So Lin Yuanfei strengthened his determination to stay away from this family.

As the saying goes, shoot the first bird, he is too ostentatious as a traverser black household, he will definitely die in an ugly way.

——Especially when the background of the original owner of this body is obviously very deep.

If he wants to start with some useless material, it can still be a wave.

As a result, the deeper I dug, the more I felt that the background of the original owner of the body was terrifying, almost becoming a template for a demon king.This will be discovered by the former subordinates or friends of the devil, can he still live?

After all, Lin Yuanfei is just a half-assed Feitian Yujianliu after all.

Even if you are at the full level, but you have no skills, you can only rely on level A to fight monsters. Even if you are a blood DK, you will definitely not be able to defeat elite monsters of the same level.

What's more, Lin Yuanfei is not a plate armor warrior like Blood DK, who puts blood thickly and brings back blood. He is a cloth armor warrior.

So Lin Yuanfei kept a low profile.

But Tuyumen Orihime in front of her just refused to give way, no matter what Lin Yuanfei said, she just refused to give way, it seems that today she and Lin Yuanfei were at odds here.

For this, Lin Yuanfei was very helpless.

"Miss Orihime, what exactly do you want to do, old man?"

Lin Yuanfei said helplessly, "You know that I have amnesia, why are you still pestering me? Can you tell me what exactly you want to do?"

Tsuchimikado Orihime looked at him indifferently, and said, "I will make you pay the price! I will return the humiliation you have brought to me and my family a hundredfold!"

"Emmmm..." Are you Xiao Yan?Why is it the protagonist's tone of mouth?

Or is it that I am not the protagonist in this world?This Tsuchimikado Orihime is the protagonist?

Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi?Do not bully young girls to be poor?

Asiba, it's so troublesome.

Lin Yuanfei looked helplessly at Orihime Tsuchimikado, and asked, "Then how do you plan to make me pay? Did you kill me?"

Orihime Tsuchiyamen looked indifferent, "Do you think our Tsuchiyamen family is a country gangster like you? This kind of low-handed method will only make people think that our Tsuchiyamen family is bullying the weak, so I want to make it upright. You regret it! Let you pay the price!"

"...So what is this price?" Lin Yuanfei looked helpless, "You have been shouting for so long, at least make an offer. If you don't offer an offer, how can I counter-offer?"

Tsuchimikado Orihime was a little angry, "You actually compared such a serious matter to market bargaining? Lin Yuanfei! You are too much! I will make you pay the price!"

"..." Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

How did this little girl become a repeater at such a young age?

There is a price for opening your mouth and closing your mouth... you Gul'dan?

No wonder the original owner of the body is going to withdraw the engagement. It is unbearable for normal people to marry a repeater and go home.

Looking helplessly at the little girl in front of him who couldn't understand human language, Lin Yuanfei tried to make the last effort.

"Then Miss Zhiji, can you tell me what I should do to satisfy you?" Lin Yuanfei asked word by word.

Tsuchimikado Orihime glanced at him, then looked at the two attendants behind him, and said, "Come back to Kyoto with me, and I will find the best doctor in the world to treat your amnesia and bring you back to normal. "

"Uh...then what?"

"Then, our marriage contract will continue. I will use the power of the Tsuchimikado family to help your Hayashibara group flourish, get rid of the lowly appearance of the current rural underworld, and become a truly independent gangster. I want you to become the most powerful gangster in Japan. One of the powerful men wants to make you regret the decision you made!"

Tsuchimikado Orihime said those words that left people dumbfounded with a cold face.

"Huh?" Lin Yuanfei almost suspected that he had heard it wrong, "Is this the price I have to pay?"

"That's right! You will be shrouded in the shadow of the Tsuchimikado family for the rest of your life," Tsuchimikado Orihime looked at him indifferently, and said, "No matter what achievements you have made, others will only say that this is us. The merits of the family. No matter how great a career you have done, others will say that you are a little boy who relies on a woman for his position. The higher you stand, the more you will be looked down upon, and our Tsuchimikado family will be more glorious. This is the price you will pay!"

"Emmmmm... It sounds a little scary," Lin Yuanfei rubbed his chin and thought about it, and decided to cater to this little girl.

We pretend that we are very scared, but in our hearts we are really... very helpless!

The thinking circuit of this little girl is simply amazing!

Although what she said sounds reasonable at first glance, but the more I think about it, the more I feel something is wrong...

Before Lin Yuanfei could speak, Xintian behind him jumped out with an angry expression on his face.

"Shut up! Our young master won't allow you to insult me ​​like this! Even if all the men of our Hayashiyuan group starve to death, they will definitely not be indifferent to the assistance of your Tsuchimikado family!"

Seeing Xintian's extremely excited appearance, Lin Yuanfei was stunned for a second——huh?Is this guy so strong?Why did you look like a dog leg before that?

However, Tsuchimikado Orihime ignored Nitta at all, and she didn't even look at the underworld in the white suit.

She just stared at Lin Yuanfei coldly, still with that high and cold look.

"You have no choice, Lin Yuanfei. I have been looking for you for half a year, and now I have finally found you. You can no longer escape from me. You have to marry me. There is no choice."

"I'm here this time just to inform you that I'm going back to Kyoto with me, not to ask for your opinion."

"Now, just come down with me. My people are waiting below. You can go to Kyoto immediately. I have arranged your accommodation and itinerary. We will go to Kyoto immediately to give you a full-body medical examination. Find out Find out the cause of your amnesia, and cure it!"

"Of course, you can choose not to agree. But if you resist, before sunrise tomorrow, I can guarantee that there will be no gangster like the Hayashibara Group in Japan anymore."

"So, think about it carefully."

Tsuchimikado Orihime looked at him indifferently, and said so.

That tone, that gesture, she's a domineering (female) CEO.

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