He asked curiously, "Yan Ye, why are you standing here without moving?

She followed her daughter's gaze and looked over there in confusion.

Then, I saw Kishima Yako who was standing there with his back to her as if he was arranging his clothes, and Lin Yuanfei who was sitting on a bench with a cold head and wandering eyes.

At the same time when the eyes of both sides made contact, Katsura Manami smiled.

"Hello Master Lin Yuan, we meet again." " Lin Yuanfei looked at the mother and daughter in front of him, and smiled awkwardly, "Ha, we met again, what a coincidence, Gui Manami smiled and shook her head, "This is not a coincidence, Yan Ye and I are here to help Master Lin Yuan. I heard that you were arrested by the police, Master Lin Yuan, so I rushed over to help you deal with everything. How can you be wronged at the police station, Master Lin Yuan? Now that we have settled it, you can gone.

Katsura Manami smiled and said, "The key to the handcuffs and your saber

, I have already asked Yan Ye, a silly girl, to send it... But Yan Ye?What are you doing standing here, silly girl?Why don't you hurry up and help Master Lin Yuan open the handcuffs?

Katsura Manami patted her daughter's head and said in confusion.At this moment, the girl with blank eyes and empty eyes stepped out.Like a robot that has been ordered, Gui Yanji walked over numbly.

Master, this is your saber, I brought it to you. "Gui Yan Ye Muran said, raised both knives and handed them to Lin Yuanfei.

After Lin Yuanfei took the two knives with a guilty conscience, he watched Gui Yanye undo the handcuffs on Lin Yuanfei's right hand with a key, hesitated for a while, and then murmured in a low voice.

"Yan Ye... how long have you been here?" Lin Yuanfei asked tentatively.

Hearing this question, the girl's body froze.Then, she released the handcuffs on Lin Yuanfei's hands.

He raised his head and looked at Lin Yuanfei, revealing a weird smirk like a false mask.Ye is always there


The girl chuckled, laughing until Lin Yuanfei's scalp tingled, "Master, Yan Ye has been there since the moment you started.

Chapter 381 I'm So Excited

Chapter 381 I'm So Excited, Master, Yan Ye has been there since the moment you started. "In front of Lin Yuanfei, a girl named Gui Yanye smiled sweetly and happily.

However, the moment Lin Yuanfei heard these words, cold sweat broke out.

m.mmp i

What is this operation?What is this unfolding?

What the hell... Am I going to accept the end of the blood on behalf of Brother Cheng?



This is the so-called daily life?I hate your mother's daily life!

Lin Yuanfei subconsciously grabbed Jikyo Xiandongyue tightly, as if this was enough to give him a sense of security.

Although he understood that with Yan Ye's character, even if he was really black and sick, he would never cut him down. After all, brother Ri Cheng had never been cut by Yan Ye once on campus.

But it's not certain whether Poison Island will be cut

Lin Yuanfei suddenly felt as if he was standing at a crossroads of choices. If he accidentally chose the wrong branch line, he might go straight to the bloody end and hit a bad end.

Ah...Suddenly I feel a bit sour and have a headache.

If such a Shura field is everyday, then I would rather not have it

Sadako?Are there other ghosts and wraiths whose names I don't know?Where are you?Come out and let me brush it up!

Until he walked out of the police station, Lin Yuanfei felt that the atmosphere was very strange.

Gui Yanye followed her mother with her head down, like a well-behaved kitten, without saying a word.

Butushima Yazi followed behind Lin Yuanfei, walking step by step, like a husband and wife following each other.

As for Lin Yuanfei and Katsura Manami, they walked side by side, like a communication between parents.

Gui Manami has been sincerely thanking Lin Yuanfei for rescuing Yan Ye in Raccoon City, she is very polite and enthusiastic.

Although due to the influence of the original game on campus, Lin Yuanfei always felt that this smiling married wife looked a little malicious.

After all, in the original game, this is a pushable character.

Note, this is a pushable character!

In a ga|game where her daughter is the heroine, she is a pushable character... What kind of spirit is this?

This is the mother-daughter spirit of capitalism, so although Lin Yuanfei has been restraining his emotions and trying his best to maintain the appearance of a gentleman, he always feels very uneasy walking with Gui Manami Alright, although Lin Yuanfei has always been very self-aware and feels that he is not very handsome, but the fanatical admiration shown by Katsura Manami to Lin Yuanfei, the contemporary descendant of the Flying Swordsmanship... tsk tsk...compared with the groupies what.

Ye's love for Feitian Yujianliu must have also been influenced by his mother

Lin Yuanfei was thinking, and secretly glanced at Yan Ye.

At this time, the silly apprentice still kept his head down, and followed behind his mother without saying a word.

In the end, the group of them boarded Katsura Manami's car.

Then, the atmosphere became more embarrassing, as if to make room for young people, Katsura Manami took the initiative to sit in the co-pilot seat.

So when the driver started the car, Lin Yuanfei sitting in the back row had Gui Yanye on the left, and Budao Lizi on the right...hehehe...left and right

hug?Only a fool would envy such hugs.

The inherent skills of the sickly girl are [caught rape] and [cold scene]

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