If Lin Yuanfei followed Lin Yuanfei's habit, he would have beaten Shimada Nobukatsu's grandson as soon as he came out.

At the very least, send him to the intensive care unit for a little care.

However, Zhi Ji's behavior made Lin Yuanfei temporarily give up this idea.

Lin Yuanfei respects this kind of person who can stick to his own will, even if he may not like this kind of will, but Tsuchimikado Orihime's stubbornness and tenacity made Lin Yuanfei feel a little fond of him.

So he gave the opponent a face and didn't beat Shimada Nobukatsu.

But that doesn't mean letting go of each other.

I can't beat you physically, so it's not too much to laugh at you in public, right?

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei's singing voice is not very good, and he doesn't have any research on music, just learned a little superficially in his idle time.

The only Japanese song he knows is the kind of popular music on the street, which is neither high-end nor powerful.

But taking it out and beating Nobukatsu Shimada was enough.

After singing the first verse, Lin Yuanfei directly pushed away the microphone, put down the electric guitar, and walked off the stage with a sneer.

Looking at Shimada Nobukatsu's ashen face, Lin Yuanfei knew that his goal had been achieved.

He walked directly in front of Nobukatsu Shimada, patted the guy on the shoulder vigorously, and said.

"Boy, remember to be low-key in life in the future. This time, someone is covering you and letting you go."

"next time……"

The moment Lin Yuanfei passed by Shimada Nobukatsu, he said with a smirk, "...you don't have such good luck!"

Ignoring Shimada Nobukatsu's body that was trembling with anger, Hayashibara laughed loudly, and walked straight to Tsuchimikado Orihime.

Said, "Okay, let's go back."

Lin Yuanfei directly reached out and grabbed the two knives he had placed on the locker, and skillfully hung them back to his waist.

He didn't care about the dirty things on Zhi Ji's body, and he didn't care about this beautiful girl.

Not even bothering to do the most superficial work, Lin Yuanfei walked out directly.

Zhi Ji also stood up silently and followed.

Throughout the whole process, I didn't even look back at Shimada Nobukatsu.

This indifferent appearance made Nobukatsu Shimada even more humiliated and angry.

"Weaving... Zhiji!"

He said with red eyes, "Are you really willing to marry such a bastard? A bad little bastard?"

"..." Zhi Ji paused as she left.

Then, she turned her head, glanced at Shimada Nobukatsu, and said, "Do I want to marry you?"

Zhi Ji's eyes were cold without any emotion, "Marry you, a tone deaf guy?"

These words, like a sharp sword, directly pierced Shimada Nobukatsu's heart.

He took a sudden step back, clutching his chest in pain, with an expression of disbelief.

"You... Zhiji, you...you...you actually... you said that to me because of that bastard? Zhiji! You weren't like this before!"

It's okay to be ridiculed by Lin Yuanfei in public just now, it's still within Shimada Nobukatsu's tolerance.

But now he is directly despised by the girl he loves in front of the public, or in this situation...

Shimada Nobukatsu stared at the girl's leaving back, and roared in pain and unwillingness.

"You've changed! Orihime! You've changed!"

However, both Zhiji and Lin Yuanfei ignored him.

The two left the restaurant one after another, leaving Nobukatsu Shimada standing alone under the light, like an abandoned clown.

The bodyguard of Tuyumen's family who was in charge of dealing with the aftermath glanced at him, but left without saying a word.

Only Shimada Nobukatsu, whose eyes became more and more stern and his expression more and more ferocious, stood there, gritted his teeth and roared.

"You will pay the price!"

"Lin Yuanfei! I want you to pay the price!"

Then, a little girl in a white dress came out from a distance.

No one noticed her presence.

She just appeared out of nowhere.

In the hand of the little girl, she was holding a boy around the age of seventeen or eighteen... Or, the boy was holding her?

Just like that, the two appeared in front of Shimada Nobukatsu holding hands.

The boy looked at him and asked, "What price do you plan to make Lin Yuan pay?"

Shimada Nobukatsu was stunned for a second, looking at the high school student he had never seen before, full of astonishment, "You...you are?"

"Ito...you can call me Ito," the boy said with a shy smile, "I'm very interested in what you're going to do next."

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