Lin Yuanfei shrugged and said, "Anyway, let's go to Chiba City, rescue Brother Cheng, and settle the matter of Sadako Yamamura. Don't worry about anything else." Yuki found something like a watch in his backpack and threw it to him.Lin Yuanfei looked down at the locator representing the location of Hei Tonggan, and found that Hei Tonggan on the display was far away from Silent Hill, at least dozens of kilometers away.

"Cut..." Lin Yuanfei casually threw this thing into the lake. Before, he was as good as the husband and wife, but now let the couple do it together. Lin Yuanfei is in a hurry to add this device. It's easy to use, but Lin Yuanfei is worried that the umbrella can also locate him with this thing.Wan - a group of Umbrella agents in full armor will be annoying to surround him, so let's just throw it away

Anyway, Liangyi and his wife don't pose a threat to him now, and it's useless to carry things with him.

After washing off the blood stains on his body, Lin Yuanfei told Yuki and Angela to turn around.

He got on the shore, took off his pants, and stepped on the water wetly

To the side of the backpack.

Unzipping the zipper, he took out a spare set of clothes from the backpack and changed into Lin Yuanfei, scrubbing the blood stains on the backpack.

Anyway, the waterproof effect of this backpack is very good, and it will not enter the water while diving in the bottom of the river with it on it. Washing the outer shell will not affect the inside.

After Lin Yuanfei got dressed and washed his backpack, he put his backpack back on his back and was ready to go, looking eager to try.

Alright, it's done, let's move on," Lin Yuanfei looked at the sky and said, "Hurry up and find Sister Budao, and then drive away, then we might be able to catch up with dinner time. "Now Lin Yuanfei has washed off the blood stains on his body, put on clean clothes, and even scrubbed the wooden sword and samurai sword by him.

If it weren't for the wet white hair, there would be almost no difference from before, and he would not be able to see the exhaustion and despair after struggling for a day in the hellish dark world.

Seeing Lin Yuanfei like this, Yuki was startled.

lowered his head slightly

'Hayashi Yuan-kun is always so dazzling..." Yuki murmured.

And Lin Yuanfei looked at her in confusion, wondering why Yuki made such nonsense

emmmmm... am I dazzling?Where am I shining?epigenetic

holy light

However, Lin Yuanfei didn't spoil the atmosphere, wisely he didn't ask this mentally retarded nonsense.

After Yuki walked a few steps side by side with him, the calmness was suddenly broken

"Lin Yuan-jun, why don't you ask?" "Yuki lowered her head and murmured, "Don't you have a lot of questions you want to ask me?"Don't you want to know the story between me and the original Mr. Lin Yuan?Oh, you said this," Lin Yuanfei glanced at Angela at the side, and said, "I want to ask, but there's a one-kilowatt light bulb here, why should I ask you?If she turns around and tells people around, wouldn't we have no secrets?

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Angela quietly turned her head and turned to Bai Yuji, but she couldn't help laughing out loud.

Well then... She also stroked Angela's hair gently, and said, "After we leave here and go to a quiet place, I will confess everything to Lin Yuanjun." Lin Yuanfei nodded, "This That's right, anyway, the coming day is long, and we have a lot of time, so we don't care about this moment." They said, and quickly returned to the roadside mountain road where the car accident happened. The original place was not far from the town, and the three of them quickly saw arrive

The jeep that crashed into the guardrail.

Kishima Yako was leaning against the car door to rest, and seeing them appear, Bujima was relieved.

Great...everyone is safe. Lin Yuanfei shrugged and said, "Let's go first. People from the umbrella company have been here before. I suspect that there are still people around them. It is reasonable to leave as soon as possible."Senior sister, come and drive. Although the front of this car was hit a bit hard, it should still start. "Although Lin Yuanfei looked bright and cheerful, smiling happily, in fact, his spirit was exhausted.

Continuously using Freddy's ability and going through life and death all day, he now doubts that he can fall asleep even if he finds a place to rely on

So when he got in the car, as soon as he leaned his head on the seat, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

And this sleep is a long time

Chapter 369 Good Life

Chapter 369 A Good Life Begins in Chiba, Lin Yuanfei seemed to hear a familiar voice in the haze. The voice was so familiar, but so far away, as if it was far away in another world.Slowly, Lin Yuanfei opened his eyes.

Then, the whole world was a hazy blur in his eyes.It was like looking at things through frosted glass, everything in the whole world seemed so blurred in his eyes.

And the voice that called seemed to be very impatient.

Lin Yuanfei turned his head and looked to the side.

There, behind an empty wall of air, you can see an ugly guy in a striped sweater lying on the glass wall, knocking hard on that layer of empty glass.

Freddie's anxious roar was heard far and near, and it was unreal.

Quickly open...Xiao Wu...But the voice is too far away, and it's not clear at all intermittently.

Lin Yuanfei stared blankly at Freddy's blurred figure,

for a long time.

Consciousness gradually returned to the brain.

He finally realized what was going on, and hurriedly looked over there.

Then, he saw a familiar figure standing silently on the other side of Freddy's left side, wearing a long purple dress and pink hair. The girl just stood there quietly, on the left of Freddy. The one on the right stood not far from Lin Yuanfei.

Lin Yuanfei stood in the middle of the two.

He stared blankly at the pink-haired girl, a little astonished.

Aretha?She still had Lin Yuanfei's brows furrowed tightly.

He subconsciously looked at the girl standing silently.

However, the moment the two sides looked at each other, the fog in Lin Yuan Feifei's field of vision dissipated in vain.

Lin Yuanfei clearly saw the expression on the girl's face.

An eerie, eerie, hideous, creepy smile

Lin Yuanfei fell into an ice cellar in an instant, his whole body was plunged into darkness, his whole body was cold

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