Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes, "My character is guaranteed, I will never leave. I, Lin Yuanfei, have never broken my promise in my life. Besides, isn't my fiancee still following me? I'm going to run away, she Be the first to leave me alone... right? Honey?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled and glanced at Orihime Tsuchimikado.

Zhi Ji replied with a sneer, "You're pretty quick to get into the role."

Lin Yuanfei chuckled, "Can you not be quick? You're going to put a knife on my neck and force the marriage. If I'm not sensible, won't everyone look bad if I tear my face?"

Tsuchimikado Orihime snorted, noncommittal.

So Lin Yuanfei looked at Xintian and Pheasant, "Okay, okay, it's time for you to go. I said I would go back, and I will definitely go back. In addition, you also have snacks for the things I explained, that Shancun Zhen My son is very important to me, you must find a way to find out her information, understand?"

The pheasant rolled its eyeballs, leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Young master, what kind of virgin is your son?"

Lin Yuanfei shrugged, "Of course not, even if she really has a boyfriend, it's my buddy's daughter... Bah, bah, why am I talking about this with you, in short, you all should be smart, go and check her affairs for me. "

"By the way, just a friendly reminder, this woman is probably dead. But she is related to a Feixiang Dance Troupe. If you can't find her name, check the Feixiang Dance Troupe. There may be new discoveries .”

After driving away Xintian and Pheasant, Lin Yuanfei smiled and looked at Orihime Tsuchimikado next to him.

A wretched smile on his face.

"Well, dear Orihime, can we go now?"

Tsuchimikado Orihime looked at him coldly, and said, "What trick do you want to play?"

Chapter 429

Facing Lin Yuanfei's wretched and enthusiastic smile, Zhiji showed great vigilance and vigilance.

However, Lin Yuanfei still had a wretched smile on his face, hehe said with a smile.

"What do you mean I want to play tricks again, Zhi Ji, I don't like to hear what you said. Aren't we husband and wife? Isn't it normal for husband and wife to live in harmony? Right? I also want to have a good relationship with you." ...Don't you want to have a good relationship with me?"

Tsuchimikado Orihime shook his head indifferently.

"Do not want to."

Without hesitation, he rejected Lin Yuanfei.

"You are just my fiancé, and we are not married yet. Besides, even if we are married, it doesn't necessarily mean that I want to be nice to you. You have to understand that you are just a gangster who has delayed my life. In my heart, I have only endless hatred for you. I have neither interest nor obligation to have a good relationship with you."

The girl spoke ruthlessly with a cold face.

Lin Yuanfei felt a little helpless after listening.

"Then since you hate me, you insist on me marrying you... Tsk tsk tsk... Little girl, your brain circuit is very strange."

Zhi Ji said very calmly, "I told you, we have a marriage contract. This is an agreement between my grandfather and your grandfather. It is a very serious matter. Our Tsuchiyamen family does not allow breaking the contract. Naturally, you do not Qualified to withdraw from the engagement and break the contract."

"So the fate of the two of us was doomed from the moment we were born. You can only marry me, and I can only marry you. This is a multiple-choice question with only one answer, and there is no other choice. "

"But you, a bastard like you, will only drag down my life. Being with you will only waste my youthful years and become a strict shackle that binds me."

"I look down on you, I hate you, I even hate you, this is a matter of course. So you don't need to pretend to please me. In my eyes, you are as disgusting as rotten maggots in the sewer. You do everything You can’t change this, you should understand.”

"So, don't have any unrealistic delusions. In my life, I will only hate you, loathe you, and despise you forever. This is the case now, and it will be the same in the future."

Tuyumen Orihime finished speaking indifferently, leaving Lin Yuanfei speechless.

Even, a little shocked.

"Wow..." He couldn't help applauding, "You are really amazing, Ms. Zhi Ji, your brain circuit is simply amazing. Since you hate me so much, why do you hate me? Do you still want to marry me? You clearly know that this will make both of you unhappy for the rest of your life, but you still want to do this... Are you an iron boy?"

Tuyumen Orihime looked at him indifferently, and said, "What you get, you should give. If you can marry the eldest lady of the Tuyumen family, you should endure the humiliation for a lifetime. And I was born in Tuyumen The Yumen family has enjoyed [-] years of glory, so naturally they also have the obligation to protect this family."

"And even if I marry a guy like you, it doesn't mean that I will live a miserable life. The power of the Tsuchimikado family allows me to live a happier and superior life than more than [-]% of the women in the world .In comparison, marrying a little bastard like you won't affect anything."

"Even if I don't touch any man in my life, I can live a good life. In this family, what I say is the most effective. And you are just a piece of trash. How much power do you think you can have? Can you force me to do something I don't want to do? Only I can force you."

"As for women, don't expect other women in your life. No matter whether you have a girl or lover you liked in the past, it's better to cut off the relationship as soon as possible. The son-in-law of the Tsuchiyamen family is not allowed to cheat after marriage."

"So let's torture each other like this for the rest of our lives. I won't cheat, and you don't want to find another woman. If you can't control your lower body, I'll help you manage it and castrate it for you."

After Tuyumen Orihime finished speaking, she glanced at Lin Yuanfei pointedly, and smiled coldly, "My knife is still very fast."

"Emmmmm...let's talk about it later," Lin Yuanfei subconsciously took two steps back, smiling forcedly, "Let's discuss this matter later when we have a chance."

He looked at Orihime Tsuchimikado in front of him, and finally felt a little better.

This is a complete lunatic...

How could she be a lunatic when she was pretty?

At first, I thought this little girl was just a deadhead, but I didn't expect that she was a deadhead within a deadhead, it could be said to be a snake spirit disease.

This thinking circuit and behavior style are ruthless to others and even more ruthless to themselves, which is simply terrifying.

In a trance, Lin Yuanfei recalled the fear of being dominated by Yuno when he first time traveled.

Why are these abnormal women appearing around me?

My wife Yuno, Busujima Saeko, Gui Yanye, Tomie... Now there is another Tsuchimikado Orihime.

Assi!Why can't there be more soft and cute girls like Yuki?

If you abuse the protagonist like this, you will be thrown into the street!

Lin Yuanfei felt that Japan really couldn't stay in this poor place.

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