Yuji looked at Lin Yuanfei pitifully, and said, "Lin Yuan-jun, do you have such a beautiful fiancee? When will you get married? When you get married, can I go to congratulate you?"

"I...I promise, I will be obedient and I will never make trouble."

Yuki's pitiful appearance, like a little beast abandoned by others, made Lin Yuanfei feel guilty +max.

He looked at the four girls in front of him, sighed helplessly, and said, "I confess! I confess everything! I confess everything!"

In Lin Yuanfei's heart, that was a pain.

Why are the other protagonists pretending to be slapped in the face every day, copying a song casually, and immediately a bunch of girls will sacrifice themselves for love, it's so cool.

It's hard for me to pretend to be coercive once, although it's a bit awkward, but it's an act of coercion after all!Why is this the end?

Thinking back on the things I encountered along the way, it seems that I will be unlucky every time I end up pretending.

Am I incompatible with pretending?

Is it destiny that I will never be forced in this life?

Can't pretend in this life?

Youyou heaven, how thin you are to me!

I, Lin Yuanfei, swear, I will never pretend to be aggressive again in my life!

Lin Yuanfei shed tears of regret in his heart.

Like a criminal who confessed and lenient, he sat across from several girls and told the story of Tsuchimikado Orihime frankly.

Although because Tosaka Rin is here, Lin Yuanfei didn't say anything about his time travel, but only said that he didn't remember his fiancée at all after losing his memory.

Anyway, Yuki and the others could understand what he said.

Lin Yuanfei told all about how he met Orihime Tuyumen, how the other party pestered him, and how he responded to the other party's words in vain.

Lin Yuanfei looked at the girls sincerely and said after he met Yan Ye, ran into Tsuchimikado Suizan in the hospital, was entangled by Tsuchimikado Orihime, and Shimada Nobukatsu afterwards.

"The general situation is like this, do you have any questions?"

Lin Yuanfei was very well-behaved, as if striving for leniency.

After listening to Lin Yuanfei's narration, Saeko Busushima frowned.

"Miss Tuyumen's family... Lin Yuan-kun, you have caused a big trouble."

Rin Tohsaka couldn't help interjecting, "You Hayashibara group can still catch up with the Tsuchimikado family? It's amazing..."

Rin Tohsaka looked at him with admiration.

Lin Yuanfei was also very helpless, "I don't know how a rural underworld that Lin Yuan's group scooped up like this hooked up with the Tuyumen family. The situation is really troublesome now. The young lady of the Tuyumen family is a single-minded person. Guy, I can't do anything about her! If she comes over, are we really going to have a deadlock with the Tsuchimikado family?"

Tohsaka Rin had an innocent expression on his face, "Why did you bring me? I have nothing to do with this matter at all... How about Hayashi Yuan-kun, you just make up for it a little bit and just follow Ms. Tsuchimikado? Anyway, they are so She is beautiful and her family background is good, so you won't suffer at all."

After Rin Tohsaka said this, before Lin Yuanfei had time to say anything, Saeko Busujima and Yuki stood up at the same time.

"No!" X2

The excited reaction of the two girls startled Tohsaka Rin.

She looked at the two girls in front of her in surprise, and then at Lin Yuanfei, as if she had discovered some new continent.

But Saeko Busushima ignored Tohsaka Rin's reaction, and said to herself, "Hayashihara-kun will never succumb to the power of the Tsuchimikado family!"

Yuki also nodded again and again, "That's right, Hayashi Yuan-kun is the most proud, and he will never tolerate a woman like Miss Tsuchimikado. He will never submit to the power of the Tsuchimikado family!"

The two girls came to a conclusion confidently, while Lin Yuanfei beside him could only laugh dryly.

Having said so much, what else can Lin Yuanfei say?

He could only nod his head again and again, indicating that what you said made a lot of sense.

"So let's discuss a way to deal with Tsuchimikado Orihime."

Lin Yuanfei looked at June Feixue outside, and said, "But it's getting late, let's go home tonight. How about we talk about it tomorrow?"

Lin Yuanfei consulted the opinions of the three girls.

Tohsaka Rin blinked in surprise, "Eh? Go home? Lin Yuan-kun, are you going to take them to rest in your Lin Yuan team?"

"Uh... this..." Lin Yuanfei thought for a while and said, "No, I know an elder who also owns a property in Chiba City. Let's go find her."

Yuno looked stunned, "Yan Ye's mother is also in Chiba?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled and said, "You know everything... Yes, Yan Ye's mother is in Chiba. Before I came, she told me that everyone must go to her house tonight. She has I want to tell you something very important."

"That's it...well then," Yuno said with narrowed eyes, "I have no objection."

The three girls all understood the deep meaning of Lin Yuanfei's words.

It's not that Gui Manami wants to talk to them, but Lin Yuanfei has something very important to talk to them...

Author's message:

PS: In the last chapter, someone scolded me for cheating money with bilingual lyrics?

It's a pity that even if the bilingual lyrics were deleted in the last chapter, the price is still [-] words.

And the addition of those few lines of lyrics is still the price of two thousand words, and it doesn't affect anything at all.

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