"It's time to end all of this."

"I, Lin Yuanfei, would rather die standing up! Never live on my knees!"

"Whoever stops me will die!"

⑥ The sword that destroys everything

Chapter 478


Ten days after Lin Yuanfei crossed.

It has been 14 hours since Lin Yuanfei woke up in Chiba City.

The icy white snow enveloped the entire city of Chiba.

Amidst the heavy snowfall, the residents of the city were amazed at the out-of-season snowfall.

Even though it was the hottest summer of the year, it was snowing as heavy as a feather in Chiba City.

This weird climate anomaly has already become news spread all over Japan.

While people are marveling at the wonders of the world, more people are still focusing on a series of hidden problems that have recently appeared in umbrella companies.

The Resident Evil in Raccoon City still made public opinion noisy.

Gui Yanye, a girl recuperating in the Chiba Municipal Hospital, still caught the eyes of the whole world.

But something else was going on outside the eyes of those reporters.

The comatose Tohsaka Rin slowly opened his eyes, and found himself lying on a big soft bed at home, not far from the window, was his father's familiar back.

The girl was startled, and subconsciously stood up, startling the pensive man by the window.

After the man turned around, he looked at his daughter on the bed.

Rin looked surprised, "Father, you... you went to the Clock Tower, didn't you?"

"I rushed back temporarily," Tosaka Tokiomi said, "I heard that something unusual happened in Chiba City, so I rushed back immediately...Rin, are you okay?"

Rin looked at his father's familiar but seemingly strange face, and nodded in a daze.

"No...it's fine."

The next second, she seemed to think of something, and said a little excitedly, "Father, the spirit vein is underground..."

"I know, it's been dealt with, you don't have to worry," Tosaka Tokiomi gently stroked his daughter's hair, and whispered, "Now, you just need to have a good rest. The next thing is left to father Right. Rin has worked very hard, it's time to rest."

Tohsaka Tokiomi gently stroked, Rin lowered his head in a daze, "Understood, Father..."

While Tosaka Tokiomi comforted his daughter, Tsuchimikado Toshizo found out that Orihime had disappeared.

Listening to the report from the people below, Tsuchimikado Toizo in pajamas was silent for a few seconds.

He said, "Did you leave with the young master of the Lin Yuan group... I know."

He looked out of the window, looking at the flying snow in the city sky outside the window, Tsuchimikado Toizan let out a soft sigh of relief.

"I will send someone to look for her, don't worry. Zhi Ji has always been calm and will not take risks easily."

"Don't worry about her safety."



The cold snow fell from the sky one after another.

Lin Yuanfei pushed open the gate of the temple, looked at the deserted temple in front of him, and exhaled white mist.

Behind him, Yuki poked his head in for a second look, then blinked.

"There is no one in this temple..."

Lin Yuanfei smiled, "It would be strange if there were people."

With that said, Lin Yuanfei pushed the door open and walked in.

Behind him, Yuno followed behind Yuki, but Orihime did not follow, but stood at the gate of the temple a few meters away and looked at the mountain gate of the temple.

A little farther away, the young priest Kotomine Shiro was yawning, looking very sleepy.

As for the little girl Sadako Yamamura who led the way, she sat on the big rock by the roadside and said with a look of disgust.

"Are you here for a tour? You have to take a look after passing the temple... Lin Yuanfei, are you not in a hurry to find Sadako Yamamura?"

Lin Yuanfei smiled slightly, "Don't you know that you can see far from standing high? This is the highest place nearby. What's the matter if I stand on a high place and look at the map first? Even if you want to open up wasteland and refresh the dungeon, you have to look at the map, right?"

Lin Yuanfei said so confidently.

And Xiao Zhenzi snorted with disdain, obviously too lazy to talk to him.

So in the end, the only ones who followed Lin Yuanfei into the temple were my wife and sister.

Zhi Ji stood at the entrance of the mountain, seeming to be studying the shape of the mountain gate, but like a silent guard, forbidding anyone to approach.

But Lin Yuanfei walked into the temple with Yuki and Yuno without any worries.

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