Without saying a word, Lin Yuanfei kicked open the bathroom door and said

"Run! It's not suitable to stay here for long!" Lin Yuanfei seemed to run away as he said.

In fact, there is no need for Lin Yuanfei to remind, at the same time he kicked open the gate, Dudao Zhizi already understood what he meant and ran out directly went.

The running speed with the oil on the soles of his feet is completely different from the poisonous island scumbag he met at the beginning!

Quickly quickened his pace and followed Du Dao Yazi, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help sighing.

Sure enough, the socialist world transforms ghosts into humans, and the capitalist world transforms people into ghosts.

Look at this originally reserved, elegant and gentle Yamato Nadeko, it's only been a few days, and the movement of running away is so smooth.

What a pity for such an elegant beauty.

Lin Yuanfei sighed, and looked behind him.

There, a pale figure stood there coldly

The cold and resentful eyes stared at the back of their departure. The moment Lin Yuanfei turned his head back, the eyes of both sides happened to touch each other.

Then, Lin Yuanfei pulled his hand towards the neck and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

In the next second, Lin Yuanfei and Busujima Rueko rushed across the corner and disappeared from the sight of the ghost.

At the same time as the piercing siren sounded throughout the world, countless panicked and terrifying pigeons flew into the sky, like wild geese fleeing in groups, towards the direction of the church. It was the only place in Silent Hill that was not caught. The world is a place of danger and monsters infestation.

It is the only safe place in this dark world.

But there are always people who are indifferent to it.

The girl with pink hair stood in the dark hut, through the crack of the broken window, staring indifferently at everything outside the window.In her field of vision, the colors in the sky gradually dimmed, and the sights of the town gradually darkened.

When the ear-piercing rustling sounded, everything on the walls, ceiling, tables and chairs, and in sight all peeled off layer after layer of camouflage "skin".

Those things, like peeling paint, have all disappeared after falling off the things they were originally attached to.

revealing the barbed wire and rusted steel hidden beneath.

The whole world turned into a gloomy and strange color.

The torture tools, walls, and ground made of barbed wire and rusted steel made this place look like a steel factory that had been abandoned for many years.

Under the layer after layer of barbed wire, there is the sultry smell of poisonous fire burning in the deepest part of hell, and the strange smell of sulfur permeates the air. However, standing in this hell-like horror world, the girl with pink hair is very calm.

She indifferently watched the switching of the whole world. After the switching of the world, she turned coldly and looked at Xing Jia behind her. In the small room behind her, stood a hideous and terrifying torture rack.A middle-aged woman with a pale face was tied up with barbed wire

The woman was wearing a tattered black dress, not so much a dress as a collection of piles of rags

Dirty rags were covered with dust.

And the woman's hair was also full of dust, and the hair was condensed into strands of hard lumps, and it hadn't been washed for many years.

This woman, who was even more filthy than the most filthy tramp, was hanging on the torture rack, her face was so pale that she was not alive.

Only her blank eyes stared at Yuno indifferently.

Even though she was a captured prisoner, she didn't show any signs of fear.

Instead, he showed a cold smile.

"In the dark, your sins will be washed away!"

Yuno looked at her coldly and said, "You don't have a position to help her keep a secret, do you? Dalia!

The moment she heard this name, the middle-aged woman on the torture rack trembled for a moment.

She stared at my wife Yuno in front of her, and asked in disbelief

'You... how do you know my name?Aren't you an outsider? My wife Yuno sneered, pressing down mercilessly with the sharp knife

The cold blade cut into Dalia's index finger coldly and slowly. With the sharpness of this knife, it can easily cut off Dalia's finger.

But Yuno did not choose to press down slowly and calmly.

Moving little by little, inch by inch, minute by minute, the cutting process was infinitely extended, Dalia's body twitched in pain.

In the mouth, there was a scream of pain and pain, and the blade that slowly cut into her finger brought her great pain

she wailed in pain.

sinner!You are unforgivable!When the darkness falls, you will be in the poisonous fire of hell... ahhhhhhh! ! !

Amidst Dalia's screams of pain, Yuno cut off her first finger coldly and said, "It hurts, right? Dalia, my knife is coated with salt. When the salt and the wound touch together , Can the pain you experience satisfy you?

During Yuno's questioning with a smile, Dalia wailed and screamed in pain, struggled desperately and twitched.

However, she was tied very tightly, and the desperate struggle could only make the cold wire go under the skin, causing more pain.When Yuno removed the knife, the middle-aged woman on the rack was still howling and struggling in pain.

The salt on the wound tortured her all the time.

It made her utter vicious curses crazily.

You are not far from death!Your evil thoughts!Will devour you!You will pay what you deserve!

However, Yuno smiled calmly.

"Evil thoughts? I'm sorry to disappoint you. Seeing you screaming like this, I don't feel the slightest guilt or guilt for committing a crime, let alone breed negative emotions. I see you suffering, and I will only feel

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