So Lin Yuanfei couldn't take Yan Ye away without the policemen withdrawing.More importantly, he has other things to deal with, and it may not be safe for Yan Ye to be with him.

So under the current circumstances, it is the best choice for Yan Ye to stay in the hospital.

It's just that Yoshida Jiro obviously didn't mean that.

He hesitated for two seconds and said, "But Mr. Prime Minister is almost here, Mr. Lin Yuan, are you really not going to stay for a while? About Miss Gui Yanye, if you explain to Mr. Prime Minister in person, Mr. Prime Minister may pay more attention to it. maybe……"

The deep meaning hidden in Yoshida Jiro's words made Lin Yuanfei frowned.

Does the Prime Minister's arrival have anything to do with me?What do you mean if I explain the situation to the prime minister personally, the prime minister will pay more attention to it... Could it be that the prime minister has something to do with the original owner of this body?Is it an old acquaintance?Or some kind of relative?

And after Yoshida Jiro knew about this relationship, did he change his attitude [-] degrees?

Looking at the two people in front of him, Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds and shook his head.

"No, I am a soft-spoken person, and the Prime Minister may not talk to me if I stay here. I will trouble you two to worry about Yan Ye's matter. I am leaving."

With that said, Lin Yuanfei walked straight to the elevator.

That relentless attitude made Yoshida Jiro subconsciously shout out.

"Mr. Lin Yuan..."

However, Lin Yuanfei turned a deaf ear and left without looking back.

Even if the Japanese Prime Minister has any connection with the original owner of the body, it is not the time to deal with it.

After traveling to this world and inheriting the mess left by the original owner of this body, Lin Yuanfei didn't owe the original owner of this body anything after being killed from a sea of ​​corpses and blood of a group of monsters.

If you have to talk about utilitarianism, then it is precisely because of Lin Yuanfei's arrival that he became the last straw that broke the camel's back and killed the original owner of his body.

But Yuki survived because of it.

Otherwise, in the confrontation between the original owner of the body and Yuki and Kayako, if the original owner of the body wins, Yuki, a silly girl, will probably be chopped into pieces.

Even for this point, Lin Yuanfei will never regret that he crossed over and possessed the original owner of this body.

He even rejoiced that he traveled to this world, killed the original owner of the body, and saved Yuki.

In a sense, he was an outside robber who killed the soul of the original owner of the body and usurped the body.

Now that they have all become robbers, why do they have to take the blame for the original owner of the body?

Lin Yuanfei has had enough blame.

Author's message:

PS: I recommend a friend's book, "Girl Weekend Travel", the new book by Xiaomi, the author of "Tokyo Shadow Girl", which can be said to be very good.

To be honest, I really highly recommend this book.

The writing style is clean and fresh, and the kind of youthful sprouting is like a cup of tea in the summer afternoon, which makes people feel refreshed physically and mentally.

Don't you want to watch the daily life?Highly recommend this book!

This is the real relaxed and loving daily life.

Chapter 418 Japanese Prime Minister

People get nothing without making sacrifices, and they must pay the same price for what they want.

In this world, there must be a similar principle of equivalent exchange.

Lin Yuanfei's time travel came and killed the original owner of the body, but he saved Yuki and avoided the fate of Yuki being hacked to death by the original owner of the body.

This is a very real fact.

When Lin Yuanfei knew this, he no longer felt any sympathy, hatred, or guilt towards the original owner of the body.

If he complained that the original owner of his body caused him to go through so many crises and left him such a serious mess, or felt embarrassed that his time travel replaced the original owner of the body, but when he knew the truth , he understood.

If he doesn't cross over, then Yuki will die.

So from that moment on, he and Yuki stood on the same side.

And the original owner of the body was just an unlucky victim who was killed by their joint efforts.

He is a robber who kills and seizes treasures. He killed the soul of the original owner of the body and robbed his body.

Then, Lin Yuanfei will continue to live with his own will at this time.

As for all the karma of the original owner of the body, it will be ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and Lin Yuanfei will no longer have any relationship.

Lin Yuanfei was a murderer, and the original owner of his body was just one of the group of dead people killed by him.

If the family or friends of the original owner of the body wanted to seek revenge from him, then Lin Yuanfei would naturally welcome it, because that was the power of those people.

Of course, Lin Yuanfei will not tell those people the fact that he is a time traveler.

Not afraid of trouble, and actively causing trouble are two different concepts.

Lin Yuanfei is a murderer, but he doesn't go around publicizing the fact that he is a murderer. He doesn't like the families of the tragic victims to come to him for revenge.

If possible, he hopes that those people will never know the truth of the matter, and that those people will never appear in front of him to harass him.

Only in this way can he live happily according to his own ideas.

As for those lives?Lin Yuanfei can only guarantee that he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

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