farewellWhat the hell?

Lin Yuanfei was stunned, before he figured out what it meant, Poison Island had already dragged him out of the ward, although with Lin Yuanfei's strength he could easily break free from Poison Island

, but some kind of weird premonition made him not struggle, but let Kishima Yako drag him out.

There are very few people in the corridors of the hospital.

Du Dao Zongzi ran while dragging Lin Yuanfei, and said, "The situation is urgent, Mr. Lin Yuan, we have to hurry up." Du Dao Yazi's expression was very serious, "Fu Jiang seems to be making a lot of noise!

Lin Yuanfei could feel the vague anxiety of Poison Island Smudge

While letting Busujima Kiko drag him out, he asked curiously, "But what about Yuki? Yuki hasn't come yet, right? Don't we need to call her along?"

Kishima Yako said without looking back, "After Yuki-san returns to the ward, Yuno-san will explain the situation to her. Let's rush over to suppress the situation first, and Yuki-san will come here by himself, the always gentle Yamato Nadeko, this time he showed a domineering side which is rare this time, and Lin Yuan Feifei didn't allow Lin Yuan Feifei to question it. Although something was wrong, but out of trust in Busujima Zouzi, Lin Yuanfei still ran out of the hospital obediently following Busujima Zouzi building.

They came to the parking lot behind the hospital.

Although it looks a bit desolate here, Linyuan Feifei and Dudao Qiang

None of them have carefully studied the atmosphere of the landscape.

Shoko Busujima directly led Lin Yuan to one of the white Mercedes-Benz cars, opened the door, and Scorpion Busujima sat directly in the driver's seat

Lin Yuanfei also wisely followed and sat in the co-pilot's seat

Looking at the brand new car in front of him, Lin Yuanfei was a little surprised.

"Where did this car come from?" Lin Yuanfei asked strangely

"Is it new?

Yako Busushima started the car and said, "My family has a friend in Chiba City, and I borrowed this." Amid Koko Busushima's explanation, the Mercedes-Benz drove away from the parking lot quickly.

"Can you roll up the car window?" Du Daozi looked at Lin Yuanfei at the side, and said seriously, "Lin Yuan-jun, can you?

Uh... this. Okay," Lin Yuanfei rolled up the window obediently, but he was a little confused.

I always feel that something is wrong

ps: there is only one update today

Ruozi Busujima, who was driving, was silent for a few seconds, and then showed his usual charming smile.

"Lin Yuan-kun's illusion, right? I'm not afraid of anything.

Although Busujima Saiko's smile was normal at this time, but combined with her previous behavior, Lin Yuanfei felt that she was even more abnormal.

Emmm... Well, Busujima-senpai, I think that you have been partners who have been through life and death together for so long, and you should be able to trust each other.If there is anything, you can tell me directly, and I can help you a little. I feel very comfortable that you keep me in the dark like this.

Lin Yuanfei said so.

Butujima Luozi smiled and shook his head, "Lin Yuan-kun, you are too suspicious, everything is normal, and nothing happened. Have you experienced too much, and you are already a little jittery?

Du Dao Yazi said, stretched out a hand gently, grabbed Lin Yuanfei's hand, and gently stroked the back of Lin Yuanfei's left hand. Don't worry, nothing will happen, Lin Yuan-jun, you are safe Du Dao Shouzi said softly, that smiling expression looked so fake no matter how you looked at it, obviously worried. Seeing her like this, Lin Yuanfei couldn't help sighing, saying

He said, "Okay, then I believe you. But what about my knife and my backpack? Where are those things? I haven't seen them since I woke up.

No matter what happens, as long as there is a knife in his hand, Lin Yuanfei feels that he is stable.

After killing monsters and ghosts for so long, Lin Yuanfei would feel flustered if he didn't have a knife on him now.

Facing Lin Yuanfei's question, Koujima pointed to the back seat and said, "Lin Yuan-jun, your backpack and weapons are at the back. They are all in the back seat. You can see them when you turn around." Lin Yuanfei turned his head After taking a look, indeed, his backpack and the two knives were lying quietly on the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz.

A wooden sword, a samurai sword, all weapons he is familiar with. Seeing the two weapons lying there quietly, Lin Yuanfei's eyes on Poison Island became even more speechless. Even the weapons were taken out for me. Why do you still say there is no problem?You are fooling me, all my belongings are here, this is clearly the rhythm of transferring property and elope, filthy boy, Tangzi, when did you become a brother of the Gambling Club?

Lin Yuanfei looked at the sky outside, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

It's getting dark now, but Yuko Busushima is still driving out of the city

Could it be that Du Dao Qianzi has finally turned into a complete slut, and decided to kidnap Lin Yuanfei and take him to a dark hut outside the city. When the time comes for the confinement and training in a secret room, she presses on Lin Yuanfei and trembles back and forth, yelling intoxicatedly one by one~Lin Yuan From now on, you will be mine alone~~

mmmm...I imagined such a scene, and I still think it is not unacceptable?

Cough cough cough...Lin Yuanfei settled down and threw the 18x discordant picture out of his mind.

He is the man who wants to be Wen Chaogong, and when the time comes, he will open up the harem,

Collect beautiful girls of different races to work as maids and bunny girls at home, and live a luxurious life in wine ponds and meat forests. How could it be possible to give up the entire forest for a mere big tree!

Even if you want to be imprisoned in a secret room, the role should be reversed! Lin Yuanfei lowered the seat, climbed to the back seat and took the two knives into his hands.

No matter what the situation is, you still have to keep your weapon by your side, so that no matter what happens next, Lin Yuanfei has the ability to adapt.

A full-level Yasuo who doesn't learn skills is already too much, you

If you don't even use a knife and rely on your fists to fight... Brother, you should quit the group, it's too shameful.

Lin Yuanfei survived the storm and killed so many ghost monsters along the way. Seeing that there is only one Sadako left to deal with, he doesn't want to overturn on the eve of victory.

As for Du Daozi, Lin Yuanfei has stopped trying to talk to her. He knows that Du Daozi probably won’t be able to ask anything, so he can only wait until he arrives at the place to see if it is really what Du Daozi said. , They are going to Yan Ye's house.

Now the car is driving at a high speed and Lin Yuanfei doesn't want to jump out of the car, but when the car stops, if Lin Yuanfei doesn't want to leave Dudao Yizi, can he be kidnapped by force?


Lin Yuanfei sat on the co-pilot's seat holding the knife, watching the street scene outside the window without saying a word.

In his field of vision, the streets of the city kept receding, and the streets on both sides became more and more desolate.

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