"So that when Ba Dao Zhai rushed up to kill me, I was almost powerless to fight back and was killed by him."

"Such a death is humiliating and ridiculous. I died tragically as a coward. I am ashamed of what I have learned, my comrades-in-arms, and my teacher."

"After my death, I couldn't let go of this matter, and finally turned into a resentful spirit."

"Today I am honored to meet the descendants of Feitian Yujianliu. I just want to learn the sword skills of the descendants of Feicun Badaozhai. I want to face off with Feitian Yujianliu's swordsmanship in a dignified way, so as to make up for my last regret during my lifetime."

"Even if you die here, you will have no regrets..."

While Shikigami was speaking softly, he had already raised his long and narrow samurai sword.

Lin Yuanfei looked helpless.

"But Feicun Jianxin has nothing to do with Feitian Yujianliu, and I'm not his descendant."

"That guy said that the sword is a murder weapon, and sword skills are a trick to kill people. The new era of peace does not require the existence of sword skills, so he is unwilling to inherit the flying sword style."

"He has no disciples at all, let alone any heirs!"

"He married a woman who was happy in Shengu and had children. If you want to find the descendants of Feicun Jianxin, you have to find someone who is happy in Shengu."

"Even his saber, the strongest posthumous work of the famous craftsman Arai Chikong at the end of the Bakumura [Reverse Blade Sword Shinda], was handed down by Himura Kenshin to Myokami Yahiko of Kamiya Goshinryu."

"That guy is not the successor of the Feitian Yujian style at all. If you want to find his successor, you have to find someone from the Shengu Huoxing style!"

Lin Yuanfei expelled Feitian Yujianliu from Feicun Jianxin with two words.

The shikigami in front of him was startled, with a blank expression on his face, "Is...is that so?"

Zhi Ji behind Lin Yuanfei frowned.

"Lin Yuan, haven't you already lost your memory? Why do you remember this kind of thing so clearly?" Zhi Ji asked in public very shamelessly.

Lin Yuanfei was stuck for a second, and then said, "Even if it is amnesia, there will still be a little memory left... More or less, I still remember some things."

Lin Yuanfei said in a serious manner, as if making a lot of sense.

Zhi Ji curled her lips and stopped talking.

After Shikigami thought for a few seconds, he spoke here.

"But even as you said, you still use the same killing sword technique as Feicun Badaozhai."

"So even if it's you, it's okay..."

Shikigami exhaled a dark evil breath lightly, and murmured, "This time, I will never back down or escape."

"Boy, your name is Lin Yuan, right? Let's have an upright duel between men."

Shikigami stared at Lin Yuanfei, and said, "If you win, I will let you in."

Lin Yuanfei looked at it, thought for a while, leaned into Zhiji's ear, and asked in a low voice.

"Will the Shikigami's strength be greatly strengthened compared to what it was in life?"

Regarding this, Zhi Ji shook her head, "Generally speaking, it will not be stronger than it was in life. Even the shikigami made by the great onmyoji have limited strength, and this type of ghost spirit shikigami will not be stronger than it was in life. How much stronger."

"Then if I fight with it, should I fight with the exorcism wooden knife, or with a real knife?" Lin Yuanfei asked.

"Shikigami is not an evil spirit, you can kill it with Kikyo Fairy Fuyuki," Zhi Ji gave the answer.

"Okay, I know what's going on," Lin Yuanfei nodded and said, "This unknown Mr. Shikigami, I agree to your invitation to a duel."

The corner of Shikigami's mouth curled up into a smile, "Aren't you running away?"

Lin Yuanfei shrugged his shoulders, "A man, what kind of a hero is he if he runs away? Let's bet on the glory and fight! Today we will not only compete, but also decide life and death!"

Shikigami laughed.

"It's a good one who can decide who is superior and who can decide whether to live or die! Good! Let me learn your sword skills today..."

As Shikigami drew his sword, a gloomy cold wind blew from the other side of the tunnel, chilling the bones.

This is not the cold wind in the cave, but the cold resentment that has not dissipated from the ghost for a hundred years, spreading with the sword of Shikigami.

The girls behind Lin Yuanfei all backed away and opened a safe distance, leaving the stage of the battle to Lin Yuanfei.

In the biting cold wind, Lin Yuanfei slowly grasped the scabbard of the platycodon xiandongyue, and made a gesture of drawing the saber.

Seeing his appearance, Shikigami's eyes froze slightly.

"Blade drawing? Are you going to have a duel with me?"

Lin Yuanfei shook his head, "Your Excellency, please do whatever you want. You don't need to use the knife drawing technique like me. You can just make the move first."

Shikigami's hand holding the knife tightened slightly, "You are looking down on me..."

But in the next second, Shikigami smiled and shook his head again, "It's just a cowardly undead who died under Feitian Yujian Liudao, how can he have the qualifications to be looked down upon by others?"

Holding up the knife in his hand, Shikigami's expression finally turned into a cold and unfeeling expression.

"Today, let me truly experience how powerful the legendary Flying Sword Style is!"

Seeing him like this, Lin Yuanfei twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "I wanted to use Feitian Yujianliu's strongest mysteries to fight you, what are you thinking..."

I sent you to the ground with good intentions!

Shikigami looked at him, but his expression no longer changed.

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