"By the way, Zhiji, since you are an onmyoji, can you help me find out the origin of my wooden knife?"

Lin Yuanfei untied the wooden knife from his waist, handed it to Zhi Ji, and said, "This wooden knife can kill ghosts and exorcise demons, so it should have some background?"

To be honest, Lin Yuanfei really cared about the wooden knife left behind during the two ceremonies.

Mainly to find out the origin.

After all, following him through many dungeons along the way, he is more or less an old buddy.

Now that I have met an expert like Zhi Ji, it is best to ask Zhi Ji about the origin of the wooden knife.

What if this wooden knife has some kind of undeveloped superpower?

For example, calling out his real name and releasing light cannons...

In the world of Xingyue, this kind of possibility is not impossible.

Chapter 457 The Origin of the Wooden Knife

It would be great if Lin Yuanfei's wooden knife could really emit light cannons.

In the future, if you are indecisive, you will fire a light cannon, and you will directly slap the city treasure, which is cool.

Of course, even if this wooden knife can't fire any light cannons, it would be good if you can be more clear about the usage of the wooden knife.

So far, Lin Yuanfei knew that wooden knives can fight ghosts, and after smearing blood on the blades, they can be blessed with sharp attributes to kill evil spirits, but he doesn't know anything else.

But even the sharp attribute of this blessing is very inconvenient.

Lin Yuanfei still remembered that the last time he brushed Sadako on Torimijima, the blood on the blade was washed away by the heavy rain.

At that time, if Yuki hadn't secretly used telekinesis to form a cover in the sky to block the rain, Lin Yuanfei would have been cold.

Lin Yuanfei didn't want to encounter similar things in the future.

It's best to find a way to kill ghosts without smearing blood.

So he handed the wooden knife to Zhi Ji, hoping that the young lady of Onmyoji could give some constructive advice.

After the girl took the wooden knife, she stroked the handle and blade of the wooden knife first, and after pondering for a few seconds, the girl's right hand lightly pressed on the handle of the wooden knife.

Then, chant something in a low voice.

I saw a faint golden light appearing on the blade of the wooden knife.

In other words, it wasn't the golden light, but a golden character appeared at the junction of the wooden knife blade and the handle.

The soft golden light is emitted by this character.

Zhi Ji looked at this character and said, "This is the ghost flame wooden sword that has been lost for many years... Where did you find it? This sword has been missing for at least a hundred years."

"Uh...Ghost Flame Wooden Knife?" Lin Yuanfei scratched his head, expressing that he had never heard of this thing.

Orihime explained, "This wooden sword comes from the Heian period. Although it has a little reputation, it's not that famous. You haven't heard of it before."

"The ghost flame wooden knife is a wooden knife made of wooden boards stained with the blood of evil spirits. It has the magical ability to slay ghosts and demons. Its forger was an unknown swordsmith in the Heian period."

"During the Heian period, evil spirits were rampant. There was an evil spirit named Ibaraki Doji under the ghost king Shuten Doji of Oe Mountain. She was the only survivor who escaped after the exorcism general Minamoto Raimitsu wiped out all the ghosts in Oe Mountain. "

"After the demise of all the ghosts in Mt. Oe, Ibaraki Doji attacked Watanabe Takeshi, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Raikou, at the Rashomon Gate in Beijing for revenge."

"Ibaraki Doji turned into a beauty to confuse Watanabe, but in the final battle, she lost to Watanabe and had a wrist severed."

"The blood splashed out when the evil ghost's arm was cut off polluted a wooden plank on the bridge deck. Afterwards, this wooden plank was taken away by an unknown craftsman and cast into this ghost-flame wooden knife by special means."

"Although it has been thousands of years, the resentment and pain that Ibaraki-douji suffered when he lost his arm are still sealed in this wooden knife, giving it the power to touch evil spirits and monsters."

"It can be said that this is an ominous sword for exterminating demons, so it is not welcomed by people, and few people are willing to use it. Therefore, it has no prestige, and there are no outstanding achievements to be passed on. Even in the Before this, it had been missing for hundreds of years."

"But even so, not many people will go after it."

Zhi Ji looked back and forth at the wooden knife in her hand, and finally returned it to Lin Yuanfei, asking in confusion, "Where did you find this wooden knife?"

"Uh... this..." Lin Yuanfei glanced at Yuki, but saw that Yuki also looked astonished, obviously this was the first time he knew the story of the wooden knife.

So he could only sigh helplessly, and said, "I accidentally picked it up in Raccoon City... how about it? Is this wooden knife very powerful?"

Zhi Ji shook her head, "Of course it's not powerful, because it doesn't have any additional power. If it can simply dispel vengeful spirits, many things can achieve the same effect."

"But if it's only used as a weapon for killing ghosts and demons, it's enough for you."

"If you smear blood on the blade, it can even have the sharpness property of killing all the evil spirits it comes into contact with. This knife is in perfect harmony with your flying swordsmanship."

Zhi Ji said, "Probably for a swordsman like you, this wooden knife is the most practical weapon."

Lin Yuanfei was very helpless, "Then what if it rains? Isn't there nothing to do when it rains?"

Zhi Ji looked at him with a confused face, "Why do you insist on picking a rainy day to get rid of demons? Can't you just find a sunny day? Even if you want to find a rainy day, you can still be indoors, right? Spirit fighting? Isn't that weird?"

Zhi Ji's complaints made Lin Yuanfei roll his eyes wildly - that's not what I want to fight against the wraiths in the rain!

Little girl, don't you know that there is a saying in this world that people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes?

A pampered young lady like you will never be able to understand the pain of a hard-working traveler who has passed through multiple copies in seven days.

"It seems that there is no other way except to smear the blood," Lin Yuanfei sighed, saying that his expectation was in vain.He also counted on Zhi Ji to teach him how to kill ghosts without smearing blood.

But Zhi Ji looked at his wooden knife, thought for a few seconds, and suddenly asked, "You said you picked up this wooden knife in Raccoon City... where did you pick it up in Raccoon City? Do you know that there is a wooden knife in Raccoon City? Someone named Hiraki Yagishita?"

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