"If you want, I can open the door right now and let you out of Silent Hill...

In Aleisha's smile, Lin Yuanfei's expression was extremely gloomy, he stared at the face in front of him that was almost exactly the same as Yuki, he clenched his teeth, "You bastard.

Lin Yuanfei took a deep breath, trying to suppress his violent emotions, and roared in a low voice, "What are you trying to do? Why are you hurting Yuki? What does she have to do with you? Why are you so right?

Treat her?

However, facing Lin Yuanfei's question, Aretha blinked and smiled.

"The transaction between Yuki and I doesn't seem to include the link of answering questions...so please forgive me for refusing to answer questions.

As she spoke, she took a step back, and the silent, strong, triangular head standing there like a hill took a silent step forward, coldly standing in front of Lin Yuanfei and the others.

Standing here with Lin Yuanfei, he couldn't even see the figure of the girl behind the triangle head.

Only Aretha's cold and weird laughter continued to resound in the room

If Mr. Lin Yuan doesn't want to leave, you will waste another precious opportunity to leave. "

"Yuki gave up an arm to escape, Lin Yuan-jun, don't you really want to seize it? Do you really want to waste such an opportunity?"

Hearing this provocative sarcasm, Lin Yuanfei clenched his teeth and his eyes were cracking.Anger and hatred burned in his chest.

His standing body was trembling, like a volcano about to erupt. Unable to suppress the anger in his heart anymore, Lin Yuanfei let out a roar, and rushed out.

Flying sword flow!The moment the nine-headed dragon flashed the sharp samurai sword out of its sheath, the cold light of the sword blocked all the space in front of it. The triangular head, standing quietly on the path that the long sword must pass through, lowered his head and raised the huge guillotine in his hand.

Then, this huge triangular head, which usually dragged the guillotine slowly, showed all the speeds beyond everyone's imagination!

The gigantic guillotine, which was as huge as a door panel, waved in the room, and the speed of the swing was so fast that it was unimaginable that it caused a gust of wind in the narrow space.

All of Lin Yuanfei's knives were blocked. This is the first time that Feitian Yujian Liu's swordsmanship has been blocked. The huge guillotine he swung was like a door panel. All he had to do was move it horizontally, and all of Lin Yuanfei's knives were blocked. It can fall on the back of the hard and huge guillotine.

During the clash of the blades, there was a chaotic sound of ping-pong-pong in the room.

Amid the ear-piercing sound of metal collisions, Aretha chuckled softly

'The Cult Breaker and Wraith Sealer aren't that powerful either,

Amidst the girl's chuckle, the tall and strong triangular head shook back the rushing Lin Yuanfei, and then raised the gigantic guillotine.

Chop down!

The sharp guillotine blade directly slashed towards Lin Yuanfei who was in front of him.The violent wind pressure, unimaginably fast speed, as well as the terrifying force and the huge size of the guillotine are enough to change the faces of all living people.

The strength of the strongest monster in Silent Hill is beyond everyone's imagination.

However, at the same time that the huge guillotine was slashing down, Lin Yuanfei raised his head, his blood-red eyes looked at the huge guillotine falling like a mountain above his head, and roared!

From his throat, there was a crazy roar like a demon.

The knife in his hand returned to its sheath in an instant, and at the same time, his right hand held the handle of the knife without retreating half a step!

In the astonished eyes of the people in the room, Lin Yuanfei, who was like a madman, roared wildly, as if he was completely crazy facing the huge guillotine that fell down like a landslide, and slashed out the profound meaning of the sword flying to the sky with a sword that was almost reaching its limit!Dragon Flash

Chapter 339 The nurse's sister's flying knife slashes vertically.

The profound meaning of Feitian Yujianliu burst out a dazzling cold light in the dark small room.

In the howling wind, both Yuno and Toshiko Busujima subconsciously retreated to the corner.

The huge guillotine wielded by the triangular head may affect them at the edge at any time.

However, in the face of the terrifying monster in front of him, Lin Yuanfei actually confronted him head-on. This reckless behavior made Alessa's eyes widen in surprise.

But before the words of ridicule could be uttered, Lin Yuanfei had already rushed in front of Triangle Head.

The speed is reaching the limit!

Sky Soaring Dragon Flash!

The ultimate profound meaning released in an instant is like a cold light that cuts through the darkness.

Wherever the light of the knife went, even the air was torn apart. The huge guillotine slashed down and collided heavily with the bellflower fairy Dongyue.

Compared with the huge guillotine like the door panel, this long and narrow samurai sword looks as fragile as a toothpick.

However, the moment the swords collide.


In the air, there was a piercing air explosion!

The explosion of the shock wave took the place where the swords intersected as the midpoint, and erupted between Lin Yuanfei and the triangle head.

In the next second, the triangular head was shocked back half a step!

The monster that was invincible and invincible in the twenty worlds of Silent Hill was knocked back half a step!

The destructive power of Tianxiang Longshan's unique move directly knocked away the huge guillotine in the monster's hand. That two-meter-high sturdy body was as big as a hill, but at this moment it was just a mountain of meat.After losing its ferocious weapon, it was unarmed in front of Lin Yuanfei at the moment when Lin Yuanfei shook the guillotine, gritted its teeth and roared angrily, rushing forward against the powerful air shock wave.

Blood spattered between the fingers holding the knife, and he also suffered huge damage from the shock force at the moment of fighting.

But he didn't retreat!

He even took a step forward, approaching the stiff triangle head with a roar.

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