Aretha, you're pissing me off! "The expression on the girl's face was extremely gloomy.

The monsters around her began to move around.

Tensions, simmering-

to be continued

Sha's dark side finally revealed its eerie side.

That indifferent expression, without the slightest emotion, gave people an inexplicable sense of horror.

She looked at Lin Yuanfei and the translucent Freddy floating behind Lin Yuanfei like this, and said, "Stand-in... what does this mean?

Mr. Lin Yuan, the guy behind you seems to be called Freddy, right?

When did you become a so-called substitute?

With his arms folded in front of his chest, Lin Yuanfei said calmly.

"This is my newly awakened ability, stand-in—Freddie Star!

And Freddy behind Lin Yuanfei immediately flew up, roaring in coordination.

"Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola!!!" The inexplicable performance left everyone at a loss.

Only the corner of Lin Yuanfei's mouth twitched. Why is Freddy getting more and more funny? He can guarantee that the action just now was not under his control.

Although after putting on the gloves, Lin Yuanfei already felt some kind of weird link between himself and Freddy, he could control Freddy to do anything.

The current Freddy can be said to have become his marionette, allowing him to control him.Freddy has some control, though.

For example, pretending that he didn't know anything just like before, Lin Yuanfei looked at him seriously.

"Letha's dark side, said

"Let's make a deal, Miss Evil Spirit. You give Yuki to me, we let you go, and then we all go our separate ways. You play your Silent Hill, and I'll take my Sunshine Road. How about it? Fight me here, just relying on these monsters around you, you have little chance of winning." Lin Yuanfei's suggestion was very sincere, and this was the last time he tried to talk about it.After all, Yuki's safety is the most important thing. If everything can be solved without bloodshed, there is no reason for him to fight head-on with Aretha.

But unfortunately, Aretha's dark side doesn't buy it.Facing Lin Yuanfei's suggestion, she sneered.

That's right, you did corrode a small piece of the inner world and created a deeper dream, and now I do fall into your hands

But don't forget, this is still Silent Hill!The dream you built is based on Silent Hill. I am here, and I still have power!

As Alessa's voice fell, the ears of wheat fields around her began to shake violently.

The cold wind swept across the earth.

The originally sunny sky began to be filled with dark clouds.

Biting chill spread in the air.

The original picturesque garden turned into a terrifying scene of doom in an instant.

The nurses standing in the middle of the wheat field all looked up to the sky and roared silently. The weird scene was like a ritual scene of a cult sacrifice.

And Aretha, who was standing in the middle of the wheat field, slowly raised a dark wind, spreading around her around her.

All the ears of wheat fields blown by those winds were dyed a strange black color, and then began to swell and change violently.

In the end, it turned into one ugly monster after another.

A lame vicious dog, a bald strange bird exuding a rotten breath, a wriggling poisonous snake, a disgusting giant spider with a deformed human head... In an instant, there are more ugly and disgusting monsters on the earth. All the monsters roared and roared, and they crawled towards Lin Yuanfei.

And the nurses who surrounded them were even more eager to move.

Seeing this scene, Freddy cried out.

"It's your turn! Little warrior! In the world of dreams, you can do whatever you want

After saying this, Freddy turned into a puff of black smoke and floated into Lin Yuanfei's glove, disappearing.

But Lin Yuanfei felt the dream control that Freddy handed over

He can completely control the dream in front of him!

Although Lin Yuanfei felt a sharp pain in his brain when he took over the control, the heavy mental pressure almost didn't overwhelm him.

Obviously, forcibly corrupting an area in the world of Silent Hill, building a false dream, and pulling in the owner of Silent Hill is a great burden on Freddy.

The reason why it gave up control so quickly is also because it couldn't handle it anymore.

But Lin Yuanfei had no choice!

And he doesn't want to back off either.

Clenching his fists, feeling his control over the dream, Lin Yuanfei laughed wildly.

Aretha!Come and have a good time! "

No one loses!Even if the headache is splitting and the mental pressure is almost out of breath, you must not be stage fright in front of this monster Lin Yuanfei laughed wildly and roared, it seemed that such a passionate and excited roar could bring him more motivation .

Facing the monster rushing from all directions, Lin Yuanfei roared

"Tomorrow the sun will rise again! But you will all be destroyed

"When the dust settles, I will be the final winner!" Wan Yintian's sword returned to the sect! "

The majestic and majestic sword energy emerged from the gradually darkening world, enveloping this place.

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