Coupled with the friendship between Saeko and Tohsaka Rin, if you find Tohsaka Rin to confess everything, you may be able to learn more useful information from Tohsaka Rin.

As long as he finds out all of this and knows more about the team of the original owner of the body, Lin Yuanfei only needs to be careful to avoid it in the future.

Otherwise, it would be really bad if there was such a situation of ignorantly crashing into the opponent's layout again.

Lin Yuanfei didn't want to think that one day, because of his bad luck, he just plunged into the family whose body's original owner's team was about to exterminate, and was hacked to death on the spot after being identified.

He still wants to live longer...

The white car parked outside the villa, Lin Yuanfei directly opened the door and jumped out of the car, walking quickly to the villa.

In the villa, several girls were waiting for his return.

Seeing that Lin Yuanfei came back safely, the girls breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Lin Yuanfei didn't have time to enjoy this harem-like scene. After he opened the door and went in, he directly told the girls the intelligence and information he got from Tsuchimikado Orihime.

I also added a little bit of my own speculation.

After he introduced the situation concisely and clearly, Lin Yuanfei looked at the frowning Saeko Busujima.

Said, "Senior sister, can you contact Ms. Tosaka Rin now? She is the manager of the spiritual veins in Chiba City. If the group of exterminators are really in Chiba City, then the Tosaka family is definitely the next target. .We should have warned in advance."

Saeko Busujima was silent for a few seconds, then nodded, "I understand Hayashi Yuan-kun, I'll call Rin right now."

Saying that, Saeko Busujima took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of Tohsaka's house.

While everyone in the hall was waiting, Saeko Busujima's phone was connected.

But it was not Rin Tohsaka who answered the phone, but the maid of the Tohsaka family.

After listening to what Saeko Busujima wanted to find Tohsaka Rin, the maid said, "Sorry, Miss Busushima, our lady went out alone half an hour ago. We don't know where she is now, if you don't mind, wait until I'll call you when Miss comes back."

Hearing this reply, Saeko Busujima fell silent.

"Ok, thanks."

Saeko Busujima said, hung up the phone, and then looked at Lin Yuanfei.

"Rin went out alone half an hour ago, and the servants of the Tohsaka family don't know where she went..." Saeko Busujima said.

Lin Yuanfei felt a toothache when he heard it, "I guess I went out to deal with the matter of the spiritual vein... Could it be that Tohsaka Rin also knows about the ceremony? So when Tohsaka Tokiomi is not at home, let her handle it? Axi! Morning When we know we're in the Tohsaka family's mansion, we'll have a showdown with her."

Lin Yuanfei never thought that the Yuansaka family would be involved in this incident at all!

Otherwise, if we had a showdown with Rin Tohsaka at Tohsaka's house and explained the situation, maybe we would have exchanged information, but now it would be a completely different situation.

So it's really annoying not to have a God's perspective!Unknowingly, I missed such an important clue-Rin Tohsaka has been hacked to death after leaving the house for so long, right?

Lin Yuanfei bared his teeth with a headache on his face.

Yuno looked at him and asked, "So what should we do next? Perverted senior? Do you have any good suggestions?"

Lin Yuanfei raised his head, looked at the girls in front of him, was silent for a few seconds, and said, "We..."

"I'll take you to the Lingmai Center."

A sudden sentence immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Yuanfei and the others turned their heads in astonishment, and saw a girl named Tsuchimikado Orihime standing quietly at the gate, as if she had been there for a long time.

Lin Yuanfei didn't close the gate because Gui Manami hadn't come in yet.

But I didn't expect that Katsura Manami didn't come in, but Tsuchimikado Orihime appeared here.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded.

"Weiji? did you come here?"

The girl looked at him indifferently, and said, "Because I know you will never be really obedient, so come and take a look. If you want to go to Lingmai, I will take you there, although I am not familiar with the Lingmai in Chiba City. pulse, but relying on the onmyoji art passed down from generation to generation by the Tsuchimikado family, I can help you find it."

Lin Yuanfei looked at her in astonishment, "Didn't you say that you must never interfere in this matter?"

Tsuchimikado Orihime looked at him coldly, and said, "You are ready to intervene, can I stay out of it?"


Seeing Lin Yuanfei's silence, the girl added coldly, "If I am in any danger because of this incident, it will be your fault! Be responsible and mentally prepared in advance, you don't listen to people's advice guy."

Chapter 456 Lin Yuanfei Did Not Die in the Shura Field (6400/6600)

Seeing the girl standing at the door, Lin Yuanfei was surprised.

Especially the words spoken by the girl directly shocked his heart.

The moment he heard Zhi Ji say those words, his heart trembled - Oops!This is such a heart-pounding feeling!

But in the next second, Lin Yuanfei took a step back subconsciously, and said, "Well... Zhiji, although it makes me happy that you are willing to help..." But can you stop flirting in public?

Especially there are a bunch of little ancestors behind me, if you try to gain favor with them in front of them, isn't that a provocation?

The war is about to start, and the morale of the army cannot be shaken.

If there is no film over there, it will be a pot of porridge here first, and it will really be a piece of chicken feathers.

Lin Yuanfei expressed that it hurts.

Although Zhi Ji's words moved him very much, he no longer has bad feelings for this girl, and even has some appreciation and liking for this girl.

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