She groaned and took a step back, the hands holding the knife were numb and painful, the flesh between her fingers was directly shattered, and a trace of blood overflowed.

However, she didn't retreat, instead, she endured the terrifying impact and stood where she was, gritting her teeth, staring fixedly at the monster in front of her.

The moment the opponent stayed in mid-air, Busushima Yako grunted against the huge impact of the head-on collision, her slender thighs suddenly rose, and she slashed vertically from bottom to top like a battle axe.

The monster that hadn't landed in mid-air was kicked heavily into the abdominal cavity by her kick, and suddenly let out a painful muffled sound. Behind the smiling beauty's mask, blood overflowed.

Obviously, the damage of this blow was greater than expected, and he was kicked until he vomited blood.

However, there were densely packed small holes left by needle pricks on Makoto Busujima's feet, and bright red blood flowed out.

That feeling was like kicking directly on a cactus.

While kicking the cactus, I was also tortured in pain

Numerous needles were pierced into the body at the same time, and even Kishima Yako, who was already prepared, couldn't help but screamed and knelt down, covering his feet.

Not far away, the monster kicked out by her twitched on the ground and struggled to get up.

Although this monster has a dexterous figure and dense needles all over its body, it is unexpectedly weak.

Kishima Yazi's kick kicked her so badly that he was seriously injured. Seeing the incarnation of evil thoughts struggling on the ground and staring at her resentfully, although Du Daozi's right foot was about to become paralyzed.

But she still endured the unspeakable pain, and vigorously waved the samurai sword in her hand and rushed out.

With every step, the right foot full of needle-prick wounds feels like being crushed. The harder the muscles in the leg are, the greater the pain is.

The more blood spurted out of the mouth.

However, this torture is enough to make all girls, and even most men scream in pain, but it can't make Busujima utter any screams.

She gritted her teeth tightly, as if she had exhausted all her strength, and crazily rushed towards the incarnation of evil thoughts struggling on the floor.

The sharp samurai sword fell cruelly.

The moment the blood splattered, the katana stabbed heavily into the monster's heart, nailing the hideous, evil incarnation like a hedgehog to the floor. Black dirty blood gushed out continuously, and the corpse of the masked monster twitched continuously.

Finally, no more.

And Du Daozi also collapsed and collapsed on the floor beside him, completely ignoring how dirty the floor was.

Her exhausted body fell on her back next to the corpse of the incarnation of evil thoughts, quietly looking at Lin Yuanfei who was not far away, at the wide corner of the corridor, the confrontation between Lin Yuanfei and the monster continued like a legendary swordsman Usually, they looked at each other and maintained the posture of drawing swords, but no one acted rashly.

The confrontation of swordsmen, the duel of sword drawing skills, the moment when the sword is drawn is the moment of life and death.

In such a peak duel, it seemed that even the air froze the space where people and monsters confronted each other, and it was so dull that no sound of wind could be felt at all.

The cold murderous intent in the air can make one's scalp tingle even if they are far away.

Whether it is a human or a monster, the killing intent on both sides is getting stronger and stronger.

It's like a sharp knife, giving people a feeling like a thorn in the back. The aura of both sides is slowly rising invisible.

Lin Yuanfei didn't dare to take out the knife easily, and the incarnation of evil thoughts didn't dare to climb up with momentum easily, it seemed that it became a confrontation of each other's thoughts.

In the area sandwiched by them, the air has completely solidified, truly solidified, without any trace of air flow.The intertwined murderous intentions of the two sides have even affected the reality

Seeing this scene, Budao Yazi had an illusion in a trance that the two sides confronting each other in the distance are not living things, but two weapons that are getting closer and closer.

The sharper and more terrifying knife.

She knew that such a confrontation would not last forever.

When the aura of both sides rises to the extreme, it is the moment when the sword is drawn, and at that moment, it will be the moment that decides life and death

ps: 400 blades will be added later

Chapter 356 Illusory Reality

(Four more 600/3900)

The rusted steel gate closed behind Yuno.

She dragged the struggling old woman into the room and smelled the pungent smell of disinfectant.

There is also a very strong smell of decay.

What appeared in her vision was an intensive care unit with a very weird style.

The walls are rusty steel, all the furniture in the ward is rusty barbed wire, and the curtains that hang down are rotten rags, giving people a greasy, disgusting feeling.

In the center of the ward is a steel bed.

The hospital bed is covered with a square cloth cover like a mosquito net to isolate the bacteria from the outside world.

However, now the cloth cover that was originally used to isolate bacteria has completely rotted and deteriorated, turning into a disgusting black color, and there are even many large and small holes on it, like the ragged clothes of a beggar.

A nurse in brightly colored clothes stood in the ward with her back to Yuno.

The nurse's hair was done beautifully. The dyed blond hair was mixed with the undyed hair, but it didn't feel messy.

A sense of beauty.

The nurse's top is dark red, and the short skirt on her lower body is bright and clean white. She wears high heels on her feet, making her legs look very slender

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