Obviously, both sides should be of the same level of flesh, but the fighting qualities of this monster in terms of jumping ability, strength, reflex speed, and smooth speed of the sword can completely beat Lin Yuanfei.

Obviously, Lin Yuanfei, a half-traveler, couldn't exert the full strength of this sword hero's body at all.

Maybe he didn't notice it before, but now that he has the same level of evil thoughts from the original owner of his body, he realizes that he is more powerful than his body.

How much weaker is the original owner of the body.

Not far away, Yuko Busushima calmly raised his rifle.

While Lin Yuanfei distanced himself from the monster, the rifle in Du Daozi's hand began to spit out bullets.

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da's side face was illuminated by the gunfire that lit up in the darkness.

However, when the dense bullets shot forward, the deformed monster didn't even retreat.

It directly raised the knife in its hand Dangdangdangdang

Amid a series of crisp metal collision sounds, all the bullets flying towards it were smashed away by it with a knife.

This is completely different from Lin Yuanfei's half-baked knife and bullets on the Raccoon City Bridge. This monster looks so easy and smooth when it is made.

It can even slash all the bullets crazily, and then grunt and charge head-on in the direction of the bullets flying towards the bullet screen of the rifle!

The speed of the monster is reaching the limit!Seeing that deformed monster turned into a black lightning and rushed towards Yuko Busushima, Lin Yuanfei who was beside him gritted his teeth and roared angrily.

"Nine-headed dragon flash!

The moment he rushed out with a roar, the long knife in his hand suddenly showed Han's cold killing intent, boiling on the long street that had already been turned into scorched earth.The monster charging against the bullet storm paused, then suddenly turned around and rushed towards Lin Yuanfei. The moment Lin Yuanfei flew out his sword, the knife in the monster's hand was sheathed.



The speed of the monster's sword drawing is as fast as the limit!Tianxiang Dragon Flash is the ultimate esoteric technique of the Feitian Yujian style. Every generation of Feitian Yujian style masters and apprentices who specialize in breaking the nine-headed dragon flash will use this move to fight. The master uses the nine-headed dragon flash, and the apprentice uses the Tianxiang dragon flash.

In that brief moment, if the apprentice can comprehend the ultimate meaning, the master will die.

Otherwise, the apprentice will die. However, the moment the monster slashed out of Tianxiang Longshan, the smile on the corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth lit up his knife, which was still in the sheath

The so-called loud shouting is nothing but a bluff.

The moment the monster drew its sword, he directly imitated the same strike!

Sky Soaring Dragon Flash!

The moment the two sides drew their swords, the figure of the monster disappeared.

In Kishima Yako's sight, the deformed monster like Siamese twins disappeared.

That is after the speed has reached the limit, it has surpassed the level that ordinary people's naked eyes can capture.

However, in the next second, Lin Yuanfei's figure also disappeared in the scorched black world.

Two figures, two knives with the same profound meaning, and the same moves.

The same moment of disappearance, the same last moment of collision of the sword's edge that is approaching the limit, the fight will be that the destructive power of the trick will be overwhelmed.

The sound of swords clashing resounded in the darkness. For an infinitely long moment, the two identical Kikyo fairy Dongyue finally confronted each other head-on.

Then, dense cracks and cobwebs flowed into it.

Spread the entire blade of the knife!

Evil thoughts turned into knives in his hands, which would shatter at the touch

And the deformed and ugly monster like Siamese twins, moaning, its hideous and hideous body fell into a momentary state of rigidity.Then, it slammed heavily on the window sill on the second floor.He broke through the barbed wire window and fell heavily into the dark world.

Even if the evil power is manifested and the fame and power of the fake one can be confused with the real one, the fake is still a fake after all.

In front of the real Kikyo fairy Dongyue, under the collision of the ultimate profound trick, the first to defeat the dagger was the shattered blade fragments of the knife in the monster's hand, which disappeared silently while splashing in mid-air, turning into countless flying... The black powder is not.

And the entire dark and terrifying inner world seems to have come to an end with the defeat of the incarnation of evil thoughts.

While Lin Yuanfei stood up panting, he turned his head and looked behind him.

There, behind the window on the second floor, in the darkness, the ugly and deformed evil incarnation looked at him with resentment, and a terrifying scar almost ran across the monster's body.

But it didn't die, but when the other world disappeared, its body gradually turned into countless "skins" that fell off.

Those mottled patent leathers gradually adhered to the surrounding floors and window sills.

The originally gloomy inner world gradually turned into a white, foggy and pale world, and the window into which the incarnation of evil thoughts planted itself also turned into a glass window with religious patterns printed on it.

And the incarnation of evil thoughts completely disappeared.The horror of the other world also disappeared at the same time Lin Yuanfei and Toshiko Busujima stood in this deserted and lonely white world at the same time, watching the snow of ashes constantly falling from the sky.

A smile appeared on Lin Yuanfei's face.

That's it

Scarlet blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, Lin Yuanfei's body fell heavily to the ground.

The whole world is silent.

ps: The third update is over, there will be two updates later

Seeing all this, feeling the soft grass under his feet and the night wind blowing in his face, Lin Yuanfei looked around in a daze.

Then, behind him, there was a low laugh.

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