later stage should not be as fast as before, which also makes the

Everyone relax.

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