As long as it is daily, it is the loudest.

...It's a pity that Lin Yuanfei is going to brush the book tomorrow.

The dungeon boss is still a fierce skeleton-level wraith.

A vengeful spirit that can affect the entire city's leylines?A powerful evil spirit that causes climate change and snow in June?

From the point of view of force, it is many times stronger than the group of dead species in Raccoon City.

What Freddy's Coconut Tomie...can you guys make it?

Lin Yuanfei pressed the doorbell of Yuansaka's house, feeling the increasingly icy chill in the air, with a troubled expression on his face.

Being able to affect the weather in an entire urban area, the body of Sadako Yamamura looks much stronger than he imagined.

Just relying on my half-baked Flying Sword to fight against this kind of regional boss... Is there really any hope of winning?

Chapter 445 I Heard You Have a Fiancee?

Chiba City under the night is quiet and peaceful.

At the top of Miyama Town, the Tohsaka family's mansion was lit with quiet lights.

After Lin Yuanfei pressed the doorbell, the muffled sound seemed a bit noisy, breaking the silence of the night.

Lin Yuanfei was speechless standing outside the gate.

Isn't this antique doorbell too modern?Even 03 seems old.

Is the Tohsaka family a bunch of antiques?

Lin Yuanfei raised his head and looked at the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in the middle of the Tohsaka family's mansion.

There, the figures of several girls can be seen flashing away.

Then, the iron door in front of Lin Yuanfei opened automatically.

Appears to be remotely controlled.

After Lin Yuanfei walked in, he entered the small courtyard.

He looked left and right at this luxurious mansion of the Tohsaka family, and then saw a young maid came out to greet him.

"Hello, is this Mr. Lin Yuan? Miss and the others are waiting for you in the living room."

The maid bowed politely and led the way.

Lin Yuanfei shrugged, thinking that Rin Tohsaka in this world had a good life in his childhood.

In the world of fate, Rin Tosaka lives alone in such a large Tohsaka family mansion.

And here, there is actually a maid...

Sure enough, a daughter with a father is like a treasure, while a child without a father is like a grass.

Rin Tosaka with and without a father have different living standards.

Following the maid, Lin Yuanfei entered this luxurious mansion.

It seems that the area is much larger than that in the original animation of fate.

Under the guidance of the maid, Lin Yuanfei came to the entrance of the hall.

After the maid opened the door of the living room, the girls in the living room appeared in front of Lin Yuanfei.

"Miss, Mr. Lin Yuan is here."

The maid respectfully reported to someone in the living room.

The black-haired girl with twin ponytails stood up and said, "Okay, step back first."

Then the girl's examining eyes focused on Lin Yuanfei.

And Lin Yuanfei was also looking at each other.

Twin ponytails, long legs, and an excellent bust of a+, it's just... emmm... This is Rin Tohsaka?It's even prettier than imagined.

Lin Yuanfei curiously observed the beautiful girl in front of him.

While the two sides looked at each other, Tohsaka Rin's mouth evoked a mysterious smile.

"You are Lin Yuanfei? It's a little different from what I imagined."

The remaining three girls in the living room are all old acquaintances of Lin Yuanfei.

Yuki, Yuno, Saeko Busujima...they all stood up, it looked like they were sitting here drinking tea and chatting.

Cut... really leisurely.

Lin Yuanfei snorted disdainfully in his heart, I am not envious at all!

But Saeko Busushima looked at him with a worried look on her face.

"Lin Yuan-jun, where have you been? Why did you come back so late?"

Yuki moved his nose and frowned suddenly, "Lin Yuan-kun smells like other women!"

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