And Lin Yuanfei cast a sideways glance at Shimada Nobukatsu, at this time the noble young master finally came back to his senses, with a surprised and anxious expression on his face.

He said loudly, "Zhiji, what do you care about this bastard? Let him go!"

He walked towards Zhi Ji anxiously, "Let me see if you are injured."

However, as soon as he took a step closer, the bodyguards of Tsuchiyamen's family stretched out their hands to stop him.

Zhi Ji didn't even look at him, and said directly, "Xinsheng, you go back too. My fiancé doesn't like you, and I don't want you to continue to have conflicts... Do you understand what I mean?"

Shimada Nobukatsu was filled with unbelievable anger, "You let the bodyguards stop me? Orihime, you let the bodyguards stop me?"

Obviously, this was the first time he enjoyed such treatment.

On the other hand, Lin Yuanfei laughed loudly, and said, "Master Shimada, it seems that you have lived a very smooth life in this life, and you don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth."

Lin Yuanfei stood up and said, "So what if you have a good family background? Can singing be considered romantic? Everyone in this world must follow your wishes?"

"It's ridiculous, you are just one of the crowd. Without your parents, you are not much different from the street children outside, not worth mentioning!"

As Lin Yuanfei said, he had already arrived in front of the stage. Under the astonished gazes of everyone, Lin Yuanfei took down the electric guitar on the stage.

Then, standing on the stage, he looked at everyone present, at the dazed Shimada Nobukatsu, and said.

"Today, let me teach you why you should keep a low profile."

"As far as your three-legged cat's level and low-quality composition level, just jumping out and anyone with a little understanding of music can rub you under your feet, so please don't show yourself in public in the future, okay?"

"Be low-key, it won't make you lose a piece of meat."

"Listening to your poor singing voice, we all want to throw up!"

Lin Yuanfei mocked Shimada Nobukatsu's song mercilessly, completely ignoring the guy's increasingly angry expression.

The former luthier was resting at this time, and the band that was supposed to perform had not yet reached the performance time. At this time, there was only Lin Yuanfei left on the small stage.

In this way, he stood in the C position of the stage, holding the electric guitar that was supposed to be prepared for the next performance of the band, and gently plucked the strings.

In the hall, a pleasant note sounded.

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, Lin Yuanfei smiled and looked at Shimada Nobukatsu, the smile was full of provocation.

"This song is dedicated to my fiancée, Ms. Orihime. The title of the song is "Once Upon a Past Life"...Shimada, listen to it carefully. What is real music?"

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei plucked the strings.

The melodious notes fluttered in the hall, and the guests who had been watching the show all showed surprised eyes.

A really good song, even if it's just a prelude, makes people feel comfortable, and it's not at the same level as the kind of third-rate composition that is randomly made up.

Just the melody of the prelude made the expressions of the guests serious.

Compared with the previous singing of Shimada Nobukatsu, the huge difference between them seems to have become an abyss that can never be bridged.

Even Zhi Ji, who didn't care about it at first, raised her head, a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes.

——This guy, really knows music?

In the next second, amidst the cheerful notes of the electric guitar, Lin Yuanfei's clear singing sounded.

やっとeye を覚ましたかい (Have you finally woken up)

それなのになぜ眼も合わせやしないんだい? (Then why don't you look me in the eyes)

「遅いよ」と恩る-kun (You are angry and say I came too late)

これでもやれるだけ飞ばしてきたんだよ (Even if you say so, I ran here with all my might)

Heart が Body を追い越してきたんだよ (The mental strength has surpassed the limit of the body and is galloping towards you)


Compared with the melodious prelude, the part of the lyrics is not amazing.

In other words, the first part was not amazing, and people couldn't help showing a little disappointment in their eyes.

However, following the second, third, and fourth lines... in the uninterrupted chanting of the lyrics, it seems that some kind of passionate power and gushing emotion are constantly accumulating.

The lyrics of each sentence have pushed the power of jumping to a new height.

Until the sentence before the climax...

生まれてはじめて (the first sentence since I was born)

何を言えばいい? (What should I say?)


In the soft singing voice that seemed to be slightly confused, it was clearly falling, but it clearly made people feel the intense emotion that was about to burst out.

Zhi Ji finally couldn't bear it and stood up with a shocked face.

And someone in the center of the stage finally smiled and sang the most exciting part of the song.

君の前前前生から拍は君を探しはじめたよ (I’ve been looking for you since your former, previous life)

そのぶきっちょな笑い方をめがけてやってきたんだよ (I have seen your clumsy smile till now)

Jun が Completely All なくなってぁりぁなになったってて (Even if all of you are fragmented and gone)

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