Standing at the intersection of the street, looking at the bustling commercial street in front of him, Kotomine Shirou looked at Lin Yuanfei beside him, "Mr. Lin Yuan, do you think we have returned to the real world? In this false world, So there are so many living people?"

Lin Yuanfei frowned and looked at the scene in front of him, thought for a few seconds, and closed his eyes.

【Hey, Freddy, do you feel anything? 】

A surprised voice sounded in Lin Yuanfei's ear.

【what?Little samurai, do you still remember me?Hehehe... You haven't looked for me for so long, I thought you forgot about Uncle Freddy. 】

【...Stop talking nonsense, do you feel anything?Why are there so many people in the commercial street in front? 】

【Hmm... well... Uncle Freddy didn't feel anything anyway, I think it's all normal, these people are all alive.If there is any danger, Uncle Freddy will definitely take the initiative to warn you. Don't you give Uncle Freddy this trust?Uncle Freddy is so sad. 】

Hearing Freddy's answer, Lin Yuanfei was silent for a few seconds.

Then said.

"These seem to be real living people, not evil spirits."

Lin Yuanfei opened his eyes and said so.

Kotomine Shirou next to him looked surprised, "Eh? Are you so sure? Does Mr. Hayashi Yuan also know Yin Yang?"

Lin Yuanfei glanced at him and said, "It's just a hunch... Do you feel something is wrong?"

Kotomine Shirou smiled helplessly, "Didn't you say that? I'm just an ordinary person without any supernatural power. Why don't you believe it, Mr. Hayashibara?"

Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes - that's right, ordinary people, "ordinary people" who have survived for more than two minutes under the pursuit of the follower Fei Cun Kenshin, you are really ordinary enough.

Standing at the intersection and taking a look, Lin Yuanfei said, "Let's go in and have a look."

Lin Yuanfei drew out the two knives from his waist, like a dual-wielding warrior about to go berserk.

Said, "If there is any problem, then we will definitely find it when we go in."

With that said, he walked in first.

Kotomine Shirou behind him looked surprised.

"Eh? Are you so upright? Mr. Lin Yuan, this commercial street looks so weird, are you sure we really want to go in?"

Lin Yuanfei, who had already walked into the commercial street, said without turning his head, "Could it be that we have to take a detour? Do you know how troublesome the detour is? Or are you planning to leave the team alone?"

With that said, Lin Yuanfei had already walked into the crowd in the commercial street.

Seeing this scene, Kotomine Shirou hurriedly followed, and also stepped into the commercial street.

Said, "Wait for me! Mr. Lin Yuan, wait for me!"

Amid Kotomine Shirou's shouts, both of them stepped into the commercial street and blended into the crowd of people coming and going.

Author's message:

PS: It’s the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket blade~~

If you have monthly tickets and blades, throw them here, don't waste them

Chapter 491 Magic Show

In the busy commercial street, Lin Yuanfei walked slowly among the crowd with a wooden sword in his left hand and a samurai sword in his right.

Behind him, followed a young priest full of tension.

After the two walked into the commercial street, they blended into the crowd.

Looking at the people coming and going all around, Kotomine Shirou lowered his voice and said in a low voice.

"Hey... Mr. Lin Yuan, why do I feel like we are trying to die."

"No matter how you look at this place, it feels very weird. We still drilled into it... Isn't this a dead end?"

Kotomine Shiro expressed his concern.

Lin Yuanfei said calmly, "What are you afraid of? Don't you know that there is an old Chinese saying that if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you catch a tiger's cub?"

Kotomine Shirou froze for a moment, "Tiger...Tiger lair? Which lair?"

Kotomine Shirou smiled awkwardly, "Think about it carefully, although this sentence is indeed very reasonable, Chinese people speak so pornographicly?"

Lin Yuanfei almost vomited blood.

"Pornography, you uncle!" Lin Yuanfei said with a black face, "Where did you think? Can you think a little more normally? Aren't you a priest? Why are you thinking so pornographic... You are really a priest ? Are you a priest from the Lifan plane?"

Kotomine Shirou smiled helplessly.

"Then what does this sentence mean?"

"It means... I'm too lazy to explain to you," Lin Yuanfei rolled his eyes and said, "In short, the more dangerous the place, the safer the place. Do you know why?"

Kotomine Shirou shook his head.

"I don't understand... because when you eliminate all dangers, naturally only the safest place remains."

Lin Yuanfei looked at the busy street in front of him, and smiled brightly, "So if this street is dangerous, if we just demolish it, wouldn't there be no danger?"

Amid Lin Yuanfei's bright smile, Kotomine Shirou was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Hayashi Yuan really...doesn't take the usual way," Kotomine Shiro said with a sigh, "Well, I've already entered anyway. I'll go with Mr. Hayashi Yuan to find out the details of this tiger's lair."

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