Zhi Ji glanced at her, and said calmly, "I'm his fiancée, is there any problem with giving him a gift?"



The atmosphere was stiff for a few seconds.

Visible to the naked eye, Yuki's expression seemed to be stung, and it was rare to show an angry look.

Lin Yuanfei hurriedly spoke before Yuki got angry.

"No need, no need," Lin Yuanfei said hastily, "Just give this diary to you. If it can be made into a shikigami, then you can keep it for yourself. You are an onmyoji, and you are more skilled than me. A diary is more useful in your hand, too."

Zhi Ji glanced at him and asked, "Are you sure? The shikigami refined from this powerful curse is a very rare familiar. Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

Lin Yuanfei laughed awkwardly, "Sure, sure, accept it quickly, don't ask any more."

If you keep pushing, Yuki will get angry.

Although Yuki looks very gentle, she can get angry occasionally.

The only thing that Lin Yuanfei is grateful for now is that Gui Yanye and Saeko Busujima are not here. If Yuki is only jealous, it is not a big problem.

Otherwise, the harem would really be on fire and be in a state of desperation.

...Although strictly speaking, none of the girls in this group of "harems" had a super-friendly relationship with Lin Yuanfei.

And Zhiji took a deep look at Lin Yuanfei, and said, "Since you are willing, then I will accept it."

As the girl said, she put away the small knife, bit her own finger, and smeared the blood on the blank talisman paper attached to the cover of the diary.

A strange symbol was daubed out.

"Hurry up as a law!"

Amidst the girl's low voice, the blood-smeared symbol glowed dark red.

Then, with the talisman paper as the center, the dark red lines began to spread around, and then quickly covered the entire diary, and finally spread into the inside of the notebook like extending blood vessels.

Soon, the human skin diary turned into a strange object full of dark red and strange patterns.

After the girl saw this scene, she nodded and put the diary into the pouch on her waist.

Said, "Okay."

The girl looked at the crowd waiting on the side, and said, "We can continue to set off."

So Kotomine Shirou, who had been watching the play for a long time, shook his head helplessly, and walked over, "Should I do the hard work? It's really sad... As a holy priest, it's sad to do such a thing!"

Amidst Kotomine Shirou's emotional voice, he put Lin Yuanfei's backpack on the ground and put it on his back.

Lin Yuanfei gave him a sideways glance, and said, "There has never been a savior, and there has never been a fairy emperor. Even being a priest doesn't mean you have to be superior to others... Father Yanfeng, your ideas are very bad! Full of petty bourgeois You should go to the countryside to receive reform and re-education from the poor and lower-middle peasants!"

As Lin Yuanfei complained, the wind and snow in the sky suddenly increased.

The wind and snow, which was originally considered gentle, suddenly enveloped the entire city like a blizzard.

The huge snowstorm made it impossible to see clearly what was three meters away.

The blizzard that fell at this moment made Kotomine Shirou look helpless.

"So don't talk nonsense..." Kotomine Shirou looked at Lin Yuanfei helplessly, "Look, talk nonsense, you will be punished."

Chapter 486 Cross Wounds

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes frantically during Yanfeng Shirou's complaints.

"What does this have to do with me?"

Lin Yuanfei stood in the sudden blizzard and said, "It's going to snow and the girl is going to get married. Is this something I can control? Don't throw dirty water around. If I can change the weather with just a few words, then Why am I still standing here? Just change my job and become a magician, I don’t know how much money I will make!”

After Lin Yuanfei finished speaking, Kotomine Shirou shook his head with a smile.

"Mr. Lin Yuan is the one who smells like a petty bourgeoisie. He only thinks about making money. He doesn't look like a proletarian at all."

Lin Yuanfei was too lazy to bicker with this guy.

He turned to look at Yuki behind him.

"Yuki, let's go...uh..."

Looking at the empty street behind him, Lin Yuanfei was dumbfounded.

"Fuck? Where's the person?"

In the violent snowstorm, although the street three meters away could not be seen clearly, at least the nearby scene could still be seen clearly.

But the girls standing behind him all disappeared.

After Lin Yuanfei turned around, he could only see the empty streets and the whistling snowstorm.

In this world where blizzard covered everything, he could no longer see any human figure.

Yuki, Yuno, Orihime, and even the little girl Sadako disappeared.

It seemed that those girls had never appeared behind him, and there were no figures in the empty streets.

Only the icy wind and snow whizzed past his vision.

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