Few people would be wary of their companions who had been killed together with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

And Gui Yanye's Juhe Zhan, which he practiced since he was a child, happened to be the kind of special skill that kills with one hit.

As long as there is a momentary gap, the victim will die tragically on the spot

But now Yuki's phone can't be connected for a long time, Lin Yuanfei's heart is full of anxiety.

The hospital is not far from the villa area. If you drive, Yan Ye has enough time to get to the hospital during Lin Yuanfei's delay.

The only thing Lin Yuanfei prayed for now was that Yan Ye did not prepare the car to leave in advance, so that he might still have time. He opened the door and jumped out of the car. He was no longer in the mood to think about parking violations. Lin Yuanfei rushed straight into the hospital hall at six in the morning.

The huge hospital was as quiet as a ghost, empty

Only the incandescent lights in the hall illuminated everything pale.Lin Yuanfei rushed straight to the elevator, and pressed the up button with a cold expression.

The waiting process seemed so long and anxious.

Lin Yuanfei watched every beat of the number above his head, as if the number was beating in his heart.

Finally, the elevator arrived.

Lin Yuanfei rushed directly into the elevator, and then pressed the button for the seventh floor.

In the empty elevator, he was the only one. In the early morning hours, the whole hospital was silent, and even the nurses on duty were drowsy.

When the elevator reached the seventh floor, Lin Yuanfei rushed out directly.

His footsteps were fast, his eyes were cold, and he quickly rushed to a distance of hundreds of meters.

It's just that no one in the dimly lit corridor noticed Lin Yuanfei's speed, which was so inhuman.

He stopped outside the door of Yuno's ward, pulled open the door forcefully and rushed in.

Then, the ward was empty, there was no one in sight, no Yuno, no Yuki, not even Kotoba.

In the empty ward, all you can feel is the coldness in the early morning

The air, and the eerie strangeness in the air.

Lin Yuanfei had goose bumps all over his body, and a strange cold feeling enveloped his whole body.

what's going on?

Staring fixedly at the empty ward in front of him, Lin Yuanfei unconsciously grabbed the handle of Jugengxian Dongyue's knife. In this room, my wife and sister were supposed to be resting.

Yuno's illness still needs to be hospitalized for observation for a few days, so Yuki stayed to take care of her younger sister.

According to common sense, they should all be here now, but Lin Yuanfei couldn't see any of them?

Lin Yuanfei frowned tightly.

There is an exclusive bathroom in this ward, even if they get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, the two sisters cannot leave the room.

So what is the reason for these two sisters who should have been resting here to disappear without a trace?

Lin Yuanfei took a deep look at the ward, closed the door of the ward, and backed out.

He decided to go to the duty desk to have a look.

Unlike the villa area, there must be surveillance video in the corridors of the hospital, and every person entering and leaving the ward should be captured by the camera.

Lin Yuanfei wanted to know where my wife and sisters had gone, all he needed to do was go to the duty desk and adjust the surveillance. However, as soon as Lin Yuanfei approached the duty desk, he smelled a strange smell of blood.

The smell of blood came from a utility room on the other side of the duty desk

It's just that the drowsy nurse on duty at the duty desk obviously didn't smell the smell.

The drowsy nurse didn't even notice Lin Yuanfei, she was still lying there dozing.

And Lin Yuanfei walked directly towards the direction where the bloody smell came from, without disturbing the nurse.

Clenching the knife in his hand, Lin Yuanfei approached the dark utility room expressionlessly.

This should be the utility room where the cleaners put their things. It is full of messy things.

When Lin Yuanfei pushed open the door of the utility room and walked in, he was stunned.

In the middle of the utility room, which is filled with many things, there is an empty area.

And on the floor of that open area, there was a dead body lying quietly at this moment.

The dim moonlight came in from the window, just falling on the girl's body, adding a coquettish and eerie feeling to the body.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei was numb.

He recognized the girl's clothes, but he couldn't see the face of the corpse lying on the floor.

Out of some complicated emotions, Lin Yuanfei flew over, and gently turned the girl's body lying on the ground with the scabbard.

Then, he saw the girl's face.

Guiyan leaves.

The girl named Gui Yanye just lay on the floor in a daze, her eyes dull and silent, as if she didn't understand what happened until the moment she died.

The cruel wound pierced through her heart and completely took her life away.

Lin Yuanfei stared blankly at the corpse of this stupid apprentice, completely at a loss.

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