All the bricks and rubble were blown away by the shock wave, leaving only the bare dirt potholes. After hearing Lin Yuanfei's cold whisper, "Brother Cheng" showed a sneer expression on his face.

"Give up, Lin Yuan, as I said, no matter how many times you try again, you have no chance of winning!"

"Brother Cheng" laughed wildly with confidence, "You will never break through this barrier!"

In the strong wind, icy wind and snow fell on Lin Yuanfei's hair.

He looked at the evil spirit in front of him and said with a smirk, "It will never be broken? Are you so sure?"

"Today, I will teach you a truth. In this world, there will never be a barrier that will never be broken!"

Lin Yuanfei said, and slowly closed his eyes.

Then, there was a few seconds of silence.

The cold wind whizzed past his body.

But the tower-like strong man remained motionless as if rooted there.

Like a real iron tower.

The moment he opened his eyes again, the whole world seemed to have changed.

A cold gust of wind howled and shrouded the place.

The endless sword intent swept across everyone's body like a bone-chilling cold current, and even made the skin feel painful as if it had been cut by a blade.

"Brother Cheng" finally showed a look of astonishment on his face.

It looked at Lin Yuanfei in disbelief, looked at Lin Yuanfei whose temperament had changed drastically, and seemed to be a completely different person, with an expression of disbelief.

" are..."

"Brother Cheng" even stuttered in his voice.

Because it couldn't figure out what happened at all, let alone what happened to the man in front of him.

It only knows that the moment Lin Yuanfei closed his eyes and opened them again, it seemed that the whole world seemed dwarfed in this man's eyes.

The knife in his hand was obviously a wooden knife, but under the icy sword intent, it gave people a sense of horror like a magic weapon.

The sharp blade seems to be able to cut someone's eyeball at a glance, making people afraid to look directly at its sharpness.


The strongest swordsman.

The moment the strongest swordsman woke up, the whole world seemed small in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, "Brother Cheng" retreated subconsciously.

Although the expression on its face was still weird, its backing movement clearly expressed its uneasiness.

However, Lin Yuanfei was indifferent to this.

The moment he opened his eyes, this silent man, an indifferent swordsman, became a ruthless killing machine, without any emotion.

He slowly raised the wooden knife in his hand, pointed the tip of the knife at "Brother Cheng" in front of him, and aimed at the invisible barrier between the two.

Then, Lin Yuan flew.

A moment of stepping is like a cosmic explosion, and the violent momentum carries terrifying waves.

In the area where he stood, there was a terrifying explosion on the ground, and countless fragments of bricks and tiles splashed all around.

In the turbulent and violent airflow, Lin Yuanfei's figure rushed into the sky.

Then, in the extremely fast air friction, the wooden knife that had even ignited flames was chopped off by him forcefully.

The ferocious sword intent and endless killings all shone in the sky.

The violent sword moves of Feitian Yujianliu reappeared!

Flying sword flow!Dragon hammer flashes!

The berserk sword move that descended from the sky carried an irresistible terrifying aura.

Just like Mount Tai collapsed in front of his eyes, the endless fierce sword energy slanted down at the same time in an instant!

Rumble rumble! ! !

On the ancient streets, a huge explosion occurred that shook the world.

The turbulent and endless shock wave even spread to the group of ghosts more than ten meters away.

Wherever the sword light went, the shock wave trembled.

The two walls on both sides of the street collapsed in an instant, and were directly shattered by the shock wave. Countless rubble flew to the outer periphery further away.

Where the shock wave spread, it even directly shattered several rooms behind the wall.

Even Kotomine Shirou, who couldn't dodge in time, was swept away by the aftermath of the shock wave and was blown away.

There was an unbelievable cry.

"Damn it! Lin Yuan! You..."

Kotomine Shirou looked at the scene behind him in disbelief, and was so frightened that he couldn't even utter words of astonishment.

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