"Can you two calm down? A lolita, a fake priest full of nonsense...there is no such sentence in the Bible, right?" Lin Yuanfei complained speechlessly.

The group of people just descended to the end of the stone steps and came to an empty road.

Kotomine Shirou said seriously.

"Although there may not be this sentence in the Bible, God must have said so in his heart. As a loyal servant of the Lord, you must learn to understand the Lord's thoughts instead of passively listening to the Lord's words. Only by doing this One point is a qualified servant of God."

Lin Yuanfei was speechless.

"Where did you come from, the leader of the cult... Just like you, you are definitely the character of the leader of the cult. It is a miracle that the people of the Holy Church have endured you for so long."

Kotomine Shiro grinned, "This proves that no one in the church is full of prejudice against me like Mr. Hayashi Yuan. As the saying goes, prejudice is the only obstacle to human progress and development. Mr. Hayashi Yuan looks at people through colored glasses, and it is easy to be mistaken." It's a problem."

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes straight, "Your crooked ways are really one set... Forget it, you can play as you like, I don't have time to talk to you."

Lin Yuanfei looked at Yuki and Zhihime beside him, "Do you feel anything wrong?"

Lin Yuanfei asked like this.

At this time, they had already entered the urban area of ​​Chiba City on foot, and there was still snow falling in the sky, and the icy cold wind was blowing over the city.

Lin Yuanfei consulted the opinions of the two girls around him.

These two girls, one is the daughter of the devil and a superpower of the spiritual system, and the other is a descendant of Abe Seimei and a girl with a family background.

In this kind of place related to evil ghosts and resentful spirits, asking them is the most reliable choice.

Lin Yuanfei had already given up hope for the lolita Yamamura Sadako beside him.

This guy is like a mascot, apart from being cute, he feels useless at all.

After Lin Yuanfei asked, Yuki frowned and pondered for a while, then shook his head, "There seems to be nothing wrong..."

Zhi Ji looked around and said, "The streets here are so old."

"Uh...is there any more?" Lin Yuanfei asked.

Zhi Ji shook her head, "Other than that, I can't feel anything. I haven't felt the breath of the resentful spirit for the time being."

After looking around, Yuno said, "This place is not the same as Chiba City... Is the block here very old? Why does it look like the street more than ten years ago?"

Lin Yuanfei was stunned, "Can you feel it too?"

Yuno looked disdainful, "Japan in the [-]s is completely different from Japan in the [-]st century. At least the content of the billboards on the street will definitely not be the same."

"Look carefully, these billboards that have appeared are all selling antiques that were only available more than ten or twenty years ago. How could it be a city in the [-]st century?"

Yuno said so.

Kotomine Shiro also said with a smile, "When my wife says this, I feel something is wrong... The streets here do have the feeling of more than ten years ago."

Lin Yuanfei stroked his chin and thought for a while, "Ten years ago? Enrollment... Bah! Showa? Are you all from the Showa era?"

Everyone was astonished, "Why can't we be people from the Showa era?"

"Uh... well, so this city is actually built more than ten years ago? Isn't it built according to the current Chiba?" Lin Yuanfei asked, "Sadako Yamamura is based on the Chiba she remembers. city ​​to shape this city?"

Xiao Zhenzi nodded seriously, "It's very likely so."

And at this moment, Yuki suddenly pointed in one of the directions in horror.

"Wait! Look there!"

Everyone hurriedly looked in the direction she pointed, but they could only see the empty streets and nothing.

Lin Yuanfei frowned, "What did you see?"

Yuki hesitated for a few seconds, a little uneasy.

"I... I saw a black shadow... but it disappeared all of a sudden. I don't know if it's an illusion."

Lin Yuanfei glanced over there again, but didn't speak.

Zhi Ji had already pulled out the palm-sized Si Nan, placed it in front of her eyes, and observed it carefully.

Then he said, "There is still no aura of spirit body or resentful ghost."

Lin Yuanfei thought for a while and said, "I'll go and have a look."

As he spoke, Lin Yuanfei slowly approached the corner of the street with a knife in hand.

Then, he saw a dummy lying on the corner of the street.

It was the kind of mannequin that is often seen in shop windows, wearing a set of strange clothes, just lying stiffly on the street.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuanfei heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's just a dummy," Lin Yuanfei said, "You all come here, there is no danger."

Author's message:

PS: Calvin... I'm stuck until now, it's uncomfortable

Chapter 484 Double Body Curse

"It's just a dummy, you all come here, it's okay."

Hearing Lin Yuanfei's words, the girls all came over.

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