As for who the girl is... emmm...

Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhiji in front of him, and the two looked at each other.

Zhi Ji was very calm.

"Are you awake? Can you get up?"

Lin Yuanfei nodded subconsciously.

Then Orihime helped him up by holding his shoulders.

Only then did Lin Yuanfei see the surrounding snow clearly.

Here, is a barren and empty snow field, not far away, is a dry well.

A young priest named Kotomine Shiro was lying on the mouth of the dry well and looking inside, but he didn't know what he was doing.

As for my wife and sisters...

"Where's Yuki?" Lin Yuanfei panicked, "Where did Yuki go?"

Zhi Ji glanced at him and said, "The two sisters went out to explore the way, and they should be back soon."

Only then did Lin Yuanfei heave a sigh of relief, "It seems that everyone is fine, it's great... By the way, what happened? Where is this place? How long have I been in a coma?"

As soon as Lin Yuanfei opened his mouth, he asked a lot of questions.

Zhi Ji answered word by word.

"We walked through the leylines of Chiba City through the priest's magic circle, and now we came to a leyline connected to the previous Tohsaka family's leylines."

"As for you, you fainted when you entered the magic circle. Up to probably fainted for about five minutes."

Orihime said so.

Lin Yuanfei breathed a sigh of relief.

After regaining control of his body, he immediately tried to wake up.

Sure enough, there was not too long a delay.

The most feared thing these days is that time will kill.

If you open your eyes and find that Yukorihime is all dead after decades, then you'll be fucked.

Since he was only in a coma for about five minutes, it shouldn't delay any major events.

Lin Yuanfei looked at Zhiji beside him and asked.

"Then let's get out of here quickly. Yuki and the others are going to find the way...what kind of way? Also, Father Kotomine, why do you keep looking into that dry well? Is there anything interesting in it?"

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Zhiji had a strange expression on her face.

Kotomine Shirou retracted his head from the dry well, turned around and looked at the guy who had just woken up.


"I'm looking to see if I can jump right into this well..."

Lin Yuanfei was stunned by Yanfeng Shirou's words.

"Huh? Jump in? What are you doing? Throw yourself into a well?"

Kotomine Shirou shrugged and said nothing.

Zhi Ji opened his mouth to explain.

"We're stuck here."

Orihime said, "This ground vein is the main reason for the abnormal climate change in Chiba City. The large-scale ceremony that is unfolding started here."

"And we rushed in hastily, and we can't get out."

"When the ceremony started, this place became an absolutely closed area. You can enter but cannot exit."

"The choice we can make now is to wait for the ceremony to end, or to destroy the ceremony and stop the ceremony. Then this closed space will disappear naturally, and we can return to the real world."

After Zhi Ji finished speaking, Lin Yuanfei scratched his head.

"That is to say...we ran to the right place by mistake? Is this the center of the ceremony? Is the spirit vein of the Tohsaka family really not related to the ongoing ceremony in Chiba City?"

Orihime nodded.

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while, then jumped up instantly.

"Fuck! That Yamamura Sadako..."

He subconsciously grabbed his knife, then picked up the backpack in the snow, and said, "It's such a dangerous place, call Yuki and the others back!"

Lin Yuanfei panicked, "Don't you know the rule of death in horror movies?"

As soon as Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Yuki and Yuno slowly appeared in the woods.

After seeing Lin Yuanfei, Yuki immediately ran over happily.

"Lin Yuan-jun, are you awake?" Yuji ran to Lin Yuanfei, touched and looked at Lin Yuanfei excitedly, and asked with concern, "Are you feeling uncomfortable? Why did you faint suddenly?" ?”

Will I tell you because of the substitution...

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