"When a man is exhausted and empty, it's really easy for a woman to take advantage of it and rely on that kind of thing to vent his pain."

"But our Lin Yuan-kun doesn't seem to be interested in such despicable things. Everything about him is in heat and polite. It's a pity that you and Yuki don't seem to have enough confidence in him.

"If Mr. Lin Yuan knows that your sisters don't trust him so much, he will cry." While the evil spirit whispered with a smile, Yuno took a deep breath and stared at her firmly.

Asked, "So what kind of agreement did my sister reach with you?

The evil spirit shrugged innocently, and said, "It's very simple, she helps me harvest everything. And I, after the end of everything, let Lin Yuanjun and his little lover go... How about it? It's a fair deal, right? ?

One life for two, Yuki has earned it. "Yuno took a deep breath, trying to calm down her emotions.

She stared at the evil spirit in front of her, and murmured, "Sister, is she outside the church now?"


The evil spirit shrugged, "Who knows...

In her field of vision, the entire world of Silent Hill spread out like a flat map.

In front of the holy church with a tall cross, the pink-haired girl pushed open the door of the church with a dull expression.

walked in.

The figure swallowed by the gate seemed to be completely swallowed by a monster, and there was no trace of it anymore.

Seeing this scene, the corners of the evil spirit's mouth curled up slightly.

Then, looking at Yuno in front of her, she smiled slightly.

"It's almost time...

From the mouth of the evil spirit, a murmur came out, "You can come back

After finishing these words, silently, a strong and burly body

The shadow appeared behind Yuno.

As if teleported there instantly, the triangular head that was standing quietly in front of the church a second ago appeared directly behind Yuno

The terrifying guillotine, which was as huge as a door panel, swung at the girl in front of him.

Immediately sealed off all the girl's escape routes, holding the knife in his hand, entangled Lin Yuanfei's lowered eyelids in the air, staring blankly at the deadlocked movement of the enemy's soles, frozen in the moment of the ultimate move.

The hesitant choice in the heart of whether to use the knife or not to use the knife made the mood gradually become anxious.

The shadow of death permeated my heart.

Even if it was only the corner of his eye that caught a large amount of the opponent's knife handle, Lin Yuanfei still felt the threat of death.

This time, the incarnation of evil thoughts will not give him a chance.

After several fights, the incarnation of evil thoughts has already understood Lin Yuan Feimo

imitation nature.

So this time, the incarnation of evil thoughts no longer used sneak attacks or fancy sword techniques.

It stood there like that, blocking all of Lin Yuanfei's retreats, and the duel of sword drawing skills would decide the outcome of the battle in an instant.Compared with Lin Yuanfei's half-baked swordsmanship, it has a great advantage. As long as it is not the first to strike the sword, then it will occupy the second hand, and it will instantly kill the half-baked Lin Yuanfei with its extraordinary swordsmanship.

And even if this kind of confrontation with killing intent lasted until the end, it would definitely lead to Lin Yuanfei's defeat.

Because the stronger the killing intent, the more urgent the urge to strike the sword. When the momentum is raised to the extreme, it is the only opportunity to make a move.

At that moment, if you don't move your sword, it means defeat!It means death!

It's like a sea wave surging to the highest point. If it doesn't ride the wind at the solstice, the wave falling rapidly in the next second will drown the people at the top of the wave.

Therefore, with the stalemate in the situation, when the aura of both sides reached its peak, it was the moment when Lin Yuanfei had to draw his sword.

It is also the time for his instant defeat

The restless cold sweat dripped slowly from Lin Yuanfei's forehead.

Nervous sweat had already wet his back.

His mood was extremely anxious.His eyes were extremely cold.

The shadow of death enveloped him at this moment, and enveloped him all the time

He saw the end of death, foresaw the end of defeat, and even saw the future of his own tragic death, but he couldn't change all of this.

By this time, he couldn't even move, couldn't escape.

Under the traction of the two sides' aura, once either side acts rashly, it will be instantly decapitated. Lin Yuanfei, who has never had experience in kendo duels, realized at this moment what kind of desperate deadlock he had unwittingly put himself into.

He was in no mood for wisecracks.

But at the moment when the momentum of the two sides was about to climb to the peak, a frivolous whistle suddenly sounded in Lin Yuanfei's ear, and then Freddy laughed strangely.

"It seems that your situation is very bad. The dark power of the little samurai suddenly appeared centered on Lin Yuanfei's feet, and spread to ten meters away in an instant.

Suddenly, the embodiment of the evil thought that was several meters away was enveloped in it.The appearance of the world is constantly changing, and the floor of the inner world is instantly corroded by the power of dreams. When the wind blows head-on, Lin Yuanfei stands on the seashore where the sea breeze is howling, with the soft sand under his feet and the rolling sea beside him.

And between him and the incarnation of evil thoughts, a young man dressed in a red ronin costume, with a reverse blade knife on his waist, and clogs on his feet said solemnly

"Sword is a murder weapon. Sword skill is a way to kill people. No matter how beautiful the language is to modify it, it is always the truth.

A handsome young man with a cross scar on his face stood between the opposing sides, with a hearty smile on his face, "So, are you two willing to give Xiaosheng some face and stop fighting?" Lin Yuanfei had a black line on his face.

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