Lin Yuanfei subconsciously rushed over, stood by the window and looked out

However, under the dark night, Lin Yuanfei couldn't see anything.

Neither the figure of the murderer can be seen, let alone any trace left by the other party.

After thinking for two seconds, Lin Yuan quickly turned around and rushed out of this bedroom to the door of another bedroom next to him. Feeling the silent air behind this door, he raised his hand with a dull expression, and knocked hard.

"Yan Ye? Are you there?" Lin Yuanfei asked.

However, behind the dark door, no one answered him. At this time, Fu Jiang on the third floor had already gone downstairs in a loose and sexy nightdress.

Standing at the stairs in the hall, Fu Jiang looked at Lin Yuanfei in confusion, "

Honey, what are you doing at night?Why is that door broken?

From Fu Jiang's point of view, he has not seen the body in the bedroom of Du Dao Luozi, and Lin Yuanfei ignored Fu Jiang.

After knocking on the door and asking, but there was no answer in Yan Ye's bedroom, Lin Yuanfei raised his foot without any hesitation, boom-boom-boom-

Seven times in a row, Lin Yuanfei kicked harder than the other.

Finally, at the end of the seventh stroke, the shaky gate was directly blocked by

Lin Yuanfei kicked and flew away.

And Lin Yuanfei had already rushed into the gate.

It was empty.

The bedroom behind the door was empty.

Even without turning on the light, Lin Yuanfei was able to see through the dim light that there was no one on the empty big bed.

But he still pressed the light switch to make a final confirmation.

And the result still didn't change.

After the light illuminated the bedroom, what appeared in front of Lin Yuanfei was an empty bedroom, without any figure, even the quilt on the big bed was neatly folded, and it didn't look like anyone had slept in it.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei walked into the room, opened the closet, checked under the bed, even opened behind the curtains to check, and searched the entire bedroom.

However, no trace of Yan Ye was found.

The girl named Gui Yanye seems to have completely evaporated from this world.

In the bedroom next door, Fu Jiang's surprised voice also came from at this time, "Eh? Isn't this the big breasted bitch called Budao?

How did you die?Who did it?I even tore my mouth apart... tsk tsk

Tsk...does the murderer also hate this guy's broken mouth?

It seemed that Fu Jiang had finally figured out what was going on.

Lin Yuanfei walked out of Yan Ye's bedroom with a gloomy face, and came to the bedroom of Du Dao Shizi.

Standing at the gate, looking at Fu Jiang who was about to reach out to grab the head of the corpse, Lin Yuanfei said indifferently, "Get out! Don't make trouble here!

Fu Jiang's hands trembled, and he quickly shrank back, saying angrily, "If you don't touch it, don't touch it, who cares.

Chapter 392 I Found a Treasure (3200/5800)

In Du Dao Yazi's bedroom, following Lin Yuanfei's cold shout, Fu Jiang, who was curious and wanted to reach out to pick up the head of the corpse, suddenly withdrew his hand angrily.

It seems that although she is sticky to Lin Yuanfei on the surface, Lin Yuanfei's words still have a little deterrent effect on her. At this time, Fu Jiang still has that black mask on her face, making it difficult for people to see her clearly. s face.

Compared with the silk stockings and rags that Lin Yuanfei gave her before, this mask is already a very beautiful work of art, and Fu Jiang has always fulfilled the agreement, as long as he appears in front of people, he will definitely wear this mask.

Of course, even if Fu Jiang came out without a mask now, Lin Yuanfei probably didn't have the heart to scold her.

Lin Yuanfei's attention was all focused on the body of Toshiko Busujima.

The originally luxurious and soft big bed now looks like a bloody slaughterhouse, lying quietly with a corpse with a decapitated body.

And the mouth of the corpse was brutally torn open, and all the flesh inside was rolled out, as if laughing out of a strange gap.

Lin Yuanfei walked over, lowered his head, and carefully watched the hideous and bloody wound.

It can be said that even the most flavorful movies can hardly match the bloody impact of witnessing a murder.

But Lin Yuanfei has seen too many similar bloody scenes in this week, so such a scene is no pressure for him. He even stretched out his hand and gently pinched the corner of the wound, carefully watching the fracture of the wound place.

Obviously, the wound has not been cut yet.

The wound on the left has completely cut to the root of the ear, while the wound on the right is still a little away from the root of the ear, which is asymmetrical.

But the murderer who did all this seems to have no time to complete the remaining steps, and can only flee in a hurry.

And the weird sound that Lin Yuanfei heard when he was sleeping was probably made when some kind of sharp weapon gently cut open Du Daozi's mouth. The murderer knew that Lin Yuanfei upstairs had a keen hearing, so for ordinary murderers She broke down the things that could be done with one child into many steps, and finished them bit by bit. She cut very slowly and carefully, for fear of waking up Lin Yuanfei who was upstairs, but Lin Yuanfei still noticed it.

So when Lin Yuanfei kicked the door, the murderer left the unfinished "work" in a panic and escaped through the window.

Realizing all this happened, Lin Yuanfei sighed heavily, full of sorrow and despair.

Poison Island scumbag died not at the hands of the cultists on Torimi Island, among the zombies in Raccoon City, and even less at the hands of the monsters in Silent Hill. Instead, after everything was settled and everyone After safely arriving in Chiba, he died in the silent darkness.

Look at Du Daozi's eyes widening in horror, maybe she opened them only a moment ago?

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